
Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

author:Dongcheng, Beijing

The fourth issue of "Frontline" magazine in 2024 published an article by Sun Xinjun, Secretary of the District Party Committee, "Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Construction of the East City in the Functional Core Area of the Capital". The full text is as follows:


As the functional core area of the capital, Dongcheng District has taken the lead in implementing the requirements of "looking at Beijing first from the political point of view" on the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, vigorously promoting the mission value of the core area, and continuously improving in terms of political support, regional productivity, cultural influence, social cohesion, environmental affinity, and team combat effectiveness.

As the functional core area of the capital, Dongcheng District of Beijing has become increasingly prominent in the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, closely connected with the overall work of the Party and the state and the overall development of the capital, and shouldered an increasingly arduous special mission in the development of the capital in the new era, and its unique value is particularly glorious. In recent years, Dongcheng District has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, vigorously promoted the mission value of the core area, promoted the "Chongwen Striving for the First" at full speed, comprehensively deepened the "Six Forces Improvement", and strived to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Dongcheng.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

The level of "four services" has been continuously improved

The political guarantee capacity continues to improve

The whole point of the work of the core area is to serve and guarantee the functions of the capital. Dongcheng District has always kept in mind the "great man of the country" and the consciousness of the role of the tree, insisted on giving priority to the "capital", comprehensively doing a good job in the "four services", and continuously enhanced the comprehensive carrying capacity of the capital's functions.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

The task of government service guarantee was successfully completed. Shouldering the major political responsibilities of Zhengyang Gate and Jinshui Bridge, we have successfully completed the service guarantee tasks of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, and the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, and the normalization mechanism of service guarantee for major events has been improved day by day. Improve the linkage mechanism between the central and local governments, promote the normalization of central and local deliberations and exchanges, and rank first in the city in the 2023 "four services" satisfaction survey. The overall social situation continues to be safe and stable. Adhere to the bottom-line thinking, take political security as the foundation, build a strong security barrier against infiltration, anti-terrorism and riot, and maintain security in the ideological field. Actively explore the "integration of spear mediation and disposal" model, the "echelon progression, integrated mediation" work method of contradictions and disputes was rated as an advanced model of the national "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and the acceptance results of the construction assessment of "Safe Beijing" and the acceptance results of the "National Municipal Social Governance Modernization Pilot" ranked first in the city. Coordinated development is going deeper. Conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Deepening the Coordinated Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, implement the "Beijing Corridor Cooperation Agreement", Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School opened smoothly, and 179 government service matters in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei have achieved "colleagues with the same standard and cross-provincial handling". Innovate the "three help one" group assistance mechanism to help Fangshan recover and rebuild after the disaster, and donate more than 20 million yuan. We will go all out to strive for the "nine consecutive championships" of the national double-support model city, and the military-civilian exchanges and cooperation will be closer and deeper, and the military-civilian relations will be more affectionate and meaningful.

High-quality development is more sufficient

The level of regional productivity continues to increase

Adhere to the new development concept to lead high-quality development, do everything possible to revitalize development resources, stimulate vitality and momentum, and substantially improve the endogenous driving force of cultivating excellence and attracting strong and long-term benefits. The regional GDP has maintained rapid growth for three consecutive years, and the district-level general public budget revenue will exceed the 20 billion yuan mark for the first time in history in 2023, and the economic ability to resist risks has been significantly enhanced.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

