
Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

author:Shanxi Province human resources market
Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

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Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

Job Announcements

Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

In order to strengthen the construction of the county's teacher team, the county party committee and the county government decided to supplement 15 teachers through campus recruitment. The announcement is as follows:

1. Recruitment target

2024 fresh graduates of national colleges and universities who meet the recruitment requirements (excluding commission training and orientation students).

2. Recruitment conditions

(1) Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations;

(3) Have good conduct and professional ethics;

(4) Have the academic qualifications, majors (including directions) and corresponding teacher qualification certificates required for the position;

Applicants must obtain their graduation certificates and degree certificates by July 31, 2024.

The major must meet the professional requirements of the position applied for (the name of the major filled in the applicant's registration form must be consistent with the major indicated on the college graduation certificate). For applicants whose majors are not listed in the catalogue (including graduate majors, professional graduate majors, and majors with overseas academic degrees set up by colleges and universities, etc.), the recruiting unit responsible for qualification review and its competent department shall make a determination.

If there are qualification requirements for the recruitment position, the qualification certificate of the subject teacher of the corresponding section shall be obtained before going through the employment procedures.

(5) Physical conditions to meet the requirements of the post;

(6) The age of doctoral students is generally over 18 years old and under the age of 35 (i.e., born between April 1988 and April 2006), and the age of doctoral students can be appropriately relaxed to 40 years old (i.e., born in April 1983 and later).

(7) Have other qualifications required for the position.

In accordance with the relevant policies and regulations of the state and our province, Chinese citizens and Taiwan compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao enjoy the right of fair competition in the open recruitment of public institutions, and can apply for employment in public institutions in the mainland, and the applicants must have the corresponding conditions such as professional or technical skills required for the recruitment position.

Those who have any of the following circumstances are not allowed to apply for the examination:

1. Active-duty military personnel and non-2024 graduates (among them, graduate students who are not graduating in 2024 are not allowed to apply for the examination with the original academic qualifications and degree certificates) cannot apply for the examination;

2. Those who have received criminal punishment for crimes, or who have been expelled from the Communist Party of China or public office; Persons who have not been lifted from party discipline or government discipline during the period of case filing and review cannot apply for the examination;

3. Personnel who are found to have committed fraud and other serious violations of examination and recruitment discipline in the recruitment of civil servants at all levels and in the recruitment of public institutions cannot apply for the examination;

4. Civil servants during the probationary period (staff of public institutions managed with reference to the Civil Servants Law) and staff of public institutions during the probationary period cannot apply for the examination;

5. Those who are recruited as staff of public institutions have a specified number of years of service and the service period has not yet expired, they must not apply for the examination;

6. Persons who have been lawfully listed as targets of joint disciplinary action for untrustworthiness, as well as those who do not meet the requirements of this open recruitment as provided by laws and regulations, cannot apply for the examination.

7. Applicants are not allowed to apply for positions that constitute a recusal relationship after being hired.

8. Personnel under other circumstances who are not allowed to be hired by law.

Applicants who have become civil servants during the probationary period (refer to the staff of the management unit) or have been hired as staff members of public institutions after applying for the job but before being hired shall not be hired.

The deadlines for the dismissal, active duty, trial (hiring) period, service period, household registration, and various professional (occupational, practice) qualification certificates, etc., unless the position has clear requirements, are the date of announcement.

3. Recruitment positions and quantities

The specific conditions required for each recruitment position are subject to the requirements of the "Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Position Information Form" (Annex 1).

4. Recruitment Procedures

(1) Registration and preliminary examination of qualifications

1. How to register

This campus recruitment will be carried out through online registration.

Registration time: 9:00 on April 22, 2024 to 18:00 on April 26, 2024

E-mail: [email protected] (Xiangfen Senior High School, Shanxi Province)

[email protected] (Xiangfen County Vocational and Technical Education Center)

2. Materials required for registration

(1) "Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Registration Form" (Annex 2).

(2) A recent 2-inch color photo (red or blue) of my recent electronic bareheaded photo, and renamed to my name.

(3) Valid resident ID card.

(4) Graduation certificate and degree certificate. Those who have not yet obtained the graduation certificate or degree certificate can provide the "Employment Recommendation Form" or the certificate of student status issued by the school (the content of the certificate includes: name, gender, ID number, graduation time, graduation school, academic background, degree, major, etc., and the expression is required to be complete and accurate, and the official seal of the school is required). Candidates who are students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and returnees from studying abroad should provide overseas academic qualifications, degrees and professional certification materials issued by the China International Student Service Center of the Ministry of Education.

(5) Teacher qualification certificate. Those who have not yet obtained the teacher qualification certificate can provide the "Certificate of Passing the Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination" printed by the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network".

(6) Putonghua Grading Certificate. Grade 2B or above is required, of which the language subject requires grade 2A or above.

(7) Letter of Commitment (Attachment 3).

For the above information, scan the documents or certificates in order, put them into a folder, and send them to the corresponding registration email address in the form of a compressed package. The naming format of the compressed package is "registration position + name + contact number".

