
Children with ADHD are actually spleen deficiency that affects their mental health!

author:Positive Yangtze

A few years ago, an anxious mother came to my office with her youngest son, Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming, a seven-year-old child, is full of energy, but often has difficulty concentrating and is overactive. At school, teachers and classmates were often troubled by the difficulty of sitting still and the frequent interruptions of class. After several attempts at Western medicine and behavioral therapy, Xiao Ming's condition did not seem to improve, which left his mother feeling helpless and depressed.

As a doctor, I know that getting to the root of the problem is key. I carefully inquired about Xiao Ming's living habits and diet, and conducted a detailed TCM constitution identification. Soon, I discovered a factor that might have been overlooked – a deficiency of the spleen. In TCM theory, spleen deficiency is not only related to digestion and absorption, but also deeply affects children's emotions and behaviors. I realized that this may be the key to Xiao Ming's hyperactivity symptoms.

This discovery has fundamentally changed the direction of Xiao Ming's treatment. The following treatment process and the changes in Xiao Ming are not only surprising, but also deeply confirm the unique value of TCM theory in modern medicine.

Children with ADHD are actually spleen deficiency that affects their mental health!

Practical steps to treat ADHD


For children with ADHD, diet is key. In TCM theory, spleen deficiency means that digestion and absorption are weak, so food needs to be easily digested.

Grains and vegetables: Increase your intake of brown rice, oats, and root vegetables. Not only are they highly nutritious, but they also contribute to healthy gastrointestinal functioning.

Avoid heavy flavors: Reduce the intake of overly oily, sweets, and cold drinks, which can be the culprits of aggravating spleen deficiency.

Regular and quantitative meals: Maintain regular eating schedules and don't overly hungry or full your child.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is an effective way to improve spleen deficiency. Of course, the specific prescription needs to be customized according to the actual situation of the child.

Regulates the spleen and stomach: Some traditional Chinese medicines, such as Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Codonopsis, can help improve spleen and stomach function and reduce hyperactivity symptoms.

Professional guidance: Please be sure to use Chinese medicine under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner and avoid purchasing or preparing it yourself.

Everyday behavior guidance

In the family environment, the role of the parent is crucial.

Regular routine: Make sure your child gets enough sleep and time for activity.

Emotion management: Help children regulate their emotions and reduce anxiety and excitement through parent-child activities and games.

Environmental adjustment: Create a quiet and comfortable learning and living environment to avoid excessive stimulation.

Children with ADHD are actually spleen deficiency that affects their mental health!

Parent's role and coping strategies

First, get to know your child. ADHD is not just about moving around frequently, it can also include inattention, impulsive behavior, etc. Sometimes, behind these behaviors is an internal imbalance caused by spleen deficiency. By understanding this, parents can be more empathetic to their child's situation.

Next, there are small strategies for daily life. Try to establish a regular schedule for your child, including regular eating and sleeping times. A regular routine can help to adjust your child's temper and stabilize his mind. And, remember to give your child plenty of time outdoors, which helps to burn off their excess energy and is also a natural mood regulator.

Let's talk about diet. In traditional Chinese medicine, diet plays a key role in regulating the spleen and stomach. When preparing food for a child with ADHD, try to choose foods that are easy to digest and mild, such as millet porridge and vegetable soup. Avoid overly greasy or sweet foods, as these may overburden the spleen and stomach.

Psychological support is equally important. As a parent, it's crucial to be patient and positive. Children are easily aware of emotional changes around them, so a peaceful, supportive home environment will go a long way toward aiding their treatment and recovery.

Finally, collaboration with doctors is indispensable. Take your child to the TCM regularly so that the doctor can track your child's condition and progress. Remember that any dietary or behavioral modifications you make at home should be consistent with your doctor's recommendations.

Children with ADHD are actually spleen deficiency that affects their mental health!

Prevention and early intervention

First, let's talk about diet. We all know that good eating habits are essential for a child's health. Especially for children who may have spleen deficiency problems, a balanced and nutritious diet is especially important. For example, adding vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, can help strengthen the spleen and stomach. Also, avoid excessive intake of greasy, spicy or frozen foods, which may worsen the symptoms of spleen deficiency.

Secondly, there are daily activities and routines. Make sure your child has plenty of rest and appropriate physical activity. Going to bed early and waking up early and getting enough sleep not only helps to maintain a healthy body, but also has a positive impact on the mental state. In addition, moderate outdoor activities, such as a relaxing walk or gentle physical activity, can promote your child's physical and mental development and can also help relieve hyperactivity symptoms.

Also, there is an emphasis on emotional communication. Parents should have more active communication and interaction with their children. In the midst of a busy life, find time to listen to your child's daily life and feelings, and give them plenty of love and support. This kind of positive emotional communication is very important for children's emotional stability and mental health.

Finally, we have to mention the creation of a family environment. A harmonious and stable family environment is essential for the healthy development of children. Try to avoid quarrels and tensions in your home and create a warm and safe family atmosphere.

These seemingly simple daily practices actually play a significant role in preventing and interdicting ADHD in the early stages. Of course, if you observe any abnormalities in your child's behavior, it is always wise to seek the advice of a medical professional as early as possible. Remember, early detection and intervention can greatly improve the effectiveness of treatment.