
The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District Committee were held

author:i Gold Mountain
The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District Committee were held
The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District Committee were held

This morning, the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the district party committee and the meeting of the leading group for party building work of the district party committee were held at the district conference center. The meeting studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on party discipline study and education, conveyed and studied the spirit of the relevant meetings of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, and deployed the work of carrying out party discipline study and education in our district and carrying out the centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee. Liu Jian, secretary of the district party committee and leader of the leading group for party building work of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Zelong, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and District Mayor, Wang Hongwei, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Liu Yufeng, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, and Yuan Gang, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, attended.

The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District Committee were held

The meeting pointed out that carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major policy decision made by the party Central Committee and an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth. It is necessary to adhere to a high position and accurately grasp the great significance of carrying out party discipline study and education. It is necessary to fully realize that carrying out party discipline study and education is an inevitable requirement for the whole party to strengthen political construction, the key to comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and an important guarantee for accelerating the transformation and shaping of our region, and it is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to be loyal to the party's cause and strictly abide by the party's discipline. It is necessary to adhere to high quality and resolutely grasp the implementation of party discipline study and education. It is necessary to adhere to the study and understanding of the key content, to study and understand the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of party discipline as the core, firmly establish a correct view of power, political performance, and career, and take serious and strict party discipline and party rules as the key, guide party members and cadres to strictly abide by the party constitution, study and implement the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and better exert their strength and entrepreneurship within the scope of party discipline and party rules. It is necessary to persist in grasping the education of typical examples, deepen warning education, do a good job in the education of role models, and promote the whole region to always maintain the courage to innovate, the spirit of daring to be the first, and the vigorous and upward vigor. It is necessary to persist in tempering and improving the cultivation of party spirit, regard the improvement of party spirit cultivation as an important goal of discipline education, and take serious political life within the party as an important content of discipline education. It is necessary to persist in promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, strengthen the deterrence of not daring to be corrupt, firmly establish the cage that cannot be corrupted, enhance the consciousness of not wanting to be corrupt, further improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and promote the formation of more institutional achievements and greater governance efficiency. It is necessary to adhere to high standards and earnestly ensure the orderly progress of party discipline study and education. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, grasp all work more tightly, solidly and carefully, and ensure that responsibilities are compacted in place, classified guidance is in place, and actual results are transformed in place.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to fully understand the necessity and urgency of carrying out concentrated rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses, attach great importance to it ideologically, closely integrate the study and education of party discipline, and earnestly solve all kinds of problems involving the vital interests of the masses. It is necessary to focus on the areas of rural revitalization, education and medical care, pension and social security, ecological and environmental protection, safe production, food safety and other issues that the masses are concerned about, and make real efforts to implement them to ensure that solid results are achieved. It is necessary to tighten and consolidate the responsibilities of the "main force" of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and the main responsibility of the party committees (party working committees and party groups) of various departments, and answer the same questions on responsibility, so as to realize the transformation from analyzing one problem to solving one type of problem.

The meeting deliberated on the party discipline study and education program in our region and the implementation plan for carrying out centralized rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses.

Ji Wei, Qiu Yunli, Shen Yongbing, Jin Zhengbin, and Tang Weixing, members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, attended.

Reporter丨Zhu Yuexin, Gu Qingfan

Photography | Feng Jianwei

Edit | Pantene

Editor-in-charge | Liu Jiayuan Gan Yuqiong

The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the meeting of the Leading Group for Party Building Work of the District Committee were held

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