
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

author:Hanjiang News
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

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"In the past, if I wanted to do things in a foreign country, I had to ask my relatives and friends to trouble my relatives and friends in China, and sometimes I had to go back to China by myself. Now as long as you poke your finger and log in to the '12365' overseas Chinese affairs service platform, you can quickly get it remotely, which is really a great thing for the people!" Recently, an overseas Chinese from Jiangkou happily liked it after logging in to use the newly launched Jiangkou Town Overseas Chinese Affairs Service Platform. This is also another effort of Jiangkou Town to promote the implementation of the work of "party building leading, consolidating the foundation and benefiting the people", and sincerely serve overseas Chinese.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Jiangkou Town is a key hometown of overseas Chinese in the province, with more than 530,000 overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, distributed in 65 countries and regions around the world, and a total of 31 overseas associations.

In order to better serve the overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in Jiangkou, the town actively explores an innovative model of serving overseas Chinese with digital empowerment around "one map for the whole city and digitalization of the whole region", upgrades and updates the original "12315" overseas Chinese affairs tracking service platform in Jiangkou Town, and establishes the "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform in Jiangkou Town with the purpose of "caring for overseas Chinese and feeling in Jiangkou", so as to create a Jiangkou model for overseas Chinese in the new era.

Build a platform to gather the hearts of overseas Chinese

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

With digital reform as the driving force, we will combine digital and intelligent overseas Chinese affairs with traditional overseas Chinese affairs, and build a digital overseas Chinese affairs service platform composed of ten functional sections: litigation and non-linkage, convenient services, overseas Chinese housing protection, return to hometown employment, information release, and overseas Chinese services, and create a "cloud-overseas Chinese affairs" channel, break the limitations of time and space, and achieve "more abundant overseas Chinese data, smoother cross-border exchanges, and more accurate services for overseas Chinese".

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Open two channels to listen to the voices of overseas Chinese

In China, grid chiefs, unit chiefs, and safety volunteers have been widely mobilized to collect the needs of returning overseas Chinese and their relatives at home, encourage overseas Chinese to make suggestions and suggestions, and effectively improve the level of solving problems, doing practical things, and doing good things for overseas Chinese.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Abroad, recommend a group of representative figures who love their hometown's public welfare undertakings and have an important position in the community, make full use of hometown associations, chambers of commerce and overseas liaison stations, promote the use of the platform, and collect relevant information to further guide overseas Chinese to play an important role in friendship and exchanges, business cooperation, public welfare and charity, safeguarding the rights and interests of overseas Chinese, and promoting diplomatic friendship.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Focusing on three key points, the overseas Chinese power is remitted

The focus is on the mediation of disputes involving overseas Chinese. On the platform, it presents important national laws, regulations and policies related to overseas Chinese, introduces the establishment of existing overseas Chinese-related rights protection institutions and policies for overseas Chinese one by one, so that overseas Chinese can easily understand and handle various affairs, make full use of the online and offline multi-party functions of litigation and non-linkage, and provide overseas Chinese with services such as consultation, pre-litigation dispute resolution, case filing, mediation, and neutral evaluation, so as to create an exclusive conflict and dispute mediation service platform for overseas Chinese.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

The focus is on convenient services for overseas Chinese. Relying on the service platform online, it comprehensively integrates all overseas Chinese-related life service agency matters, and realizes online and offline integrated services through the mode of "mass billing-staff dispatching-agency order-taking". Overseas Chinese can make an appointment for door-to-door service online through the platform, and after receiving the application, the platform staff will send orders to the exclusive service team in the form of work orders, so as to provide preferential, high-quality and convenient services for overseas Chinese and their relatives in the jurisdiction.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Focus on hometown culture publicity. Relying on the platform, we will take advantage of various opportunities to publicize the great changes in our hometown and the good business environment to overseas folks, adhere to the interaction between domestic and overseas, online and offline, comprehensively display the first-class business environment of our city, catalyze the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese from Jiangkou to return to their hometowns for investment and entrepreneurship, and strive to do some work within our ability to promote the return of overseas Chinese capital in our city, the return of overseas Chinese wisdom, and the relocation of overseas Chinese enterprises.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!
You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Build six teams to protect the interests of overseas Chinese

In response to the diverse needs of residents and overseas Chinese and their relatives in the jurisdiction, we will integrate government and social resources, gather people from all walks of life, and strive to build six professional teams (medical team, education team, mediation team, convenience service team, employment assistance team, and propaganda team).

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

According to the list of needs, the six teams give full play to their respective strengths, regularly participate in conflict mediation, take care of the lives of the left-behind elderly, care for the growth of left-behind children, publicize the policy of benefiting overseas Chinese, and provide door-to-door services, etc., and carry out various volunteer service activities from time to time.

Establish five mechanisms to solve the worries of overseas Chinese

Establish a collaborative linkage mechanism. The town party committee and government will take the lead, give full play to the advantages of the Federation of Overseas Chinese and the United Front, strengthen the coordination and linkage with the relevant overseas Chinese-related departments such as the public security, justice, and judicial inspection courts, and form a joint force to comprehensively collect and solve the service needs of overseas Chinese and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, and more accurately safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and Chinese nationals.

Establish an online disposal mechanism. In the use of science and technology, we will do "addition" and "subtraction" in the litigation process, gradually implement all-round three-dimensional "cloud courts" and all-online transnational "cloud services", create "six clouds" working methods, and intelligently carry out fingertip case filing, cloud trials, online mediation and service, shorten the time and space distance for overseas Chinese to participate in litigation, and build a bridge for remote cross-domain trials.

You don't need to go back to China, you can do it by poking your fingers! Jiangkou Town's "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform is online! "Cloud" serves overseas folks!

Establish a data analysis mechanism. Pay attention to the analysis of existing information data, regularly hold analysis and judgment meetings, sort out and summarize the handling of the needs of overseas Chinese, identify the key issues that overseas Chinese and their relatives are concerned about, and jointly study, conduct in-depth analysis, and solve and optimize service content in a targeted manner. At the same time, the data and information will be dynamically updated, and a database of overseas Chinese resources with detailed data and complete information will be established to accumulate strength for the overall situation of service.

Establish a service linkage mechanism. Through the establishment of relevant systems, the organizational structure for overseas Chinese service is constructed. Create functional areas such as the Overseas Chinese Bookstore, the Overseas Chinese Heart Harbor, and the Overseas Chinese Law Publicity Corner, so as to enhance the sense of belonging and identity of overseas Chinese and their relatives.

Establish an empowerment mechanism. Through the empowerment group, we will tap the talented people among the overseas Chinese, and drive the overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese relatives in the jurisdiction to "come out" from their homes, enter the villages, learn more about the service planning of the villages, participate in the discussion and resolution of public affairs in the villages, and serve the development of the villages.

At present, the "12365" overseas Chinese affairs service platform in Jiangkou Town has been connected to the city's "Tianxia Puren" section to realize the integration of data through one network, and at the same time, special personnel have been organized to go to Hong Kong, Macao and other places to carry out the promotion and use of the platform, and actively expand the digital channels for overseas Chinese services for the city's overseas Chinese affairs system.

Jiangkou Town will continue to strive to build the platform into an efficient public service for overseas Chinese and a bridge for interactive communication between government and overseas Chinese, so as to further unite the hearts of overseas Chinese, gather overseas Chinese wisdom, give full play to the strength of overseas Chinese, and safeguard the interests of overseas Chinese. (Contributed by Lin Kai, Jiangkou Town)

编辑 | 陈琳 编审 | 林亦霞

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