
Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

author:Dr. Leah

When the body is in a state of high blood sugar for a long time, the secretion of insulin may be affected and abnormal. This is not just a quantitative change, but also a qualitative change, which gradually evolves into a serious disease.

Imagine that our body is like a delicate machine, and insulin is the indispensable lubricant in this machine. However, when the machine is exposed to high sugar for a long time, the secretion of insulin is affected and becomes less smooth.

At first, the body may also be able to cope with high blood sugar by increasing the secretion of insulin, but over time, this compensatory mechanism gradually fails, and blood sugar levels remain high, eventually leading to the development of diabetes.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer


Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

In 2019, the scientific community in mainland China received good news that the team of Xi Yongzhi, director of the Immunization Department of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, successfully developed a vaccine for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, a breakthrough achievement that brought hope to many diabetic patients.

This DNA vaccine, which is based on the B7-1-PE40KDEL exotoxin fusion gene, has shown excellent therapeutic efficacy in rigorous pre-animal experiments.

It can not only cure type 1 diabetes, but also correct the disordered cellular and humoral response immune response in the patient's body, repair the damaged pancreatic β cells, and restore the patient's own insulin secretion function. This means that patients will be able to get rid of their long-term dependence on external insulin therapy and regain hope for a healthy life.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

It is worth mentioning that this vaccine is extremely easy to use, and only needs to be injected once a month to maintain the therapeutic effect for one month.

This long-acting property not only greatly improves the quality of life of patients, but also avoids the tedious and inconvenient daily medication they take. At present, the drug has been declared for clinical trials.


The doctor said that it is unlikely that one injection can stop taking the medicine

We must remain rational and clearly understand that this does not mean that we only need one injection to say goodbye to hypoglycemic drugs completely. Although the effects of this treatment can last for almost a month, it is not a silver bullet that cures the disease.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

Still, such a treatment is an option to look forward to for many people with diabetes. After all, a monthly injection seems more convenient than a daily dose of hypoglycemic drugs.

However, it is important to recognize that this treatment is currently experimental and has not yet been officially commercialized. Therefore, we cannot blindly believe rumors, nor can we stop taking hypoglycemic drugs without authorization in order to wait for it. Otherwise, the condition may progress further, putting us at greater risk.

In addition, although animal studies have shown that this method can prevent type 1 diabetes, we still do not know whether it is suitable for all such patients.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

If there are patients with other medical conditions, is this treatment right for them, and does it have side effects? These questions need to be answered in clinical trials.

Therefore, we cannot rely solely on the results of research experiments to make decisions, but need to look at this treatment more carefully and rationally. Hopefully, in the near future, this treatment will be successfully marketed, bringing hope to more diabetic patients.

But before that, we must insist on taking drugs and adjusting the treatment plan scientifically and standardly under the guidance of the doctor, and cannot adjust it without authorization.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer


How can diabetic patients actively prevent and stabilize blood sugar levels?

First and foremost, diet is the cornerstone of blood sugar stabilization. Patients should follow a low-sugar, low-fat, high-fiber diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. At the same time, avoid excessive intake of foods and beverages high in sugar, such as sweets, sweetened drinks, etc. Proper food mix to ensure balanced nutrition can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Secondly, regular exercise is also essential. Moderate exercise can help increase the body's metabolism and promote the consumption and utilization of blood sugar. Patients can choose aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, and stick to at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Exercise not only helps stabilize blood sugar, but also strengthens physical fitness and prevents complications.

In addition, good lifestyle habits also play a key role in stabilizing blood sugar. Getting enough sleep and avoiding staying up late and overworking helps regulate the body's endocrine system, thereby maintaining blood sugar stability. At the same time, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is also an important part of protecting your health.

Is a diabetes "vaccine" coming on the market? Can a shot stop taking medicine? Doctors say the answer

Finally, diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly to stay informed about their blood sugar status. If you find that your blood sugar fluctuates greatly or continues to rise, you should seek medical attention to adjust your treatment regimen promptly. By working closely with our doctors, we can better control our blood sugar and enjoy a healthy life.