
She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!
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Life is not for others to see, and the standard of happiness should not be judged by others.

She has been praised by many official newspapers and media as "the first person to host in China", has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, and has also participated in many major national events and foreign affairs activities.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Later, she devoted herself to philanthropy and paid attention to the development of people's livelihood, and won the highest award in the field of philanthropy in China - "China Charity Award".

is such a talented and kind and compassionate person, but he has also encountered a lot of criticism, which still exists to this day.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Now, people have become accustomed to the presence of moderators for large and small events, and the moderators not only play the role of connecting the process, but also have the effect of preventing cold spots.

But few people know that the host evolved from the announcer.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Compared with the flexibility of the host, the main role of the announcer is to read the prepared manuscript aloud and convey information to the audience, and the role is more mechanical and rigid.

The broadcast of a program during the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1980 promoted the transformation of mainland newspaper writers into real hosts, and this reformer was Kan Lijun.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

At that time, reform and opening up were in full swing, and many foreign cultures and ideas poured into China like a tide, bringing a lot of freshness to the unchanged society.

"Rising Star Concert" is a program born in response to this trend, and the theme of this program is one word - "new".

Whether it is the setting of the program, the content of the program, or the effect of the stage, etc., it is different from the previous programs, and of course, the host of the program is no exception.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

The organizer of this program is Beijing Evening News, in order to find a suitable host, the organizer can be said to have taken great pains to conduct auditions in Beijing, and after rounds of selection.

In the end, Kan Lijun became the host of this show with her excellent appearance and lively and enthusiastic hosting style.

Because there are a lot of new ideas to be added to the program, the traditional way of announcing the curtain is naturally eliminated.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Kan Lijun was bold and innovative, integrated a lot of recently popular Western colloquialisms into the host's speech, and added the content of the program, which made this show eye-catching, and many young people were attracted.

This attempt has achieved very good results, Kan Lijun was praised by many official newspapers such as "People's Daily Overseas Edition", and her title of "China's first host" also came from this.

However, even money will be disgusted by some people with a copper smell, and Kan Lijun's innovation in hosting is not something that everyone is willing to accept.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Some conservatives believe that Kan Lijun's approach is unruly, and she even gave up her basic operation as a host in order to cater to the audience, which is simply a grandstanding behavior.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Some people are not used to Kan Lijun's success in this attempt, so they say that she has poor hosting skills, and she can't even speak standard Mandarin, so she is not worthy of hosting the show "New Star Concert".

In the midst of such controversy and exclusion, Kan Lijun did not retreat, but chose to face difficulties and further improve her business capabilities.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Soon after, Kan Lijun was admitted to the correspondence course of the journalism department of the Chinese People's University.

Kan Lijun is like a sponge that has been dehydrated for a long time in the journalism department of the National People's Congress, frantically absorbing all kinds of professional knowledge.

Not only that, Kan Lijun is also very good at borrowing the platform of the National People's Congress, reading various professional knowledge in the library, and asking teachers for questions and difficulties, which is already what Kan Lijun often does.

Of course, Kan Lijun did not work behind closed doors, she knew the truth that there were people outside the world, so she often went to watch some high-level theatrical performances at her own expense, learned from the excellent experience of her peers, and sometimes wrote down her experience while watching the performance.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Such diligence and hard work will naturally bring great gains to Kan Lijun, when a person's ability is strong enough, everyone will look up to her, and the jealousy award no longer exists.

More and more people respect and love her from the bottom of their hearts, but only Kan Lijun herself knows the hardships along the way.

In 1959, Kan Lijun was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, in a very good family.

Kan's father was a first-generation Chinese pilot who retired as the director of a factory in Harbin. Kan Lijun's mother was a civil servant.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Such a match, even today, is a very good family.

Kan Lijun is very artistically talented, she can speak well when she is very young, her voice conditions are extremely superior, and she is often pulled by her parents to perform talents when she gathers with relatives and friends.

After graduating from high school, Kan Lijun was assigned to a quyi troupe in Harbin, mainly learning Henan pendants.

Henan pendant is a traditional form of quyi, the main accompaniment instrument is the pendant, you need to sing the pendant in Henan dialect.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Not long after joining the Quyi Troupe, Kan Lijun was sent to Beijing to participate in professional training along with the same batch of freshmen.

On the returning train, by chance, Kan Lijun sat next to the leader of a literary troupe in Beijing, and Kan Lijun soon chatted with this leader.

The leader felt that Kan Lijun's eloquence was very good, and it happened that he was selecting a announcer at that time to be responsible for the curtain work of the "Welcome to the Cambodian Military Division Delegation Gala", so he immediately invited Kan Lijun to serve as the announcer.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Although this is Kan Lijun's first appearance, she is calm and clear, which has left a deep impression on everyone.

Not long after, Kan Lijun received an olive branch from the Central Song and Dance Troupe, and she did not hesitate to seize the opportunity and walked to a broader stage.

Kan Lijun has presided over hundreds of large-scale programs and important events, and she can even be seen in some occasions attended by national leaders.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

From 1989 to 1991, she served as the host of the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive times.

On June 30, 1997, she served as the host of a special performance to celebrate Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and a day later, she served as the host of General Secretary Jiang Zemin's important speech.

In addition, she has also performed in Malaysia, Thailand and other countries on behalf of the country.

Not only that, Kan Lijun has also participated in movies and TV series, released original songs, and many Chinese paintings have been exhibited.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless

Today, she has shifted her focus to public welfare and charity, serving as the president of the China Children's Culture and Art Foundation.

As a member of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Kan Lijun has repeatedly acted for teenagers and children, calling on more and more people to pay attention to the healthy growth of the flowers of the motherland.

Even though she is still unmarried, her life has been happy enough and rich enough.

She has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years, and is known as the first person to host in China, and is now 64 years old and unmarried and childless
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Qin Wei

Audit|Ancient Oasis, Thousand Trees

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