3. Registration Requirements

Applicants must fill in and submit the registration form and other relevant materials truthfully at the specified time and according to the published application conditions and specific job requirements.

Each applicant is limited to one recruitment position in one recruiting unit.

Candidates should register in good faith. Candidates are responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the personal information materials submitted online and the electronic photos uploaded. (Among them, the major filled in the applicant's "Application Form" should be consistent with the major stated on the applicant's college graduation certificate; if the graduation school issues the graduation certificate according to the first-level discipline, the name of the first-level discipline contained in the graduation certificate must be filled in truthfully, and the specific major studied in the "Remarks" column of the "Registration Form" shall be written in the "Remarks" column; the major of foreign graduate students shall be recognized by the recruiting unit in combination with the job requirements.) Candidates should confirm that they fully meet the requirements for the relevant positions.

This recruitment implements a notification and commitment system. Candidates should confirm that they fully meet the application requirements of the relevant positions. When registering, candidates must carefully read and sign the integrity pledge. If you have any questions about the application conditions and job requirements, you should consult the recruiting unit for further confirmation in time. If you do not meet the application requirements, you will be responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.

The information filled in by the candidates should be true, accurate and complete. Those who fail to pass the qualification examination due to incorrect or incomplete information shall be borne by themselves; those who provide false registration information will be disqualified from applying for the examination once verified; those who forge or alter relevant certificates, materials, and information to obtain examination qualifications by fraud will be severely dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.

4. Preliminary examination of qualifications

The preliminary examination of qualifications shall be organized and implemented by the County Education and Science Bureau.

According to the registration qualifications and basic conditions, the qualification review of the registration materials submitted by the candidates will be conducted. One day after submitting the application for the examination, the staff will inform the preliminary examination results. For those who have passed the preliminary examination of qualifications, they will be notified of the time and place of the reexamination and examination, and those who have not passed the preliminary examination will be informed in a timely manner. After the registration is completed, the applicant can no longer submit the qualification review, modify the registration information or change to other positions.

Whether the majors of the applicants who have obtained foreign academic degrees meet the recruitment requirements shall be determined by the leading group of the open recruitment work of the competent recruitment departments (3-5 experts in the major or similar majors) to determine whether their majors meet the requirements of the recruitment position.

(2) Qualification review

The qualification review shall be organized and implemented by the County Education and Science Bureau, and shall be conducted by means of on-site review.

1. During the qualification review, the applicant shall provide the original and a copy of all the application materials.

If the materials are incomplete or the materials provided are inconsistent with the qualifications of the position applied for and the main information is false, the applicant's qualifications will be cancelled. Applicants who fail to participate in the qualification review at the specified time and place shall be deemed to have given up automatically.

2. Issuance of admission tickets. Those who pass the qualification review will be issued an admission ticket by the recruiting unit, and the time and place of the examination shall be subject to the admission ticket.

(3) Examinations

Those who have passed the qualification review shall take the examination with the admission ticket. The written test and interview for campus recruitment will be organized and implemented by a qualified third-party agency entrusted by the recruiting unit.

If the ratio of the number of recruits for the same position to the number of qualified candidates does not reach 1:5, the interview will be conducted directly, and the total score of the interview will be 100 points, and the minimum passing score line is 70 points, and the interview score is a comprehensive score.

If the ratio of the number of recruits for the same position to the number of qualified candidates reaches 1:5, the written test will be conducted first and then the interview. According to the written test results from high to low scores, the interview candidates will be determined according to the ratio of 1:3 of the number of recruits for the same position, and the interview candidates will be determined according to the actual number of people if the ratio of 1:3 is not reached. Comprehensive score = written test score × 60% + interview score × 40%, and the minimum passing score of comprehensive score is 60 points.

The written test score, interview score, and comprehensive score are all rounded to two decimal places.

Candidates who fail to take the examination at the specified time and place shall be deemed to have given up their qualifications.

1. Written test

(1) Proposition and grading: The recruiting unit entrusts a third-party agency to organize and implement it.

(2) The written test is conducted in a closed-book manner, with a total score of 100 points. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes.

(3) The content of the written test is the subject expertise required for the position to be applied for.

2. Interview

Interviews will be conducted in the form of on-site teaching without feedback. Among them, the interview of subject teachers is conducted by means of lectures and theoretical answers, and the interview time of each candidate is 15 minutes, and the interview of professional teachers is conducted by lectures and practical operations, and the interview time of each applicant is 20 minutes.

The interview focuses on testing the candidates' professional theoretical knowledge, comprehensive analysis ability, logical thinking ability, on-the-spot adaptability, language expression ability and other comprehensive qualities.

In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the interview, it is proposed to set up an examiner group. The proposition and on-site scoring are organized by the examiner group, each examiner group is 5-7 people, composed of relevant personnel and experts, of which the number of examiners participating in the interview by the recruiting unit and its competent department shall not exceed 1. Each group has 1 chief examiner, who is served by an external examiner to preside over the interview of the group.

