
"Baby straight" is coming! The audience of infant aesthetics is alive again! Women should not be limited to one kind of aesthetics

author:See Yun Shuxuan

A few days ago, the term "baby straight" sparked a lot of discussion. I clicked in and found that this is actually a novel "beauty method", and the audience who pursues childish beauty has made a new move. The term "baby straight", which is just a new way of making up makeup, has been tried by some fashionistas and has been well received, and has gradually become popular in niche circles.

"Baby straight" is coming! The audience of infant aesthetics is alive again! Women should not be limited to one kind of aesthetics

But recently, "Baby Straight" has ushered in an unprecedented craze. Major Internet celebrities have recommended "baby straight" eyelashes in PO articles, and at the same time, the new generation of idol dramas also adopt this "baby-type" appearance standard. This seems to have made "baby straight" grow by storm and become a hot search term on major platforms, and some deformed aesthetic concepts are hidden behind this "craze".

"Baby straight" emphasizes being small, which is basically consistent with the aesthetic standard of emphasizing "white, young and thin" in recent years. It satisfies some people's pursuit of a "royal sister cute" appearance, but at the same time, it also gradually cultivates the aesthetics of appreciating "childish beauty" in society. "Baby Straight" has been touted by major Internet celebrities in turn, and it seems to be carrying out an invisible "brainwashing".

"Baby straight" is coming! The audience of infant aesthetics is alive again! Women should not be limited to one kind of aesthetics

It has become an aesthetic standard that all girls should emulate, which makes many people unconsciously have an inferiority complex that is out of touch with them, which is a reinvention of a harmful "collective aesthetic". The long-term emphasis on the aesthetic standards of "childishness" and "smallness" can easily lead to the misunderstanding that "adult women need to develop a childlike appearance" in society.

In fact, each stage should have an independent and diverse set of aesthetic standards. Emphasizing an "never old" appearance archetype would be a morbid anti-aging complex. At first glance, "baby straight" is a popular word, but if it can become a tool to guide public opinion, its impact should not be underestimated.

"Baby straight" is coming! The audience of infant aesthetics is alive again! Women should not be limited to one kind of aesthetics

We shouldn't overtly tout a standard of appearance, and we shouldn't make it a goal for all. At each stage, everyone should have their own unique charm. What really matters is that every woman can face this life with peace of mind in her truest self. Many netizens spoke out, pointing out that "baby straight" represents not only an appearance, but also a biased social value.

But with the promotion of the Internet, a more diverse image of women has once again come to the public. This is essential to prevent the development of a monolithic aesthetic and to protect more girls from influence. With the progress of society, people are becoming more and more open about women's appearance. All body shapes and faces have a unique charm, and no one can represent "perfection".

"Baby straight" is coming! The audience of infant aesthetics is alive again! Women should not be limited to one kind of aesthetics

Each of us should face this era with the most authentic and confident attitude. It is believed that with the advancement of understanding, a cultural atmosphere of tolerance and diversity will gradually form in society. It is no longer just about the surface, but about seeing the beauty in the depths of each person's soul.

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