
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

author:Innovation Nanshan
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Who finally made it to Friday?

Life is short, but the holiday is long, and the last Sunday of April is also a day off!

"Huh~ Why do you smell like a class?"

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

@打工人们下班后快来公园走一走在这里和 "Ban Wei" said goodbye~

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Open the guide to dispel "class flavor"· Guide Start! ·

Active exercise after work may be more effective than "sighing", where to go to "scatter the smell of work"?

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

In order to meet the sports needs of the public, the fitness facilities in various parks in Nanshan have been new, and a number of outdoor smart gyms have been built one after another to achieve the coverage of intelligent fitness facilities in the whole area. Best of all: it's free!

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Every day after 6 p.m., the fitness equipment in Lixiang Park will be "overturned" with citizens. In the applause of the onlookers, fitness enthusiasts accepted the challenge one by one, showed their muscle strength, and everyone gathered together, regardless of age, to enjoy the fun of sports.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Mr. Qi

After two years of exercising in this energetic venue, my body has improved. Shenzhen should lead and carry forward the trend of sports and fitness, so that everyone can participate.

With the soaring popularity of fitness in Lixiang Park, not only citizens from Longgang District, but also fitness enthusiasts from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Dongguan and other cities have come here to communicate and interact.

Mr. Chen is a resident of Dongguan

I usually like fitness, and I swiped the fitness scene of the park in Shenzhen on the Internet, and I felt that the atmosphere was very good, so I wanted to come and experience and learn.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Click on the applet above to inquire about more outdoor smart gyms

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Start the "class flavor" navigation· Navigation Launch! ·

What the Nanshan neighborhood wants

"Treasure Treasure Body"

It's actually right on your doorstep!

Xiaochuang has already stepped on it for you in advance~

Take this

Nanshan outdoor free smart gym strategy

Let the "class flavor" retreat!

Follow Xiaochuang together

Regain the sense of relaxation in life



Shenzhen Bay Sea Breeze Sports Park

Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming. With such a beautiful view in front of you, you can easily enjoy the vitality brought by the combination of nature and sports here.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

In the gym of the Sea Breeze Sports Park, blowing the sea breeze and sweating, all the distractions will be blown away by the wind, and here, you can blend with the artistic conception of Cheslav Miłosz's poem "The Gift": there is no pain in my body. Straightening up, I saw the blue sea and the white sails.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Bus: Binhai Leisure Holiday Line/M493

Self-driving: "Beautiful Shenzhen" public account - park reservation parking

(Parking spaces are limited, it is recommended to make a reservation for parking or green travel)


Merchants Lawn Park

For the old Shekou people, they can't forget the Zhaobei lawn at the intersection of Shuiwan Road and Zhaoshang Road. Nowadays, Zhaobei Lawn has become a China Merchants Lawn Park.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Although the park here is not large, it is divided into different spaces according to the functions of leisure, amusement, and quiet enjoyment, and integrates the concept of time for the development of Shekou into it, and lawns, seats, and children's amusement facilities can be seen everywhere to provide a comfortable place for citizens to rest and amuse.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

The smart equipment fitness area is also a major feature of the park, making it more convenient for residents living nearby to exercise.

Bus: 226/331

Metro: Shuiwan Metro Station Exit C, walk about 300 meters


Wenxin Park

Nestled under the lush greenery, the newly established outdoor smart gym in Wenxin Park has become a new favorite for citizens to exercise for leisure. In addition, the park also has a number of characteristic landscape nodes such as the Unbounded Lawn, Wenxin Inkstone, Forest Oxygen Bar, Zhiqu Children's City, Yunxi Secret Land, and Circular Runway.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

The outdoor smart gym in the park is not only equipped with all kinds of equipment, but also can be intelligently assessed according to the individual's physique, making the fitness activities more scientific. And compared to indoor fitness, citizens are more inclined to exercise outdoors by breathing fresh air.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Bus: M475/M562


Lixiang Park

Lixiang Park, like a shining oasis in the city, attracts a large number of people who love fitness every day. In the downtown area, Lixiang Park is like a natural oxygen bar hidden in the hustle and bustle, providing a fresh and natural sports environment for the public. If you are eager to enjoy the gifts of nature while exercising, Lixiang Park is undoubtedly the ideal place for you!

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Lixiang Park not only provides a good exercise environment for fitness people, but also becomes a platform for them to communicate and share their experiences. Here, you can meet like-minded friends and discuss the fun and skills of fitness.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Bus: 223 / M475

Metro: Taoyuan Station Exit A, then walk for 10 minutes


Shenzhen Talent Park

Shenzhen Talent Park is located in the Houhai area of Nanshan District, adjacent to the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base and connected to the Shenzhen Bay Coastal Leisure Belt, and is one of the newest and most well-equipped parks in Shenzhen.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

The runway in the Talent Park has a gentle slope, and a cool sea breeze blows slowly from time to time, and all kinds of road signs are clear and clear. In addition to the good scenery, the convenience facilities are also very complete. There are 4 public toilets in the park, and there are nursing rooms, mobile phone charging stations, self-service QR code scanning shower rooms, free direct drinking water and other facilities to meet people's basic needs in the process of sports and leisure at any time.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Bus: 362 / M209

Metro: Houhai Metro Station Exit G


Dasha River Park

In the early morning, Dasha River Park, accompanied by the singing of birds and insects, ushered in the first batch of morning jogging enthusiasts. Many athletes choose to warm up at the park's fully equipped outdoor smart gym before the start of the race. The state-of-the-art sports equipment here provides them with a full range of services to ensure that every exercise can be carried out under the premise of safety and science.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

The north and south fitness fields of Dasha River Park cover a total area of nearly 1,500 square meters, and more than 50 fitness equipment have been added.

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Bus: 49/316

Metro: Zhuguang Metro Station, 1.4 km walk

By car: The park has its own parking lot

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

In the future, such a smart gym will cover more and more parks, and Nanshan's "Banwei" removal plan will be what do you score?

Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"
Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

Source | Nanshan District Rong Media Center Shekou News

The first scene: Nanshan District Urban Management Bureau

编辑 | 黄锦彤 实习生 邓蔚燃

海报 | 王晴 责编 | 董非

Audit | Wang Tingting, Lu Dongbo

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Migrant workers with a "class flavor", please come here to "one-click clearing"

The time is set, the place is set!

Tickets are sent! Innovation Nanshan, please watch the happy twist "alternative" comedy

Productivity comes from the sea, and the three "thousands" of Nanshan enter the deep blue