
Why is the education track getting more and more volatile? Because there are too many people who regard the academic qualification track as the only way out

author:Zion Torch

I believe that many students and parents generally have a consensus: that is, the academic track is getting more and more volatile, and to put it bluntly, the competition is becoming more and more fierce. And the reason for this phenomenon is that there are too many people who regard the academic track as the only way out.

Why is the education track getting more and more volatile? Because there are too many people who regard the academic qualification track as the only way out

Of course, there are also many rural people and the urban poor who are not aware of this, and their thinking is still stuck in the 1990s, thinking that getting a diploma can beat the invincible opponents in the world.

1. The illusion of a scholar

I know many rural and urban poor groups who claim that their ancestral graves are smoking—the reason is that there is a scholar in the family. Even when many rural people and the urban poor mention this phenomenon, they often have a feeling of raising their eyebrows and puffing up, and they say to people: I didn't expect that there would be a person with such good reading grades in my family, and I didn't expect that there would be a genius in my family.

Of course, the rural and urban poor are so excited, do you think that their family has cultivated high-achieving students who have resumed diplomatic relations in the Qing Dynasty? In fact, they are excited because there is a college student in their family -- yes, you read that right, it is a college student.

Why is the education track getting more and more volatile? Because there are too many people who regard the academic qualification track as the only way out

Many rural people and urban poor people are often the groups that pour into society before finishing primary school and junior high school. For example, last year, the editor mentioned the engagement QJ incident in Shanxi, and the editor thought that this incident was essentially a low-level mutual harm incident, and as a result, several Guizhou netizens questioned: The person concerned has read secondary school and junior college, and can also be regarded as the bottom? This has to make me feel dumbfounded, but I think that in the eyes of Guizhou people, Guiyang is a city that can compete with New York, and everything is relieved. After all, you can't meet the hillbilly in general.

In fact, it is worth mentioning that the most basic reason why rural and urban poor people have been at the bottom of society for generations is that they are generally illiterate – because they are not aware of the changing times and the changing evaluation system. For example, in the 2020s, college graduation was equivalent to the completion of the second year of junior high school in 2000, and the second book was actually equivalent to junior high school graduation. In the 2020s, the success rate of the second graduation examination is not much higher than that of the public examination after graduating from junior high school in the 2000s. That's the reality, but many Luthers don't want to accept it—and the reason Luther is Luther is because most people don't want to face it.

Therefore, it is understandable that they understand junior college as a place for top students to study.

2. The version is backward

In fact, most people are in a state of backwardness in response to changes in society.

Why is the education track getting more and more volatile? Because there are too many people who regard the academic qualification track as the only way out

In the 2000s, the admission rate of general high schools was equivalent to more than 20% of junior high school graduates, so after compulsory education, failure to go on to higher education is a high probability event. Therefore, many students and parents often face the reality and choose to learn a craft or something like that in the face of the embarrassing reality of academic level - such as beauty salon chef pastry, but now, because the admission rate of the general high school has reached 50%, and the large score can be obtained, more and more brain-dead parents have delusions: that is, it is completely possible to mix a diploma to take the public examination, and then enter the "upper class" - at least many rural and urban civilians think so.

In fact, this is the embodiment of the backwardness of the version: in the years when academic qualifications were not valuable, people at the bottom began to roll up their academic qualifications. The backward version is one of the major characteristics of the people at the bottom.

In fact, the basic reason why the academic track is getting more and more volatile is that more and more parents do not understand the social development situation and regard the academic track as the only way out, and in the end, it leads to the academic track becoming more and more volatile - in fact, what is needed now is the model of refined education, and the national reading assembly line university is essentially an extensive mode of flood irrigation, when there is a disconnect between demand and supply, so it is inevitable that more and more volume will be inevitable.

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