
The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

author:Möngke talks about health

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Aunt Li is a 54-year-old elementary school teacher.

Aunt Li is not an ordinary person, although she weighs less than 100 pounds, her energy and sense of humor are not lost to those who are strong. Recently, however, Aunt Li has noticed that something is wrong with her - her appetite has deteriorated, and she can't even arouse interest in her favorite braised pork.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

When I came to the hospital, after some examination, the result was unexpected—fatty liver! This diagnosis made Aunt Li confused, didn't she say that fatty liver is only available to obese people? Why did she get this disease when she was so thin?

The doctor saw Aunt Li's doubts, so he patiently explained: "Do you know that fatty liver is not only caused by people who are overweight? In fact, people who are underweight may also suffer from fatty liver, which is related to metabolism in the body. ”

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Here, I'm going to interject a point that might surprise you – there is a strong link between adequate sleep and fatty liver disease. It's not that you can lose weight by sleeping, but good quality sleep can help regulate metabolism in the body and reduce the risk of fatty liver.

Continuing to return to Aunt Li's matter, the doctor also reminded her to pay attention to three points: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and maintaining a good work and rest. Sounds commonplace, right? But don't underestimate these three points, they are the three big ones that protect the health of your liver.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Eating a reasonable diet means not only controlling the total amount of food, but also paying attention to the balance of nutrition. For example, Aunt Li may have neglected breakfast or eaten a simple bread before. Now, she has to change that habit and make sure she gets the right amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates every day.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Moderate exercise, instead of asking Aunt Li to lift weights or run a marathon, suggests that she maintain a certain amount of activity every day, such as walking or doing some light housework. This speeds up metabolism in the body and helps reduce fat accumulation.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

As for a good routine, that's the one mentioned earlier. A good night's sleep can help the body recover, regulate endocrine, and be beneficial to health.

She began to try to do some simple yoga, and listened to soft music every night before going to bed to help herself sleep better.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

A few months later, a few months later, Aunt Li returned to the hospital for a follow-up, and the results were eye-catching - there was a significant improvement in fatty liver. This was all thanks to her lifestyle changes, especially the sleep habits that seemed to have nothing to do with the subjects of the study.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Now, let me take you through an in-depth look at why sleep is so important for fatty liver disease. If you don't get enough sleep, it can lead to metabolic disorders, which are directly related to those problems with fat, in other words, fatty liver. For example, poor sleep quality can also affect insulin sensitivity, which increases the risk of diabetes, which is a major risk factor for fatty liver disease.

You see, this sleeping thing is not only to make you feel refreshed, but also directly affects the health of your internal organs!

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

While improving her sleep, Aunt Li also noticed the adjustment of her diet. She began to reduce her intake of fried and high-sugar foods and eat more vegetables and whole grains, which are rich in dietary fiber, which not only provide a long-term feeling of satiety, but also help improve the intestinal flora and promote gut health, which indirectly has a positive effect on liver health.

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Such a transformation, although it sounds simple, is actually a huge challenge for Aunt Li. But she did it, and it worked, and it was a reminder of the power of changing habits.

Eventually, during the follow-up visit, Aunt Li asked a question: "Doctor, my fatty liver is getting better now, right?

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

The doctor replied with a smile: "Aunt Li, your progress is very great, this must be affirmed." But the management of fatty liver is a long-term battle, and there is no problem with occasional relaxation, but the key is to master the word 'occasional'. ”

"You can reward yourself appropriately, but don't let that become the norm. Braised pork can be eaten, but don't forget what we said earlier, 'moderation' and 'balance' are key. The results of your efforts are obvious, keep it up and believe that your liver will get healthier and healthier!"

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

Through this experience, Aunt Li not only learned how to manage her fatty liver, but more importantly, she learned how to live in a healthier way. This change is not only a change in numbers, but also an improvement in the quality of life, which is more important than anything else for Aunt Li.

What do you think about how fatty liver is formed? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 54-year-old aunt weighed less than 100 pounds, and fatty liver was detected

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