
What kind of thing? "Ignoring people's lives, officials and wealth are mutually refreshed" once again refreshes the people's cognition.

author:Wu 🍬🫧💦

A malicious escape incident caused by a traffic accident has set off a storm of public opinion in Baode County, Xinzhou, Shanxi. One driver chose to flee the scene, knowing that he had run over the child. And the local police report seems to downplay the responsibility of the perpetrators, what is going on?

What kind of thing? "Ignoring people's lives, officials and wealth are mutually refreshed" once again refreshes the people's cognition.

Such behaviour raises the question of what role law and morality play here, why can perpetrators be so brazen in evading responsibility, and are fairness and justice dispensable in the face of money and power?

What kind of thing? "Ignoring people's lives, officials and wealth are mutually refreshed" once again refreshes the people's cognition.

In this incident, we see behind power and money. Some people seem to think that as long as they have money, they can do whatever they want, while some officials are hesitant for various reasons. Is this phenomenon social progress or regression?

What kind of thing? "Ignoring people's lives, officials and wealth are mutually refreshed" once again refreshes the people's cognition.

We cannot sit idly by and ignore this incident. We need to call on the relevant authorities to stand up bravely, punish the perpetrators severely, and give an account to the victims and the public. Only in this way can we safeguard social fairness and justice, and can we make the law truly play its role.

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