
In 2023, the highlights of the "report card" are frequent! Guoyuan Securities will lay out this year in this way

author:China Securities Journal

"Operating income hit a record high, net profit ranked fourth in history", "Through investment banking, bonds, investment, etc., nearly 60 billion yuan of investment and financing for various real economies" "Won the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government's 'Excellent Collective for Promoting Higher Quality Integrated Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region'", "Continuously Rated A-class for the Cultural Construction of the Securities Industry", "ESG Governance Selected as an Excellent Case of 'Corporate Governance' by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council"...... In 2023, Guoyuan Securities handed over a beautiful "report card".

In 2023, the highlights of the "report card" are frequent! Guoyuan Securities will lay out this year in this way

The scene of Guoyuan Securities' 2023 annual results briefing

On the afternoon of April 12, Guoyuan Securities' 2023 annual results briefing was held remotely at the "China Securities Roadshow Center" of China Securities Journal. Shen Hefu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guoyuan Securities, Hu Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Executive Committee and President of Guoyuan Securities, and other senior executives of the company attended the event and answered questions.

Shen Hefu said that in 2024, Guoyuan Securities will seize the development opportunities of the capital market, move forward bravely and forge ahead towards the goal of "a first-class industrial investment bank with core competitiveness", and strive to create colorful performance with the attitude of daring to fight, dare to break through, dare to do and dare to do, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Guoyuan Securities.

Hand over a new answer sheet for high-quality development

"With the support of all shareholders, the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company, Guoyuan Securities handed over a new answer sheet for high-quality development with determination and progress last year. Shen Hefu said.

Guoyuan Securities' 2023 annual report shows that during the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 6.355 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.99%, a net profit of 1.868 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.75%, and basic earnings per share of 0.43 yuan.

"In 2023, Guoyuan Securities will focus on the development positioning of 'a first-class industrial investment bank with core competitiveness', anchor the golden track of 'industrial research + industrial investment + industrial investment banking + comprehensive wealth management', serve the national strategy with innovation, serve the needs of entities with professional expertise, and continue to grow in serving the national strategy and the real economy. Shen Hefu said.

Shen Hefu said that judging from the comparison of Guoyuan Securities' own data, the operating income in 2023 will hit a record high, and the net profit will also rank fourth in history. In addition, in 2023, Guoyuan Securities will achieve investment and financing of nearly 60 billion yuan for various real economies through investment banking, bonds, investment, etc., and won the "Excellent Collective for Promoting Higher Quality Integrated Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region" by the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and has been rated Class A for the cultural construction of the securities industry, and ESG governance has been selected as an excellent case of "corporate governance" by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Hu Wei said that in 2023, Guoyuan Securities will continue to experience and grow in serving the national strategy, serving the real economy, and serving residents' financial management. As a national characteristic securities company with a full business license, Guoyuan Securities has always adhered to the concept of "legal compliance and steady operation", earnestly implemented the responsibilities of "gatekeeper" of the capital market, "service provider" of direct financing and "manager" of social wealth, comprehensively benchmarked the requirements of building a first-class investment bank and investment institution, made every effort to improve the quality of development, adhered to the concept of "financial power" and "finance for the people", implemented the concept of "investor-oriented", and provided investors with high-quality services and good returns.

According to Hu Wei, in 2023, Guoyuan Securities will focus on the overall goal and phased requirements of building a first-class industrial investment bank, take customers as the center, focus on the main responsibilities and main business, benchmark against the table, work hard, and position for the long term, and the outstanding performance of operation and management is "six batches". First, the growth rate of a number of indicators is leading the industry. Second, a number of major reform measures have been successfully implemented. Third, a number of digital projects have been accelerated. Fourth, a number of innovative businesses have been launched one after another. Fifth, a number of development and cultural construction have been fruitful. Sixth, a number of collaborative services have achieved remarkable results.

