
Can Sunshine Enrollment Cool Down "Enrollment Anxiety"?

author:Beijing News Network

Educational equity is an important foundation for social equity, and in educational equity, compulsory education is particularly concerned. Among them, enrollment is an important key point when ensuring the fairness of the compulsory education stage. In the past two days, the Ministry of Education has issued a notice and launched a special campaign to rectify the field of compulsory education enrollment. Can this rectification action really work, and more importantly, can it alleviate the anxiety of many parents?

Can Sunshine Enrollment Cool Down "Enrollment Anxiety"?

What is the reason behind the lack of sunshine in the admissions field?

Everyone can generally feel that there are many phenomena in the field of admissions, such as pinching and charging, which can be seen as an infringement of fairness, and what is the reason behind it?

Can Sunshine Enrollment Cool Down "Enrollment Anxiety"?

Niu Nansen, associate researcher of the Institute of Basic Education, Chinese Academy of Education Sciences: This reason is not only based on the problems in the implementation process of education policies, but also the phased problems in development, and fundamentally the concept of educational utilitarianism. If these enrollment chaos is not effectively curbed, such as "pinching the top of the enrollment", illegal and disguised fees, etc., it may lead to some students whose development potential is not stimulated, or whose family economic conditions are not very good, lose the opportunity to enter the school they should have entered. This violates the public welfare attribute of compulsory education, and more importantly, it will further exacerbate the involution of education, so that some parents and students invest a lot of time and energy in order to get better scores, which could have been used for physical exercise, development of interests, social interactions, and deep participation in family life, which are consumed, and it fundamentally affects the overall development and long-term development of children.

How to make the special operation really effective?

In the past ten years, in fact, a lot of relevant policies have been introduced, how to make the special action really effective, and what should the next rhythm and pace be, in order to really land?

Can Sunshine Enrollment Cool Down "Enrollment Anxiety"?

Niu Nansen, associate researcher at the Institute of Basic Education, Chinese Academy of Education Sciences: This time, it can be seen from the name that the special action is a very action-oriented document. From the level of the Ministry of Education, a special working group has been formed by the relevant departments and bureaus of the ministry, local education administrative departments, national inspectors, and experts from the Basic Education Teaching Steering Committee, which will strengthen the supervision and guidance of the whole process of enrollment and enrollment in various places, especially the special action research will be carried out in a timely manner, and the cross-provincial cross-inspection will be carried out nationwide, and the violations and investigations will also be reported. On the other hand, what the provincial education administrative departments need to do immediately is to refine the relevant work arrangements and clarify the work steps and division of responsibilities.

If you don't let the pinching of the sharp, will the "sharp" child have less chance of rising upward?

There may be people who have different opinions on such a special rectification to promote fairness. If we don't let the pinching of the tip, won't there be less opportunities for these "pointy" children to rise up? What do you think of this?

Li Liguo, a professor at the School of Education of Chinese University: A good school is not a good school that relies on pinching the top and relying on outstanding students to win, but deepens its own education and teaching reform, forms an education model with its own characteristics, and cultivates every child to become a talent. Pinching enrollment has deteriorated the education ecology and formed an educational involution, and in this process, there are also a large number of unhealthy trends and black-box operations. For particularly outstanding students and top-notch students, the education administration department actually has a special policy to identify, select and cultivate, so that children will not waste their talents.

How can special groups be treated more fairly?

The special action calls on education administrative departments in all localities to strengthen the work of ensuring the enrollment of special groups such as dropout children, children of migrant workers in urban areas, left-behind children, and children with disabilities, so as to ensure that all school-age children and adolescents receive compulsory education on an equal footing. What do you think of this sentence? Can these special groups really be treated fairly in reality?

Can Sunshine Enrollment Cool Down "Enrollment Anxiety"?

Li Liguo, professor at the School of Education, Chinese min University: The education of special groups is indeed an important aspect of the fairness of compulsory education. In our country, the urbanization rate of children in the current compulsory education stage is 83%, which is far greater than the urbanization rate of the population in the mainland. In fact, while paying attention to the allocation of resources for compulsory education in rural areas, a large number of children have moved to cities with their parents. The supply of places in some megacities is still insufficient, so it is necessary to expand the supply of places in cities, especially in megacities, and provide equal opportunities for the children of migrants to receive education. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the issue of access to education for children with disabilities and special needs, which is a key point of guarantee at the compulsory education stage.

Source: CCTV news client

Process Editor: U022