
The positive energy of the network enters the community of Shaoshan Road and is a qualified citizen of the network society

author:Information network
The positive energy of the network enters the community of Shaoshan Road and is a qualified citizen of the network society

Volunteers promote the positive energy of the network to residents (Source: Photo by Chief Reporter Cong Li of Xinwang)

Xinwang, April 12 (Chief Reporter Cong Li) On April 12, the "Network Positive Energy into the Community" activity was carried out in the Shaoshan Road Community, Licun Street, Licang District, and the network positive energy community propagandists walked to the residents to promote network security knowledge to them face-to-face, which further enhanced the network security awareness of middle-aged and elderly community residents, guided the elderly to go online scientifically and safely, and let the elderly have more sense of security and happiness in the digital information age.

During the event, propagandist Wang Jun distributed network security brochures to community residents, and actively publicized various security awareness closely related to residents' daily life, reminding residents not to trust calls and text messages from unknown sources, and not to provide their relevant information to strangers. After receiving the brochure, the residents carefully read it and said that they would take it home and study it with their families.

"Now a lot of vivid examples abound, the elderly because of the information is relatively closed, in the face of strangers' words, many old people will often believe, so as to fall into the 'trap', there are elderly people at home, I often tell them, and it has become a habit to come to the community, to help them at the same time to promote some network security knowledge, I think it is very meaningful, say more, they will slowly deepen their impression, and they will think carefully in case of trouble, so as to improve the awareness of prevention. Wang Jun told reporters.

Another advocate, Chen Junzheng, told humorous and easy-to-understand examples to give community residents a deeper understanding of cybersecurity. "Cyber security may not be very familiar to elderly residents, but if it is transformed into content closely related to daily life, such as going out for a walk, buying groceries and encountering code scanning, free experience activities, etc., these will be easier to understand, so that residents can feel that in fact, cyber security is everywhere, and only by paying attention to it can we do a good job of prevention. Chen Junzheng said.

This activity of bringing positive energy into the community allows residents to have a deeper understanding of network security, fully understand the harm of network violations, guide residents to correctly identify network information, and further enhance residents' awareness and ability to use the network scientifically, civilly, safely and reasonably, and be qualified citizens of the network society.

The positive energy of the network enters the community of Shaoshan Road and is a qualified citizen of the network society
The positive energy of the network enters the community of Shaoshan Road and is a qualified citizen of the network society

Volunteers promote the positive energy of the network to residents (Source: Photo by Chief Reporter Cong Li of Xinwang)

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