
["Three grasps and three promotions" in progress] Shandan: expert services into farmland waste film recycling show a new look

author:Shandan agriculture and rural areas

In order to improve the environmental awareness of the vast number of farmers, advocate scientific agricultural production methods, scientifically use plastic film, and promote the green development of agriculture, on April 12, combined with the city's potato industry expert service group to carry out technical guidance activities, the county economic center actively carried out waste agricultural film recycling publicity activities.

["Three grasps and three promotions" in progress] Shandan: expert services into farmland waste film recycling show a new look

During the publicity activities, the on-site staff distributed more than 100 copies of publicity materials such as "Gansu Province Regulations on the Recycling of Waste Agricultural Film", "The Harm of Residual Agricultural Film to the Environment" and "Technical Operating Regulations for Composting of Vegetable Tails" to the masses. At the same time, a publicity and consultation desk was set up to explain in detail to the farmers the hazards of waste plastic film residues and the benefits of promoting the use of 0.015mm thickened high-strength plastic film and fully biodegradable plastic film, the importance of waste plastic film recycling and other related knowledge. By the end of the event, more than 20 on-site consultations were received.

["Three grasps and three promotions" in progress] Shandan: expert services into farmland waste film recycling show a new look

In the next step, the county economic and cropping center will continue to take the recycling of waste agricultural film as an opportunity to publicize the knowledge of waste film recycling and related policies and regulations to farmers through multiple channels, further enhance the initiative and consciousness of farmers on residual film recycling, take the initiative to clean up farmland residual film, scientifically recycle and dispose of it, protect and improve the agricultural ecological environment, and promote the green and high-quality development of agriculture in the county. (Zhou Orchid)

["Three grasps and three promotions" in progress] Shandan: expert services into farmland waste film recycling show a new look

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