
The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

author:Qingyin Taoist people say feng shui

In traditional Chinese culture, face reading is a science that predicts fate and character by observing a person's facial features. Facial Appearance Broken Yang House, that is, by observing the person's physiognomy to infer the quality of their living environment and its impact on the fortune of the occupants. These methods belong to the more delicate classification of physiognomy, and they reflect more symbolic meanings in folk wisdom and traditional culture, and there is little scientific basis.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

In modern society, we should pay more attention to scientific attitudes and methods, for these traditional cultural content, can be understood as cultural research or entertainment, but in actual life should be scientific planning and management of Yangzhai. The following author will introduce the method of observing the good and bad feng shui of the house with the broken face as follows:

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

1. Observe the number of yang houses on people's eyebrows: The ancients believed that the lines on people's eyebrows represent the number of yang houses they have lived. This statement is more of a cultural symbol and does not scientifically reflect a person's living environment.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

2. Looking at the man's ears, you can know that he will enter the woman's family: Traditional physiognomy believes that if the man's ears are small and reversed, it means that he will enter the woman's family. Again, there is no scientific basis for this claim, but rather an interpretation of facial features by the ancients.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

3. The Pavilion of a Woman's House can predict future marriages: The Pavilion refers to the area of a person's chin. In physiognomy, it is believed that if the floor of a woman's house has twills, it is more accurate to predict the future marital status. However, these claims have not been scientifically verified.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

4. Look at the people hanging on the wall (next to the decree) bright, and the neighborhood is harmonious. Looking at the gray and dark hanging wall, there will be evil neighbors. That is, the brightness and darkness of the "hanging wall" (also known as nasolabial folds) were used by the ancients to symbolize the harmony of neighborhood relations. This interpretation is based on the theory and practice of Feng Shui and is part of traditional culture. In ancient times, it was believed that the living environment included not only the physical geographical environment, but also the human environment, such as neighborhood relations, community atmosphere, etc. Therefore, by observing the facial features of a person, it is possible to infer the condition of the living environment. When it comes to the "hanging wall" feature, brightness is often considered a positive symbol of harmony and harmony in the neighborhood, while darkness is considered an unlucky sign to indicate a bad neighborhood relationship or community environment. However, there is no scientific basis for this interpretation, it is more based on the beliefs and observations of the ancients about the correlation between physiognomy and fate and environment.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

5. Observe the clarity of people's eyes and family tranquility: This statement believes that if a person's eyes are clear and bright, not cloudy or dull, then his family life is usually peaceful and harmonious. This view is based on the metaphor of the eye as a window to the mind, arguing that a person's mental state and inner world can be expressed through the eyes.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

6. Look at the people The mountain root is green and the eyes are evil: the mountain root is located at the beginning of the nose bridge, near the corner of the eye. According to ancient physiognomy, if the root of the mountain appears blue or has an abnormal complexion, it means that there is something unlucky or evil in the family. This view has no scientific basis and is based on the superstitious beliefs of the ancients.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

7. If the length of the law is the same, it means that the house is positive, and the law on both sides is long and short, and the house is four-dimensional. If a person's nasolabial folds are of the same length, Feng Shui believes that this indicates that the orientation of their home is correct, i.e., "positive". The so-called positive direction usually refers to the best direction in which the main entrance of a residence or the main façade of a building is facing, which is considered to bring good luck and auspicious orientation. Conversely, if a person's nasolabial folds are of different lengths, i.e., one side is long and the other is short, Feng Shui believes that this indicates that the orientation of the house is "four-dimensional", i.e., it is not the best orientation. The 4D here refers to a non-major auspicious orientation, which means that the entrance or main façade of the dwelling is not oriented in the most desirable direction.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

8. The left side of the face is better than the right side of the house, and the right side is more beautiful than the left side, and the house is more beautiful than the left. This theory holds that a person's facial features are asymmetrical, and that if the left side looks better than the right, then the house is more favorable to the man, and conversely, if the right side looks better than the left, then the house is more favorable to the woman.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

All of the above ideas are based on ancient Feng Shui and physiognomy theories, which sought to predict a person's fate and the well-being of the family through physiognomy. In ancient Chinese culture, face reading was considered a way to understand a person's character, fate, and health. Feng Shui, on the other hand, is the study of how to choose and arrange the living environment to achieve harmony and auspiciousness. However, the method of breaking the sun house in modern social sciences relies more on the comprehensive consideration of multiple disciplines such as architecture, environmental science, and feng shui, such as:

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

1. Environmental site selection: When choosing a living environment, factors such as geographical location, surrounding environment, transportation convenience, and lighting conditions should be considered.

2. Residential design: The design of the residence should be ergonomic, reasonable layout of space, and ensure good ventilation and lighting.

3. Feng Shui concept: Some concepts in traditional Feng Shui, such as the back of the mountain and the water, and the Tibetan wind and gathering qi, can also be used as a reference to create a harmonious and comfortable living environment.

The mystical physiognomy of Tongtian: The feng shui of a person's residential environment can be judged by looking at their faces

In general, the modern Broken Yang House should be combined with multidisciplinary knowledge and carried out in a scientific and reasonable way. At the same time, we should also respect traditional culture, take its essence and remove its dross, so that it can better serve modern society.