The industrial structure has been further optimized. With culture as the background, finance as the engine, and the digital economy as the lead, the "Silver Lane", "Silicon Lane", "Wen Lane" and "Xing Lane" that incubate industrial clusters empower the upgrading of the service industry. We will further promote the agglomeration of high-end leading industries, the collection of high-end leading talents, and the cross-border in-depth integration of high-end emerging advantageous industries, cultivate and form 8 top industry groups, and the "multiplier effect" will play a significant role, so that district-level tax revenue accounts for one-third of the total amount of the region. In the past two years, more than 500 new projects have been added, with an investment of more than 1,100 billion yuan. It was awarded the first batch of national cultural and financial cooperation demonstration zones in the country, and pioneered the financing "white list" mechanism in the city, and the per capita output value of the cultural industry led the city. The construction of Qinglong's "Silicon Alley" was officially launched. Break through the stereotype to accelerate the "nesting and attracting phoenixes", and free up high-quality administrative office space such as No. 52 Jinbao Street and No. 192 Chaonei Street for industrial development, so that the "golden treasure land" can produce "diamond benefits". The key functional areas are full of vitality. Accelerate the construction of the "Cultural Golden Triangle" of the Forbidden City-Wangfujing-Longfu Temple, and use the super IP of the Forbidden City to launch the "East of the Forbidden City" cultural, commercial and tourism brand, and effectively release the consumption momentum. The second phase of the renovation and renewal project of Longfu Cultural District was completed, taking a solid step towards creating a new scene of world-class cultural and artistic consumption. Upgrade the quality of Wangfujing block, gather the advantages of the first store cluster, continue to improve the energy level of the business district, connect Longfu Temple to the north to build an open block, connect the Forbidden City to the west to create an ancient capital cultural belt, and form a spatial pattern of "wide streets and narrow alleys" with Longfu Temple. Qianmen Street was selected as the first batch of national-level nighttime cultural and tourism consumption clusters, and the sense of Beijing-style cultural experience has been continuously improved. The Dongzhimen Transportation Hub Project has been completed one after another, the super Grade A twin-tower office building has been put into use first, the cultural square on the south side of Dongzhimen has been transformed into a high-quality new urban leisure space, and the new growth pole of high-end industrial development in the Northeast Second Ring Road has gradually taken shape. Initiate the implementation of the industrial development plan for the southern region, promote the transformation of the Yongwaicheng stationery wholesale market into a digital technology industrial park, attract industry-leading enterprises such as State Grid Digital Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. to settle in, and accelerate the balanced development of the north and the south. The business environment is more "pro" and "clean". Polishing the "Zijin Service" brand, releasing the all-factor industry development policy service package, and insisting on using true feelings and "real materials" to think about and help the development of enterprises. Adhere to the "two unwavering" and "two health" to promote the high-quality development of the private economy. It is the first pre-litigation mediation docking workstation for commercial buildings in the country to resolve all kinds of commercial disputes from the source. Promote the construction of digital government affairs, take the lead in the city to realize the superposition of "joint license + one license and multiple addresses", and deepen the integrated service of "one thing at a time", so that the business environment is "clear and green", and the development of enterprises is more like a fish in water.

It has become a broad consensus that the cultural area is strong

The cultural influence continues to grow

We firmly believe that if culture is strong, Dongcheng will be strong, carry the banner of culture, consciously undertake a new cultural mission, continue to define Dongcheng with culture, bless Dongcheng, and strengthen Dongcheng, and accelerate the construction of the core bearing area of the national cultural center.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

