
The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

author:Xiaohe has material

An exclusive birthday surprise for Sweet Heart


It was a sunny day and a gentle breeze, making it a good day to give a birthday gift. Tianxin held the carefully selected gifts, and her eyes were full of love and expectation for her father. The moment Jia Nailiang accepted the gift, the happiness in his smile could not be hidden.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

He opened the gift and found that it was a trophy representing the "best dad", and the base was engraved with a sweet inscription. This is not just a small trophy, but also an expression of Tianxin's love for her father, every word seems so sincere, as if to say: "Dad, you are the best in the world!"

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

Some people say that this is Tianxin's best affirmation for her father, and some people joke that Jia Nailiang may have won the best dad award in the universe. Laughter and blessings are intertwined, making it a bright sight on social media.

A little wisdom in the growth


Tianxin's growth is always full of surprises. From babbling to being able to express love in her own way, every step of the way has witnessed her changes. I remember once, Tianxin was asked in an interview what she thought of her parents, and her serious and slightly immature answer was impressive.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

"Mom and Dad are the best in the world, and I want to make them happy," she said. Behind this simple answer is her deep affection and understanding for her family.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

Not only her family, but even netizens were deeply touched by this sentence, some praised Tianxin for being sensible, some shared their warm stories with their families on the Internet, and even some netizens joked that Tianxin should publish a tutorial on "How to be a little sun in the family".

Tianxin and Jia Nailiang's father-daughter file


Looking back on all kinds of interesting stories between Tianxin and Dad, it is not difficult to find that the interaction between them is always full of fun. For example, once, Jia Nailiang taught Tianxin to ride a bicycle, which was widely circulated.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

In the video, Jia Nailiang patiently held the bicycle and guided him step by step, while Tianxin looked serious, and her small figure was firmly pedaling. When Tianxin finally learned to ride independently, she turned her head and said loudly to the camera, "Look, I did it!" At that moment, not only Jia Nailiang, but even the people watching the video were shocked.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

Netizens shined in the comment area, some praised Tianxin for her bravery, and some lamented Jia Nailiang's patience. Some netizens joked that this is simply a "survival challenge" between father and daughter.

The talent for language is amazing


Tianxin not only shows her unique charm in life, but her language talent is also amazing. Whenever she speaks in public, whether it is an interview or interacting with fans, she can always express her opinions and emotions in immature but intelligent words.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

This talent not only made her parents proud, but also surprised the majority of netizens. Many people discussed Tianxin's future online, believing that she is expected to become an excellent public figure.

The best dad in the universe: Jia Nailiang's trophy secret and Tianxin's growth

And Tianxin seems to be unaware of these expectations, she lives leisurely in her own way, and responds to the attention and love of the outside world with her daily growth.

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