Continue to deepen the closed-loop system of strategic management

In terms of specific work, Shen Hefu introduced that in the past year, Guoyuan Securities continued to deepen the closed-loop system of strategic management, and implemented the three-level PMO strategic management mechanism, focusing not only on macro strategic objectives to grasp the overall situation, but also on the decomposition and implementation of subdivision indicators, continuously strengthening the granularity of strategic management, improving the depth and breadth of strategic management, and ensuring that the "14th Five-Year Plan" strategic planning map is transformed into a construction drawing for hard work.

On the one hand, Guoyuan Securities continued to deepen the reform, promoted the "dual control of salary ratio and fee ratio, and double benchmarking of performance salary", strengthened performance-oriented and ability-oriented, and realized the efficient linkage between salary distribution and performance ability; carried out the identification of key positions and the inventory of the talent system, and made every effort to promote the implementation of the strategic measures of strengthening the company with talents; established a cadre exit mechanism, improved the mechanism of "education, selection, management and use" of young cadres, and promoted the younger, knowledgeable and professional cadre team, which injected new vitality and vitality into the company's long-term and healthy development.

On the other hand, Guoyuan Securities continues to improve its comprehensive risk management system, carries out penetrating management of various assets, achieves early identification, early warning and early disposal of risks, effectively reduces risk exposure, and keeps the bottom line of no major risks, and the asset quality of Guoyuan Securities is at the best level in history. In addition, Guoyuan Securities also puts compliance in a more prominent position, and integrates compliance management and integrity into the whole process of business development by increasing compliance publicity, carrying out targeted compliance inspections, and strengthening compliance accountability, so as to ensure that the bottom line is not stepped on, the red line is not crossed, and the high-voltage line is not touched, so as to escort the high-quality development of Guoyuan with high-quality compliance.

We will continue to move forward towards the goal of becoming a first-class industrial investment bank

2024 is a key year for Guoyuan Securities to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. "We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the Central Economic Work Conference, in accordance with the requirements of the CSRC's '315 four policies', put functionality in the first place, adhere to the political, people's and professional nature of financial work, continuously enhance the ability of financial work, accurately grasp the trend of economic and industrial development, build a professional service system guided by the investment and financing needs of the whole life cycle of the real economy, and guide more financial resources to high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, new generation information technology, Biomedicine and other new industries are gathered to promote the high-level circulation of "science and technology, industry, and finance", and help the vigorous development of new quality productivity. Shen Hefu said.

Hu Wei said that Guoyuan Securities will maintain the continuation of its strategy, adhere to the "six focuses", forge a new engine for high-quality development, and deepen the "golden track" to stimulate new vitality for high-quality development. Deepen the "synergy mechanism" to enhance the new potential energy of high-quality development, focus on the "four plates" to draw a new background for high-quality development, deepen the "three major war zones" and create a new path for high-quality development, focus on the "ten major projects", build a new ecology of high-quality development, and achieve distinctive high-quality development by focusing on the main business, optimizing supply, and improving value creation capabilities, and accelerate the construction of a first-class industrial investment bank with core competitiveness.

Shen Hefu said that in the future, Guoyuan Securities will continue to optimize product supply, improve value creation capabilities, create diversified and professional financial products and financial service systems, and do a good job in the "five major articles" of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to provide strong financial support for promoting high-quality economic and social development. In addition, we will seize the development opportunities of the capital market, move forward bravely and resolutely towards the goal of "a first-class industrial investment bank with core competitiveness", and strive to create outstanding achievements that live up to the times, the country, the people, shareholders and employees with the attitude of daring to fight, dare to break through, dare to do and dare to do, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Guoyuan Securities.

Reviewer: Xu Zhao Editor: Yu Hongbo

Proofreader: Ya Wenhui Producer: Zhang Nan

Issued by: Sun Hong

In 2023, the highlights of the "report card" are frequent! Guoyuan Securities will lay out this year in this way

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