Focus on the preservation and revival of the old city. With the protection of the central axis as the traction, we will coordinate and promote the protection of historical and cultural districts, the retreat, repair and revitalization of key cultural relics. Complete the evacuation of cultural relics such as Taimiao Temple and Sheji Altar, realize the opening and utilization of cultural relics protection units such as Huangshichen and Cao Xueqin's former residence memorial hall, and carry out protective repairs and restorative construction in Jingshan Sanyanjing area, Xizongbu block, and pilot courtyards around the Bell and Drum Tower. Promote the restoration of the landscape of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, and recreate the beautiful scenery of the Sanli River Old Road with water passing through the streets and alleys and green trees. Create a landscape corridor of Yongding Gate looking north to the central axis, and the "spine of the ancient capital" shows a new picture. Strengthen the display and utilization of cultural relics resources. The historical and cultural inheritance and innovation development plan was released, and the drum tower displayed the "story of time", vividly displaying the charm of ancient buildings along the central axis. A dialogue meeting on the history and culture of the city was held, the ancient building music season made the renovated Hong'en View "first try", Mei Lanfang's former residence was transformed into an art center, and the former site of the Second Courtyard of Peking University was listed as a museum. Released the Rejuvenation Association Cultural Vitality Partnership Program, and signed cooperation intentions with six associations in four provinces and five cities including Guangdong Province to jointly build a "Hundred Gardens" of Chinese culture. With the implementation of the intangible cultural heritage renewal plan, Dongcheng has become the only pilot area in the city for the construction of the intangible cultural heritage data system of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Promote the global layout of cultural spaces. The Beijing Cultural Forum has been upgraded to a national and international forum and permanently settled in Dongcheng, which has been carefully co-organized and provided good services to build a high-quality platform for promoting cultural exchanges and deepening mutual learning between civilizations. The city's first "four in" policy to guide and support physical bookstores was introduced, and the "Temple of Earth and Me" Beijing Book Fair returned after 10 years, and the construction index of physical bookstores ranked first in the city, making the city both fireworks and books. New progress has been made in the construction of the "City of Drama", the new theater of the Central Opera House has opened its doors to welcome guests, and the Beijing Renyi International Drama Center has been completed and put into use. "27 Courtyards" was selected as a typical case of high-quality development of grassroots public cultural services in China, and "Beauty and Beauty" was selected as a national public cultural space brand case, and a number of small and beautiful cultural spaces have grown vigorously in the hutongs and become the "cultural living room" around the masses.


People's livelihood and well-being have been handed over with a heart-warming answer

Social cohesion continues to improve

Closely following the requirements of the "seven haves" and the needs of the "five sexes", we will protect and improve people's livelihood at a higher level, and constantly meet the people's yearning for a better life.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

Continue to improve people's livelihood and well-being. It has been rated as a national high-quality and balanced compulsory education zone, with continuous improvement of education facilities and a coverage rate of 100% of high-quality compulsory education resources. Promote the relocation of the First People's Hospital of the District and the construction of the comprehensive building of Hepingli Hospital, Hepingli Hospital and Longfu Hospital have passed the third-class evaluation, and the renovation project of the ward building of Puren Hospital has been completed, making high-quality medical services more accessible. The National Model Area for National Sports and Fitness has been created, the construction of the National Fitness Center and the overall renovation project of the Dongdan Sports Center have been completed and put into use, and the community coverage rate of the "Quarter of an Hour Fitness Circle" has reached 100%. Raise the level of social security. Multiple measures have been taken to ensure and promote employment, improve the employment service system, promote the integration of "industry + employment", and the number of zero-employment families has remained at zero, and it has been rated as a full employment zone in Beijing. In the past two years, more than 3,200 home care beds have been built, and the supply of home-based elderly care services has become more abundant and perfect. We will continue to do a good job in "key small things", carry out pilot projects for the integration of decoration garbage collection and transportation offices in more than 400 communities, accelerate the special treatment of outstanding property problems, and promote the transformation of property management committees into property committees. Deepen social governance at the grassroots level. Build a team of social workers in Dongcheng who understand technology, know how to use methods, and are good at service, and explore social governance models with multiple participation, consultation and co-governance, such as small courtyard meeting halls and alley housekeepers. Taking the immediate handling of complaints as the main starting point for the people, we have carried out the special action of "tackling difficulties and solving people's worries" in depth, innovatively carried out the selection of "pioneers in handling cases", and created a strong atmosphere of handling cases first and handling cases most in the whole region, and the results of handling complaints immediately have been steadily and rapidly improved.

