
Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

author:Think more

Spring, the season of revival of all things, is also the time when taste buds awaken. Is there a food you can enjoy in this season of life without worrying about gaining weight? The answer is yes, and that's chicken breast!

When it comes to chicken breast, many people may think it's bland and tasteless, but it's not. As long as you have the heart, you can turn this ordinary piece of meat into a delicacy on the table. Compared to the high price of beef and lamb and the slightly greasy taste of pork, chicken breast is the best choice for good and low prices.

Chicken breast is low-fat and low-calorie, making it the best partner for people who are losing weight. It is rich in protein, which provides the nutrients the body needs without burdening the body. In addition, the meat of the chicken breast is delicate and easy to cook. Whether you like to fry, sauté, stew, or boil, you can easily control it. Let's share with you 8 kinds of home-cooked chicken breasts, let's take a look.

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

1. Stir-fried chicken breast with bell peppers

For a person who controls the face, sometimes it doesn't matter whether the dish is good or not, but it must be good-looking! Chicken breast is a kind of good cooking in meat, high protein, easy to cook, no special taste, and simple cooking methods, so I often make it.

Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts, bell pepper, salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, pepper


1. First of all, cut the chicken breast into even slices, put it in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine and pepper, then add green onion and ginger, marinate for 15 minutes, let the chicken fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

2. Then, heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger and garlic slices, fry over low heat to bring out the fragrance, then pour in the marinated chicken breast slices, fry slowly over medium heat, and wait until the chicken slices are slightly cooked, and the surface is beautiful golden brown.

3. Finally, pour a circle of cooking wine along the edge of the pot to increase the aroma of the dish, then put in the cut bell pepper, quickly stir-fry evenly, add a little salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and then get out of the pot.

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

2. Kung Pao Chicken

Ingredients: Chicken thighs, carrots, cucumbers, peanuts, green onions, ginger, minced garlic, light soy sauce, white pepper, starch, cooking wine


1. Wash the chicken thighs, remove the bones and cut them into cubes, release the soy sauce, white pepper, half a spoon of starch and a little cooking wine and marinate for 15 minutes

2. Prepare minced green onions, ginger and garlic, diced carrots and cucumbers, and peel and cook peanuts in an appropriate amount

3. Put oil in the pot and stir-fry the chicken thighs over high heat until cooked, then add a little oil to fry the green onions, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add diced carrots and stir-fry for one minute

4. Pour in the chicken thighs, cucumber and peanuts and stir-fry, pour in the sauce (a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, half a spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of vinegar, half a spoon of sugar, a spoonful of starch and a small amount of water and stir well) and stir-fry until thick

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

3. Chilled cucumber chicken breast shreds

Cold salad chicken breast shredded cucumber shreds!There are vegetables and meat!Low fat and low calorie satiety is strong!Kitchen whites can also easily control it!Sisters in the fat loss period must try it!Low fat, low calorie and high protein, sour and hot and greasy~

Ingredients: cucumber, chicken breast, coriander, chopped green onion, aged vinegar, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, chili powder


1. First of all, let's prepare the sauce. Prepare a bowl and add green onions, ginger and garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds and chili powder, then drizzle with hot oil to bring out the aroma of the spice.

2. Then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil and water, stir well, and let the sour and hot flavor of the sauce fully blend.

3. Next, cook the chicken breasts. Add water to the pot, add the ginger, chives and cooking wine, then put the chicken breasts in the pot and cook for about 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Remove the chicken, boil it in cold water, and then tear it into slender strips along the lines, so that the chicken shreds will add more flavor.

4. Prepare a bowl, put in the torn shredded chicken, cucumber shreds, coriander and chopped green onions, then pour the seasoned sauce, stir well, so that every trace of chicken and cucumber is coated with the sauce, sour and spicy appetizing.

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

4. Sweet and sour chicken breast

Ingredients: Chicken breast, tomato paste, white sesame seeds, salt, pepper, light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar substitute, vinegar, starch


1. Cut the chicken breast into strips, add half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of pepper, a spoonful of light soy sauce and a spoonful of cooking wine and marinate for 15 minutes

2. Adjust the sauce: three spoons of tomato paste, one spoonful of sugar substitute, one spoonful of vinegar, one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of starch, and half a bowl of water, stir well

3. Heat oil in a pan, add chicken breasts and fry until cooked, then set aside

4. Pour the sauce into the pot and cook until bubbling, pour in the chicken breast and cook until it is thick and colored, sprinkle some white sesame seeds

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

5. Potato and chicken tart

Ingredients: Chicken breast, potatoes, starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and pepper, black pepper


1. First, cut the chicken breast into cubes and place it in a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, salt and pepper and black pepper and grasp well with your hands to allow the chicken breast to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning. Marinate for half an hour to add flavor to the flavor.

2. Next, cut the potatoes into cubes. Prepare a pot of cold water, put the diced potatoes in cold water, boil the water for another three minutes, remove and dry the water, and set aside.

