

author:Jurong release

Entering April

Annoying, people, ҉, flying, flocculating, and ҉ coming, ҉

As temperatures rise steadily

Willow catkins "all-round attack"

Let pedestrians on the road have nowhere to "escape"

"Allergy people" across the screen

It's all itchy!



10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is the time of day

The time when the fly is at its most vigorous

Outdoor activities should be avoided as much as possible during this period

There is a flying season

Protect yourself when you're outside

Pay special attention to protect your face

Wearing a mask can be a protective one

All-round protection looks over



The willow catkins flying in the sky are everywhere

Not only for everyone to travel

It has a certain impact

There is also a big fire hazard!

The case of "igniting catkins and causing a fire".

It happens almost every year

Related Cases

On April 8, 2021, a fire broke out in a foam profile processing workshop in Botou City, Cangzhou, Hebei Province. According to the on-site investigation of the fire department, the cause of the fire was caused by the ignition of the surrounding foam profiles when the employees were cleaning up the catkins by ignition, but fortunately there were no casualties.

May 2022, Jinan, Shandong. A man who was allergic to poplar catkins ignited the catkins in a fit of rage, and the fire spread rapidly, destroying two private cars and a number of scrapped vehicles. During the examination, the man confessed to the crime of arson and was subject to criminal coercive measures.



Willow catkins can also have an impact on live equipment

Power sector, enterprises, factories, households

All need to be guarded against

Power supply sector

Before the season of flying

The power supply company should be on the power facilities

Conduct spring inspections

Strengthen the maintenance of equipment lines

Prevent catkins from adhering to power lines

and caused a short circuit on the device

It poses a threat to the safe operation of the power grid

Enterprise Factory

Enterprise factory workers

When doing welding, cutting, etc

Be vigilant

Regularly sweep away the incoming catkins

Don't give it a chance to be ignited by Mars

Once the fire is discovered

Call the police for help in time



In April and May, the season of willow catkins "rampant".

When we are at home

Fenestration should be minimized

The screen window should be closed when the window is opened

Prevent flying catkins from entering the room

Plugging the interfaces and gaps of household appliances


Owners of new energy vehicles and electric bicycles

When charging the car outdoors

Attention should be paid to whether the surrounding environment is safe

If found on the charging facility

There is a pile of catkins

Clean up as soon as possible

Eliminate hidden dangers in time

When the annual fly is flying

Friends pay attention to protection at the same time

Be sure to remember, too

Helping "live equipment" cut off "allergens"

Turn, Hair, Mention, Wake Up!

Editor: Zhang Mengmeng

Source: China Emergency Management


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