Do enough "embroidery kung fu" for urban governance

Environmental affinity continues to improve

In line with the requirements of livable, resilient and smart cities, we will continue to optimize urban functions, improve the quality of cities, and strive to find a new path of integration and symbiosis between "metropolis" and "city", and continue to build a livable urban area that is comfortable and exquisite, convenient and beneficial to the people.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

New progress has been made in urban renewal. We will further promote the work of "sparse rectification and promotion", complete the first phase of the demolition of the old site of Tiantan Hospital, speed up the vacancy and evacuation of Bairong World Trade Mall, and gradually solve the deep-seated contradictions accumulated for a long time in the core area. Guangming Building No. 17 simple building reconstruction projects and other projects were rated as the city's best urban renewal practice projects, Chongyong Street Urban Design and Renewal Implementation Demonstration Project, COFCO Plaza Project, and Wangfujing Urban Renewal Overall Upgrading and Transformation Project were selected as excellent cases of urban renewal, and the old city continues to present a new image of Shulangzhuang. Urban governance has reached a new level. Implement a new round of three-year action to refine and improve the environment of back streets and alleys, and create a "basically non-illegal construction area" with high standards and high quality. The Qianmen Tourism Distribution Center was relocated, and the space under the Lama Temple Bridge was renovated. Completed the comprehensive renovation and upgrading of Donghuamen Street and Gulou East Street. Strengthen the management of traffic order, Guozijian Street has achieved no parking, and the number of non-parking alleys in the whole area has reached 45. The quality of the city has been improved. Yuer Hutong 10 alleys have become "the most beautiful streets and alleys in Beijing", and nearly 100 beautiful courtyards have made a wonderful appearance. The renovation of Longtan Zhonghu Park and the construction of smart gardens were completed, the water system of Longtan Sanhu Park was connected, and the South Pavilion Zero-carbon Park was completed and opened. In the past two years, a total of 210,000 square meters of green space has been newly built and renovated, and a number of boutique pocket parks such as Yandun Xiwang have been completed and put into use, and the coverage rate of the 500-meter service radius of green space has exceeded 97%, and the ecological background of blue and green interweaving has been further polished.

Party building is advancing in depth

The team's combat effectiveness continues to improve

We will resolutely implement the requirement that "when we look at Beijing, we must first look at it politically", continue to build a strong fighting fortress and a strong cadre team, and improve the quality of party building in an all-round way.

Sun Xinjun: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of the eastern city in the functional core area of the capital

Persist in putting political construction in the first place. We should resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" as the highest political principle and fundamental political rule, promote the effective coverage of theoretical study, promote investigation and research, and promote the transformation and improvement of achievements. Promote the precision and normalization of political supervision, and ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee are implemented in place, with strength and responsibility in place. Adhere to the correct selection and employment orientation. Formulate and implement a number of measures to improve the governance ability of leading cadres, and thoroughly implement the three major projects of "source reserve, quality improvement, and merit-based selection" of young cadres and the "Zhengyang Torch" project of selecting and transferring students, so as to continuously fill the "reservoir" of young cadres. Adhere to the clear orientation of grasping the grassroots level. The city took the lead in establishing the party committee of the financial industry, the party committee of the industrial group and the party committee of the alliance of specialized, special and new enterprises. We will continue to introduce special talents from the "Four Alleys", innovate the cooperation mechanism between central and local talents, hold the city's first Marxist seminar for young talents, and build the city's first talent theme park, Dongcheng International Talent Park. Persist in carrying forward the fine style. Vigorously carry forward the spirit of Shi Chuanxiang, temper the party spirit in learning moral models, temper skills in solving problems, and let the promising have a place. Continue to rectify the "four winds" to ensure that the political ecology of the core area is clear.

In the east of the Forbidden City, all things are flourishing, the sun and the moon are moving, and the time is new. Dongcheng District will continue to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, based on the construction of a national hub, a thousand-year-old ancient capital, a famous cultural city, a picture scroll of the world and a livable blessed land, and make every effort to take the lead in drawing a new picture of the Chinese-style modernization pilot area and demonstration area, and continue to write brilliance.

Author: Sun Xinjun, Secretary of the Dongcheng District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Beijing

Source: Frontline Magazine, Issue 4, 2024

Photo: Lin Xuan, Zhang Chuandong, Zhang Weimin