3. Put the marinated chicken breast and boiled diced potatoes into a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of starch, grasp well with your hands, and let the chicken breast and potatoes evenly coat the starch.

4. Finally, take an appropriate amount of chicken breast and potatoes and form a round. Brush the surface with a layer of oil and place it in the air fryer or oven and bake at 185 degrees for 25 minutes until the surface is golden brown and crispy.

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

6. Stir-fried chicken breast

Ingredients: 300 grams of chicken breast, 1 green and red pepper, appropriate amount of coriander, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, a pinch of white pepper, an appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of starch, an appropriate amount of minced garlic, half a spoon of bean paste, half a spoon of oyster sauce, a little dark soy sauce, a little sugar, a small amount of hot water


1. First, wash the chicken breasts, cut them into thin slices and place them in a bowl. Then add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a little white pepper, an appropriate amount of salt and cooking wine, and mix well with your hands to allow the chicken breast to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning. Then add a spoonful of starch, mix well again, seal the oil and marinate for 15 minutes to make the chicken more tender.

2. Prepare green and red peppers, wash them and cut them into shreds, wash and cut the coriander into small pieces for later use. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into a hot pan, add the marinated chicken breasts when the oil is hot, and stir-fry quickly until it changes color. Then add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, then add half a spoon of bean paste and half a spoon of oyster sauce, a little dark soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, so that the chicken slices can fully absorb the flavor of the sauce.

3. Next, add the shredded green and red peppers and continue to stir-fry to let the refreshing taste of the green and red peppers blend into the chicken. At this time, pour a small amount of hot water and add a little sugar to enhance the freshness and flavor. After stir-frying evenly, sprinkle an appropriate amount of coriander before removing from the pan, and quickly stir-fry evenly out of the pan.

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

7. Chicken breast skewers

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 1 spoonful of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 3 tablespoons of Orleans barbecue, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of cumin powder, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar


1. First of all, cut the chicken breast into thin slices, then add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a little water, grasp well with your hands to allow the meat slices to absorb, and marinate for 15 minutes. This removes the fishy smell of the chicken and increases the tenderness of the slices. After marinating, rinse the meat slices with water and control the moisture.

2. Next, put the washed chicken breast slices into a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 3 tablespoons of Orleans barbecue season, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of cumin powder, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and half a tablespoon of sugar, wear disposable gloves, mix the seasoning and meat slices thoroughly, let each piece of meat be coated with seasoning, and then marinate for 2 hours to make the meat slices taste more flavorful.

3. The marinated chicken breast slices are skewered with bamboo skewers and evenly placed on the grilling net of the air fryer. Brush the surface of the skewers with a thin layer of olive oil, which will make the skewers crispier during the grilling process and also help keep the skewers juicy.

4. Preheat the air fryer to 180 degrees, then put the skewers in the fryer and grill for 15 minutes. Remember to turn it over once in the middle to make sure the skewers are evenly heated on both sides and grilled until golden brown. If the air fryer has a steam function, you can add steam once during the roasting process to make the skewers more tender.

5. When the time is up, take out the grilled chicken breast skewers, sprinkle with the appropriate amount of barbecue ingredients, and you can enjoy healthy and delicious homemade meat skewers!

Eat more of this meat in spring, it is cheaper than beef and mutton, high protein and low fat, and fitness athletes love to eat it

8. Shredded chicken sauerkraut noodles

Ingredients: 50 grams of sauerkraut, 100 grams of noodles, appropriate amount of green onion, ginger and garlic, 100 grams of chicken breast, salt, white pepper


1. First of all, prepare a pot of cold water, put the chicken breast into the cold water, and add an appropriate amount of green onion and ginger cooking wine, which can remove the fishy smell of the chicken and make the chicken more delicious. Then skim off the foam from the water surface, which removes impurities from the chicken. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for about 20 minutes, until the chicken is fully cooked. Once cooked, remove the chicken, let it cool, and tear it into thin strips by hand to preserve the tender texture of the chicken.

2. Cut the sauerkraut into thin strips, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic slices, and fry over medium-low heat until the green onions, ginger and garlic become golden brown and release the fragrance. Then add the shredded sauerkraut, stir-fry evenly, let the sourness of the sauerkraut fully release, and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour the broth of the boiled chicken breast into the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt and white pepper, boil the soup over high heat, and then adjust the taste to suit your taste. Once boiling, continue to cook for about 1-2 minutes to allow the flavors of the sauerkraut and chicken to fully incorporate into the broth.

4. Raise another pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and bring to a boil over high heat. Place the noodles in boiling water and gently stir with chopsticks. Cook for about 3-5 minutes until the noodles are cooked through, then remove the noodles with a strainer and place them in a bowl.

5. Finally, spread the fried sauerkraut and shredded chicken on top of the boiled noodles, then pour in the boiled soup to allow the soup to soak the noodles thoroughly. Finally, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of chopped green onions to increase the aroma of the dish and make the whole dish more enticing.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients, to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above shared 8 kinds of chicken breast home-cooked practices, have you learned, learned to try to make it at home, welcome to like, follow, forward and collect, thank you for your support!

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