For the position of direct interview, if the last 2 or more candidates for the same position have the same interview score, the additional interview will be carried out, and the candidates for physical examination will be determined according to the order of the score after the interview and the additional test from high to low.

For the position of combining the written test and the interview, if the last 2 or more candidates for the same position have the same comprehensive score, the candidates for physical examination and inspection will be determined according to the order of the written test score from high to low;

The key aspects of the interview will be recorded and videotaped.

The results of the written test, interview and comprehensive results should be announced on the same day.

(4) Physical examination and inspection

According to the comprehensive results of the same position from high to low, according to the number of recruitment plans for the position 1:1 ratio to determine the physical examination and inspection personnel. The physical examination and inspection shall be organized and implemented by the recruiting unit.

The physical examination standards and items shall be implemented with reference to the "Physical Examination Standards and Measures for Applicants for Teacher Qualifications in Shanxi Province (Revision)" (Jin Jiao Ren Zi [2005] No. 19) issued by the Teacher Qualification Accreditation Guidance Center of the Ministry of Education. The physical examination shall be arranged in a general hospital at or above the county level with physical examination qualifications. If the applicant has any objection to the results of the physical examination or the conclusion of the physical examination is unqualified and needs to be re-examined, he or she can apply for a re-examination within 3 working days after the announcement of the physical examination results, and after the consent of the recruiting unit, he or she shall be re-examined in another hospital at the same level or above the same level with physical examination qualifications. If the recruiting unit, the candidates participating in the physical examination and their families still have objections to the results of the re-examination, the hospital undertaking the re-examination shall organize relevant experts to conduct a consultation and make a final conclusion. For those who cannot complete all the physical examination items due to pregnancy, they shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national policies. Those who do not attend the physical examination on time will be deemed to have given up their qualifications. The cost of the medical examination is at your own expense.

The content of the inspection should highlight the political criteria, focusing on whether the candidates meet the political requirements of enhancing the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four self-confidences", achieving the "two safeguards", and loving the Communist Party of China, the motherland, and the people. Comprehensively understand the political quality, moral character, ability quality, psychological quality, study and work performance, law-abiding, integrity and self-discipline, job matching, and whether it is necessary to avoid the situation of the candidates.

Fresh graduates mainly inspect the applicant's learning situation and usual ideological and political performance during the school period, and in principle, the school's graduation appraisal and other supporting materials shall prevail. At the same time, it is necessary to review and review the authenticity and files of the application information provided by the candidates, and reconfirm the candidates' qualifications. Those who do not participate in the inspection and provide complete personal files at the specified time and place shall be deemed to have given up automatically. Those who fail to pass the inspection will be disqualified from employment.

Those who fail to pass the physical examination and inspection shall not be hired. If an individual gives up the physical examination or inspection, he or she will be compensated according to the comprehensive score from the highest to the lowest score among those who apply for the same position and pass the comprehensive examination (only once).

Vacancies due to unqualified physical examinations and inspections will not be filled.

(5) Publicity and employment

According to the results of the written examination, interview, physical examination and inspection, the personnel to be hired shall be determined, and the list of personnel to be hired shall be published on the website of the People's Government of Xiangfen County, and the pre-employment publicity shall be carried out within 7 working days. During the publicity period, the public report is accepted, and the whistleblower should reflect the problem truthfully with his real name and provide necessary investigation clues. If the problem is found to be true after investigation, the qualifications of the proposed personnel shall be cancelled. After the expiration of the publicity period for the personnel to be hired, they will not be replaced.

If there is no objection to the expiration of the publicity period, the competent department is responsible for reporting the proposed candidates to the county human resources and social security bureau for the record, and handling the relevant procedures in conjunction with the county party committee and the county finance department, and filling in the "Shanxi Provincial Public Institution Open Recruitment Personnel Registration Form", in 4 copies, and 1 copy of the personal file, the recruiting unit, the competent department, and the human resources and social security department. The legal representative of the employer shall sign an employment contract with the hired personnel to determine the personnel relationship.

The hired personnel are subject to a system of employment and probationary period, and the probationary period is included in the term of the employment contract. After passing the examination after the probationary period expires, the employee shall be formally employed; if the applicant fails to pass the examination, the employment shall be cancelled.

The hired personnel enjoy the relevant treatment of the position of the institution and the policy subsidy for talent introduction.

5. Consultation and supervision telephone

Recruitment policy and specific matters consultation telephone:

0357-3820518 (Shanxi Xiangfen Senior High School)

13935721073 (Xiangfen County Vocational and Technical Education Center)

Supervision telephone: 0357-3530002 (Xiangfen County Education Science and Technology Bureau)

Consultation and supervision telephone opening time: working hours on working days during the recruitment period.


1. Xiangfen County's 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Position Information Form .xls

2. Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Registration Form .docx

3. Letter of commitment .docx

Xiangfen County Education Science and Technology Bureau

April 11, 2024

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Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

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Xiangfen County 2024 Campus Recruitment Teacher Announcement

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Address: No. 81, Xinjian South Road, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province