
【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate


Guided by the "Neighborhood +" brand, Yinqueshan Street adheres to the work concept of "double registration and double service", continuously improves party building to lead the upgrading of community services, effectively stimulates the new vitality and new kinetic energy of the double registration unit, and builds a community of community governance.

Open up "micro-governance" and serve "zero distance"

Strengthen public participation, accurately match needs, and promote co-construction and co-governance. The double registration unit and the community party branch should work closely together to build a cooperation mechanism, integrate resources from all parties, and effectively grasp the needs of the people. Through the distribution of publicity materials, the popularization of relevant knowledge, and the acceptance of public consultation, we will actively promote the innovative model of dual-registration units participating in the "micro-governance" of the community, so as to ensure that the service is closer to the needs of the people and the governance is more accurate and effective.

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Municipal Association for Science and Technology distributes popular science publicity materials to residents in the jurisdiction

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

Lanshan District Big Data Bureau and Linyi Mobile Lanshan Branch jointly publicized the relevant content of smart community construction to residents in the jurisdiction

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

Linshang Bank disseminated financial fraud prevention knowledge and distributed brochures to residents in the jurisdiction

Implement "microservices" and build a "connecting bridge"

Listen to the voices of the people, feel the feelings of the people, and grasp the needs of the people. Yinqueshan Street and the double registration unit went deep into the community and actively carried out "micro-services" such as environmental governance, free haircuts, free health clinics, massage massages, and oral examinations, injecting new impetus into grassroots governance. The dual-registration unit "enters the community, shows its advantages, and shows its responsibility", deepens the practice of "micro-service", builds a "connecting bridge" link, provides residents with diversified services, and improves the efficiency of grassroots governance.

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

Caijin Group provides free haircuts for the elderly in the jurisdiction

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The CPPCC of Lanshan District is the bone massage for the residents of the district

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

Linyi No. 15 Middle School provides free haircuts and cleaning for residents in the district

Build a "micro school" and gather "new power"

Deepen neighborhood interaction, gather diversified courses, and draw a new chapter of micro-lessons. Yinqueshan Street thoroughly implements the work concept of "gathering energy, cohesion, and gathering schools", takes "neighborhood" as the core group, fully integrates the resources of the jurisdiction, forms a working pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing with the double registration units, and promotes the normalization of "micro-education" activities. Relying on various service positions, we will build a "micro-school" at the doorstep, and invite double-registration units to provide diversified and high-quality micro-courses, covering sports and health, family education, emergency knowledge and other fields to meet the diverse learning needs of residents.

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Lanshan District Retirement Affairs Bureau invited traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to carry out sports and health teaching

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Lanshan District Women's Federation carried out a public lecture on family education in the jurisdiction of "Magnolia Blossom and Home Escort".

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Tuanlanshan District Committee and the lightning rescue team carried out safety knowledge teaching

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Tuanlanshan District Committee united resources from all parties to carry out emergency knowledge training in the jurisdiction

Realize "micro-assistance" and build a "circle of happiness"

Strengthen assistance for difficulties, meet the expectations of the people, and build the unity of the party and the masses. Yinqueshan Street thoroughly implements the leading concept of party building, strengthens the "micro-assistance" initiative, and joins hands with double-registration units to build a "happiness circle" for the party and the masses. The sub-district works closely with the double registration unit to visit the families of the needy people in depth to fully understand the needs and expectations of the people. In the micro-assistance action, the double registration unit provides precise and personalized assistance for the people in difficulty by providing condolences and psychological counseling.

【Volunteer Yimeng Shoushan Lanshan】 "Double registration, double service" makes the "neighbor" distance more intimate

The Beijing Road Branch of Linshang Bank carried out visits and condolences activities in the jurisdiction

In the next step, Yinqueshan Street will continue to join hands with the double registration unit, take the "Neighborhood +" brand as the soul, take the "double registration and double service" as the wing, adhere to the people-centered development idea, continuously improve the service quality and governance efficiency, create a more harmonious and happy living environment for residents, and draw a new blueprint for community services.

Source: Lanshan District Rong Media Center

Editor: Wang Wenjing

Duty Officer: Shang Wei

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