
A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards

author:Duoduo reads emotions

If love is compared to a bouquet of flowers, the process of managing love is to water and fertilize the flowers.

There will be no love for no reason in this world, there will be something to gain if you pay, and you can enjoy being loved by doing your best in love.

Sincerity is commendable, if you want to get the love that a man regards as a treasure, a smart woman knows how to manage herself, and will play a little careful in love, so that the beloved man will get closer little by little.

A senior hunter will always appear in the form of a prey, and a wise woman who falls in love with a person will not dedicate herself without a humble posture, but will win a man's heart with intelligence and wisdom in the process of getting along with the other half.

You must know that a smart woman never takes the initiative to chase a man, but uses these 4 "routines" to make a man chase her!

A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards


Learn to do what you like

"The good-looking skins are the same, and the interesting souls are one in a thousand"

So, what is the so-called one out of 10,000 miles? In fact, it is interests, hobbies, and three views.

In the vast sea of people, it is not easy to find someone who understands you. Therefore, if you want to be with the man you like, you must first understand his hobbies and interests, know what he is interested in, and then get familiar with him as he likes.

A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards


Maintain an appropriate sense of distance

Both men and women always have some mentality, that is, in the face of things that have not been obtained, they always have a fiery yearning, and once they have obtained it, they are no longer so enthusiastic. This is also the general mentality of people.

Therefore, in the process of heterosexual communication, women blindly cater to men, or even take the initiative to approach, often giving people a frivolous impression, and even men will think that you are not noble enough.

Therefore, women should learn to create a proper sense of distance, to create an illusion of affection for men, and men will arouse curiosity and pay special attention to you.

A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards


Visually attract each other

At all times, first impressions are the key to determining a relationship. Therefore, the first thing a woman should do is to have enough attraction on the outside.

Some people may say that it is the inside that loves someone, not the beautiful outside. But reality tells us that if you don't have an attractive outside, no one wants to know how wonderful your inside is.

Men are mostly visual creatures, and beautiful women do get a lot of preferential treatment in front of them. It is the nature of men to look at their faces, and the same is true for women who love beauty, the more willing you are to dress up, the more men like to come to you.

A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards


Wisdom and humor, attracting the spiritual resonance of men

"Wisdom is the best cosmetic for women. —Oprah Winfrey

A wise woman not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has wisdom and a sense of humor. They are good at using humor to defuse tensions and make men feel relaxed and happy when they are with them.

They have a wealth of knowledge and unique insights that allow them to communicate and discuss with men in depth. This quality of wisdom and humor makes them attractive in the eyes of men and attracts them to resonate spiritually.

A smart woman never takes the initiative to chase men, but uses these 4 "routines" to make men chase her backwards


Emotional message

Fu Seoul once said: "True love is not that you tie him up so that he can't escape from you." But even if he has seen the beauty of life, he is still reluctant to leave you. ”

A woman in a relationship, can't be emotional, can't be blindly impulsive, like a man, confessing directly, it's a very stupid thing, you must know how to use skills and means to make a man chase you.

Feelings need to be deliberately managed, when you meet someone you like, don't act rashly, but know how to use some skills and means to escort your emotional road.

May we all be able to get the happiness we want, and have a warm heart to accompany us on this cold winter day!

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