
Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

author:Professor Cao Xing

Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland has brightened the light of cross-strait relations, and now cross-strait reunification is showing a thriving scene, but it has been intercepted halfway by the United States and Japan, which not only smeared and attacked China on a number of urgent issues, but also sent wrong messages to the Taiwan region. Obviously, the mainland cannot tolerate it and bluntly retaliates against the erroneous remarks of the United States and Japan.

1. Ma Ying-jeou's return to Taiwan has opened a channel for cross-strait dialogue

Prior to this, Ma Ying-jeou led many young people from Taiwan to visit the mainland again.

Ma Ying-jeou's team arrived in Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing, not only visiting local cultural monuments, but also actively participating in local cultural exchange activities.

Everything they saw and heard during the visit made them truly feel the blood ties of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, the integration of cultures on both sides of the strait, and the arduous history of the Chinese nation along the way.

Even when visiting the high-tech industry, he was amazed at the rapid development of the mainland in recent decades.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(Ma Ying-jeou led many Taiwanese youths to the mainland again)

Now, as soon as Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Taiwan, he clearly emphasized in an interview with reporters that only the "consensus of '92" can allow for cross-strait dialogue.

Ma Ying-jeou not only truthfully relayed what he saw and heard on the mainland to the Taiwan people, but also called on the vast number of young people in Taiwan to put aside the contradictions in the Taiwan Strait, gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, receive correct information from the mainland, and face up to the connection between the Taiwan region and the mainland region.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(Ma Ying-jeou stresses that only the "92 Consensus" can enable cross-strait dialogue)

2. Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland to promote the process of reunification

Ma Ying-jeou's visit not only made an important contribution to promoting exchanges between young people on both sides of the strait, but also brought about a new turn for the better in cross-strait relations and accelerated the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also fully affirmed Ma Ying-jeou's visit and said that the key to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait lies in the young people on both sides of the strait.

Young people on both sides of the strait must dare to shoulder the responsibility for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, twist themselves into a rope, think in one place, work hard in one place, and work together for the future of the motherland.

The mainland and Taiwan should support cross-strait youth exchanges and provide them with a good, stable, and convenient exchange platform.

Previously, the "mini three links" route, which had been suspended for nearly three years, not only successfully resumed flights, but also reached a new peak in the number of passengers it carried, which has exceeded 1 million passengers so far.

Even during the Qingming period, 118 shipping flights were run and 16,818 passengers were transported, which not only provided more convenience for compatriots on both sides of the strait to go to the two places, seek their roots and worship their ancestors, and visit relatives and friends, but also became a way for the two sides of the strait to maintain close contact.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(Since the resumption of the "mini three links", the number of passengers transported has exceeded 1 million)

3. The United States and Japan grossly interfere in the situation in the Taiwan Strait

Now cross-strait relations are in full bloom, and this is obviously something that the United States does not want to see.

In response to Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, he said that the United States encourages the improvement of cross-strait relations and supports cross-strait dialogue on the basis of mutual respect.

Obviously, on the surface, the United States is talking about the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, but in fact it hopes that cross-strait relations will maintain the status quo.

After all, in recent years, on the Taiwan Strait issue, the United States has sold all kinds of weapons to Taiwan and supported the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) behind its back, obstructing the process of peaceful reunification between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

In the face of the current heating up in the Taiwan Strait, he chose a two-way layout, tying Japan to his "warship" on one side and launching an offensive of "shelling China" on the other.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(The United States and Japan launched a smear offensive against China)

For Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Japan already has a history with China, and if it can get help from the United States, then there is nothing to think about suppressing China together.

Therefore, in the US-Japan summit, Biden and Kishida pointed the finger at China, once again making a big fuss about many urgent issues such as the Taiwan Strait issue, completely ignoring the tension between China, the United States and Japan.

He even dragged the Philippines to discuss the defense cooperation between the United States, Japan and the Philippines, which also involved China's actions to safeguard national sovereignty in the South China Sea, the East China Sea and other regions, reversing black and white, and slandering China as trying to change the status quo through force.

They have even flaunted the banner of "peacefully resolving cross-strait issues" to disseminate erroneous information to the Taiwan region, smear China's image, and interfere in China's internal affairs.

In response, Jie Wen-chi said that the United States and Japan do not want to see signs of peace between the two sides of the strait and want to shake the hearts of the Taiwan people by spreading rumors, and also stressed that the Taiwan people should clearly recognize the reality, proceed from Taiwan's interests and future, and face up to what can bring benefits to Taiwan.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(Jie Wenji calls on the people of Taiwan to recognize the reality)

4. China issues a warning

China has also resolutely responded to the erroneous remarks made by the United States and Japan on issues such as the Taiwan Strait.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said in an interview with reporters that he expressed strong dissatisfaction and condemned the actions of the United States and Japan in launching a smear offensive against China in disregard of tense relations with China.

Mao Ning also stressed that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and the United States and Japan have no right to interfere.

He even demanded that the United States and Japan be cautious in their words and deeds on China-related issues in accordance with their previous commitments, and even named the United States, demanding that it match its words with its deeds and implement its commitment not to support "Taiwan independence" into action.

Cross-strait relations are in full bloom, the United States and Japan are making big moves in the Taiwan Strait, and China: What does China's internal affairs have to do with you?

(China strongly disagrees with and condemns the smear actions of the United States and Japan)

Obviously, in the face of the United States, which has repeatedly encouraged other countries to suppress China, and Japan, which has left deep "scars" on China's history, China obviously did not have a chance to directly put down its harsh words against it.

After all, peaceful reunification has always been the aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait, and Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland has undoubtedly opened up channels for telephone communication with the mainland and strengthened exchanges between young people on both sides of the strait.

Now that the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait has become the trend of the times, the Chinese side will never allow any third-party forces to interfere with the process of cross-strait reunification and obstruct the reunion of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Obviously, if the United States and Japan insist on going their own way, continue to interfere in China's internal affairs, and stir up the situation in the Taiwan Strait, they will inevitably meet with China's counterattack and will inevitably reap the consequences.

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