
The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

author:Dr. Leah

Despite the importance and necessity of medical check-ups, it is unfortunate that some people, especially young people, ignore it.

They may feel young and strong, with a body as strong as iron, and they don't need to pay much attention to the subtle changes in their body. However, we must be soberly aware that many diseases are often asymptomatic in the early stages, and their traces can only be detected through a systematic and comprehensive physical examination.

Only regular medical check-ups can detect minor abnormalities in the body in time, so that effective interventions can be taken to prevent further deterioration of the condition.

On the other hand, if we ignore the warning signs sent by the body, those diseases that could have been controlled early may quietly develop and eventually lead to irreversible consequences.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

Therefore, we call on everyone, especially young people, to abandon the mentality of luck and face up to the importance of medical check-ups. Don't wait until there is a problem in your body to regret it, but you should keep abreast of your physical condition through regular medical check-ups, so as to prevent problems before they occur.

However, among the so many examination items on the physical examination report, which ones are the most important and which ones must be checked? Knowledgeable doctors bluntly said that as long as these four indicators are normal, there is basically no major problem.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

Complete blood count

As the most basic and common test in medical examinations, blood routine is seemingly simple, but it actually contains great diagnostic value.

It is like a window into the inner workings of the human body, revealing the mysteries of human health through detailed analysis of the number and morphology of various cells in the peripheral blood.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

Routine blood testing is not only simple and easy, but also relatively inexpensive, so it is widely used in daily medical practice. However, this does not mean that we can underestimate its importance.

Instead, each indicator of the blood routine represents subtle changes in the body's internal environment that may indicate an underlying health problem.

For example, an increase or decrease in the number of white blood cells can reflect how active the body's immune system is, and changes in red blood cells and hemoglobin can reveal the presence of blood diseases such as anemia. The quantity and quality of platelets are directly related to coagulation function, which is of great significance for the prevention of bleeding diseases.

Therefore, when we are faced with the routine blood test report, we should carefully read each index and compare it with the normal reference value. Only in this way can we detect potential health risks in a timely manner.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

High-resolution CT

High-resolution CT, or High-Resolution Computed Tomography, or HRCT for short, is an advanced medical imaging technology that is mainly used for detailed examination of the chest and abdomen.

With its high resolution, high definition and high contrast, this CT technology provides doctors with a more accurate diagnosis basis.

When performing a high-resolution CT scan, the machine emits high-energy X-rays that, after penetrating the human body, are captured and recorded by a detector to the extent to which the X-rays are absorbed by different tissues, ultimately producing detailed images.

This image can clearly show the subtle structures inside the chest and abdomen, such as the small airways, blood vessels and pleura in the lungs, helping doctors to diagnose various diseases more accurately.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

High-resolution CT is widely used in the medical field. In the diagnosis of lung diseases, HRCT can accurately identify lung nodules, lung cancer, emphysema and other lesions, providing an important basis for early treatment.

In the diagnosis of abdominal diseases, HRCT can clearly show the structure and lesions of liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs, providing strong support for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

In addition, high-resolution CT has the advantages of non-invasiveness, pain-free, and short examination time, which greatly improves the examination experience of patients.

At the same time, with the continuous advancement of technology, the scanning speed and image quality of high-resolution CT are also improving, providing a more reliable technical guarantee for medical diagnosis and treatment.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

Gastrointestinal endoscopy

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is an important diagnostic method in modern medicine, which can help doctors directly observe the lesions in the gastrointestinal tract of patients, so as to accurately diagnose various gastrointestinal diseases. This examination method has a high degree of accuracy and reliability, so it has been widely used in clinical practice.

During a gastrointestinal endoscopy, doctors use a long, thin mirror that passes through the person's mouth or anus into the gastrointestinal tract to see what is happening on the mucosal surface.

This examination method can not only detect early gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, gastric ulcers, intestinal polyps, etc., but also some hidden lesions, such as early cancer. Therefore, gastrointestinal endoscopy is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

However, gastrointestinal endoscopy also comes with certain risks and discomforts. During the examination, patients may experience discomfort or pain, and there is a certain risk of complications such as perforation, bleeding, etc.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

Therefore, before undergoing a gastrointestinal endoscopy, the doctor needs to conduct a thorough assessment of the patient to ensure that the patient is suitable for the test and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk and discomfort.

In order to alleviate patient discomfort and improve the accuracy of examinations, modern medicine is constantly promoting the innovation and improvement of gastrointestinal endoscopy technology.

Nowadays, new technologies such as painless gastrointestinal endoscopy and capsule endoscopy have been widely used in clinical practice, which not only reduces the discomfort of patients, but also improves the accuracy and comfort of examinations.

Cranial magnetic resonance

Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an advanced imaging technology that not only has extremely high resolution and precise positioning capabilities, but also allows for in-depth exploration of the internal structure of the human brain without trauma.

The knowledgeable doctor said frankly: the four indicators of the physical examination are normal, and the body is basically fine

The birth of cranial magnetic resonance imaging technology has opened a new chapter in neuroscience research and provided strong support for the diagnosis of many neurological diseases.

Cranial MRI can accurately reflect the pathological process of brain diseases by capturing subtle changes in brain tissue. Whether it is cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumor, encephalitis and other neurological diseases, cranial magnetic resonance imaging can provide doctors with detailed lesion information with its unique perspective.

Doctors can use these images to make accurate judgments about the condition, so as to formulate a more scientific and reasonable treatment plan. In addition, cranial magnetic resonance imaging also plays an irreplaceable role in the fields of traumatic brain injury and brain degenerative diseases.

It is not only able to detect small changes in brain structure, but also reveals abnormalities in brain function through functional imaging technology. This allows doctors to have a more complete picture of a patient's condition and provide a more personalized treatment plan for the patient.