
A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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Li Xiaoming is an enthusiastic primary school teacher who is loved by his students for his humorous and humorous teaching style.

However, when he was 55 years old, everything changed. He was originally full of energy, but he began to feel tired frequently, and often felt heavy in his body, as if he was carrying an invisible burden.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

One day, Li Xiaoming suddenly felt unwell and had unbearable pain in his abdomen, so he hurried to the hospital. After a series of tests, the doctor announced a heart-wrenching diagnosis - uremia.

The news hit him and his family like a bolt from the blue. Uremia, in which the kidneys fail so badly that they can't properly filter waste products from the blood, requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

In the days that followed, Li Xiaoming began regular dialysis treatments, but his condition seemed to be deteriorating day by day. This once lively teacher gradually became silent, sitting in front of the window for a long time, with a trace of helplessness and sadness in his eyes.

The unique point to be made here may come as a surprise: although uremia may seem to have nothing to do with hearing, renal insufficiency may exacerbate hearing loss.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

Li Xiaoming is a typical example. He began to notice a gradual decline in his hearing, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow for a teacher.

The kidneys and ears are inextricably linked. Metabolic dysfunction of the kidneys can affect the microcirculation in the ear, leading to hearing problems.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

For Li Xiaoming, his quality of life has been greatly reduced. He couldn't hear the students' questions as clearly as he used to, and even began to miss the students' interactions in class.

His work efficiency and the quality of his teaching were affected, which left him deeply distressed and helpless. In this process, Li Xiaoming had to face a practical problem:

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

The association between kidney disease and hearing loss is not well known to most people. In this case, early identification and intervention are particularly important. Intervention in the early stages of renal failure may be effective in delaying hearing loss.

After several months of hard struggle, Li Xiaoming's condition did not fundamentally improve. Despite his dialysis treatment, his body gradually deteriorated and he died less than half a year later.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

On the day before Li Xiaoming's death, he asked the doctor a question: "Why do I keep feeling that my ears are getting worse and weaker, and does it have anything to do with my uremia?"

Faced with Li Xiaoming's question, the doctor explained in simple words the scientific link between kidney disease and hearing loss. The doctor explained:

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

"Mr. Li, the function of the kidneys is not just to filter waste, they are also involved in regulating multiple homeostasis states in the body, including our electrolyte balance and blood pressure. These are all necessary to maintain the health of the inner ear. ”

"When the kidneys fail, these balances are disrupted and can eventually affect your hearing. In this way, the doctor not only answered Li Xiaoming's questions, but also gave him some comfort in the last moments of his life.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

Li Xiaoming's story reminds us of the importance of health, especially kidney health. It also reminds us that even seemingly unrelated health issues can actually be intrinsically linked.

I hope that everyone can learn something from Li Xiaoming's experience, pay attention to every body's signals, and detect and deal with health problems as soon as possible.

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!

What do you think about kidney health?

A 55-year-old man was hospitalized with uremia and passed away in less than half a year!