
A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

49-year-old Uncle Liu has a hobby, which is to eat meat and drink wine in front of the TV at night. And now that life is better, this hobby has become Uncle Liu's habit, but as everyone knows, there is a huge crisis hidden in it.

One night, Uncle Liu drank and ate meat as usual, and when he was about to clean up and sleep, he suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy, and he fell to the ground before he could even call for help.

Although his family found out and immediately sent him to the hospital, it was too late, and Uncle Liu finally left forever due to a cerebral infarction.

The doctor said that Uncle Liu's condition has a lot to do with long-term drinking and greasy diet.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

Uncle Liu's situation is a wake-up call for the public: wrong habits can lead to tragedy, and many people are unknowingly doing things that hurt their bodies.

1. There are more and more patients with cerebral infarction in China, and the root cause has been discovered

Cerebral infarction, also known as acute cerebral infarction, is a brain disease that causes ischemia, brain cell damage and death after the erosion of brain plaques and insufficient blood supply, which has the characteristics of high risk and serious sequelae.

In mainland China, there are more than 12 million patients with cerebral infarction over the age of 40, and the number of people who die due to cerebral infarction is as high as 1.9 million every year.

Under the combined effect of various factors such as population aging and lifestyle evolution, environmental pollution, and increased work pressure, this data is rising and getting younger and younger.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

In life, it is easy to ignore the factors that induce cerebral infarction, such as the abuse of kitchen spices.

1. Edible salt

Excessive salt intake can lead to NA retention, which in turn induces vascular smooth muscle swelling and increases blood pressure. For patients with arterial plaque, it is easy for the plaque to detach and lead to cerebral infarction.

2. Edible oil

Long-term excessive intake of edible oil can easily increase the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Sugar

Excessive intake of sugar will affect blood sugar and insulin function, and will also increase blood lipids, make blood viscous, and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

Of course, the occurrence of cerebral infarction is also closely related to bad lifestyle habits, such as:

Smoking: Studies have found a significant positive correlation between smoking duration and cerebral infarction, and the accumulation of smoking history is also associated with an increased risk of stroke.

Lack of exercise: Studies have shown that effective physical activity reduces the risk of stroke. At the same time, regular exercise can reduce body weight, improve lipid and glucose metabolism, and help slow down the development of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

2. Don't worry about doing 4 things at night or increasing the risk of cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction is associated with bad behavior habits in life, especially at night, and there are four things that tend to increase the risk of cerebral infarction. If you're doing it, then change it as soon as possible!

1. Eat supper

Researchers at the University of Turkey, September 9, followed 721 hypertensive patients with an average age of 53 and found that those who ate within two hours of bed were 2.8 times more likely to have their blood pressure not drop and remain high at night than those who did not eat before bedtime.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

2. Smoking

Wang Runqing, director of the third ward of the Department of Neurology of Zhengzhou Central Hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou University, explained that the nicotine in cigarettes can damage the walls of blood vessels, cause blood clots and induce cerebral infarction.

At the same time, smoking will also have a synergistic effect with risk factors such as elevated blood sugar and obesity that cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and aggravate the harm to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

3. Sunset

Li Li, director of the interventional department of Henan Provincial People's Hospital, said that frequent staying up late is easy to lead to acute attacks of cerebral infarction through multiple pathways such as stress, nerve excitation and lipid metabolism disorders.

4. Get angry

Song Enfeng, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, said that when people are angry, they will excite the sympathetic nerves, resulting in increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, which will increase the burden on the heart and brain, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

3. There are ways to prevent cerebral infarction, and a few small things must be done well

WHO statistics show that 1 in 6 people in the world is diagnosed with cerebral infarction, and 1 person dies of cerebral infarction every 6 seconds, and 1 person is permanently disabled due to cerebral infarction every 6 seconds.

The onset of cerebral infarction is acute, and it is always wrong when it occurs, but if you can give first aid correctly, you can also save time for the patient.

Chen Sijiao, director of geriatric cardiovascular disease from the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, said that the golden time for acute cerebral infarction rescue is 3-6 hours, and 1.9 million brain cells die in the patient's brain for every 1 minute delayed.

Although the golden time for cerebral infarction rescue has been extended to 24 hours, it is still recommended that the sooner the rescue, the better, and if it exceeds a certain time, do not give up the rescue easily.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

Scholars from 32 countries around the world have summarized five suggestions for the prevention of cerebral infarction after following up and investigating relevant data:

1. Control the disease

It is necessary to actively develop chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, which is one of the risk factors for cerebral infarction, and every 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure increases the risk of stroke by 30%. Hyperlipidemia is also significantly associated with cerebral infarction, and the risk of cerebral infarction in diabetic people is also 1.2 times that of normal people.

In addition, some data show that heart failure, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases can increase the risk of cerebral infarction. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with a related heart disease, you should also seek medical treatment aggressively.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

2. Quit smoking and drinking

Smoking increases the risk of ischemic cerebral infarction by 90%, and increased alcohol consumption also increases the risk of cerebral infarction. Therefore, if you want to prevent cerebral infarction, you should stop smoking and drinking in time.

3. Eat a healthy diet

It is recommended that the daily diet should be low in salt, low fat and low oil, you can consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and seeing, etc., you can use olive oil instead of other oils, and it is recommended to give priority to white meat such as fish and meat, and choose less red meat such as pork.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

4. Exercise regularly

Effective and regular exercise can reduce the incidence of cerebral infarction by 40%, especially in patients with intracranial artery stenosis, and exercise can help prevent recurrence of cerebral infarction.

5. Stay optimistic

Anxiety, depression, irritability and other negative emotions will increase the risk of cerebral infarction by 2.2 times. Therefore, we should maintain an optimistic attitude in our lives, and we can also seek help from the psychiatrist if necessary.

A 49-year-old man died of a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, reminding: Don't do 4 things at night to increase the risk of cerebral infarction

In recent years, the incidence of cerebral infarction has been rising, and the trend of younger people is becoming more and more obvious, and the reasons for this result mainly include smoking, staying up late, lack of exercise, and high-oil and high-salt diet.

Especially at night, big fish, big meat, tobacco and alcohol are not separated from this invisible deadly killer, and they should be kept away.


[1] "Why are there more and more patients with cerebral infarction in China?not only folic acid supplementation, but also these two things should be done quickly".

[2] "I didn't go to work for 2 days, my colleague called the police to save his life!This disease is high in winter, it must be prevented!", Health Times.2023-11-21

[3] "The "source" of cerebral infarction has been found, or millions of lives have been saved!", Popular Science China.2022-05-18

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