
Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

author:Sanjie Zhang loves life

Since ancient times, we have often heard that white people are more distinguished in appearance than yellow people.

This idea seems to be so ingrained in our brains that many people even go to the cost of plastic surgery in pursuit of this standard.

But is this stereotype really accurate?

Do white people really have an absolute physical advantage over us Orientals?

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

The facial features of white people are three-dimensional and exquisite, but the "flowering period" is short

The first thing to say is that whites do possess some natural physical advantages.

Their heads and faces are more compact and delicate, which undoubtedly makes them stand out in front of the camera. The white model took a photo with the Chinese model, and it can be clearly seen that the white model's facial features are more three-dimensional and deep. This advantage is really very obvious in the shooting effect.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

However, this advantage is not absolute. If we look closely, we will find that the delicate and sharp facial features of white people also bury the "hidden dangers" that they are prone to aging. Although these overly deep facial features are more attractive when they are young, once they get older, they tend to look too rigid and make people feel "old-fashioned".

The yellow skull is relatively flat

The head and face contours of white people are more delicate and small, which undoubtedly makes them stand out in front of the camera. But that doesn't mean that whites have an absolute advantage in appearance. On closer inspection, we will find that the skull structure of the yellow race also has its own characteristics, and in some respects is even superior to that of the white people.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

Many people may think that the head of the yellow race looks larger, which can't help but give people the stereotype that "white people are more delicate and beautiful in comparison". But in reality, this impression may not be the same as the truth. The skulls of East Asians are relatively flatter, which gives us a relatively wide face shape. On the positive side, this structure can really feel "big head".

But this is not a disadvantage, on the contrary, it gives us a unique advantage.

That is, compared to the excessively sharp facial features of white people, our East Asian facial features appear softer, which not only adds to the overall beauty, but also allows us to better resist the encroachment of time.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

Many Chinese female stars, even after the age of thirty or forty, can still easily play young girls, which is the unique charm of our race. In contrast, even top Hollywood actresses cannot escape the fate of "cliff-like" aging.

A contest of body proportions and temperament

While comparing the differences in appearance between whites and yellows, we cannot ignore the differences between the two races in terms of body proportions and overall temperament.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

Let's start with body proportions, whites do have a slight advantage in this regard. White models have more outstanding body proportions, which inevitably conjures up images of them having more standard body curves. In contrast, we East Asians are slightly thinner and lack that sense of being tall and toned.

But this advantage is not absolute. Because even though whites have a slight advantage in size, they have another obvious flaw - excessive body hair and heavy body odor. These will undoubtedly lower the rating of their overall image, making people feel quite rough and savage.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

We Asians, on the other hand, are more delicate and elegant.

Although it may not be as tall and toned as white people, it is better to be more slender and delicate, giving people a more gentle and restrained feeling. This temperament may not be so striking, but it is indeed more relatable and moving.

Of course, appearances are only one aspect. We should pay more attention to the differences in inner quality. Although white people may have certain advantages in stature and facial features, they also have some unacceptable flaws, such as overly exaggerated personalities and a slightly savage and rude feeling.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

And we Asians, although we may be slightly inferior in appearance, are more elegant and outstanding in terms of inner cultivation and temperament. We advocate introverted humility and pay attention to subtlety, which undoubtedly makes us superior in terms of temperament.

When will aesthetic standards cease to be biased?

We have to admit that the external image of white people has indeed been dominant for a long time in the past. From fashion magazines to the entertainment industry, white models and celebrities have become representatives of aesthetic standards. This continues to this day, and many people seem to think that white people are the perfect aesthetic model.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

But the root cause of this preference is not hard to find. On the one hand, this has to do with the widespread spread of Western culture across the globe.

With the export of Hollywood movies, European and American fashion and other cultures, the image of white people has been continuously amplified and beautified, which in turn has affected the public's aesthetics.

On the other hand, some nationalist tendencies may also exacerbate this preference. Some people think that white people are the "superior race", and this psychology unconsciously permeates our aesthetic choices.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

This preference does not mean that white people are really the most flawless in appearance.

As we discussed earlier, although white people do have some advantages in terms of facial features and body shape, they also have some obvious flaws, such as easy aging, excessive body hair, etc. In contrast, our East Asian facial features may not be deep enough, but the anti-aging ability is stronger, and the temperament is more delicate and gentle.

We should not be too obsessed with or worship the aesthetic standards of white people, but learn to appreciate and cherish the unique charm of our own race. Only when we truly recognize our own advantages and face the stereotypes of the outside world with a confident attitude can we truly establish a healthy aesthetic concept.

Do whites really have an advantage over yellows in appearance?

This requires a step-by-step process. We need to recognize the reasons for this preference from the roots, and constantly reflect on and correct our own aesthetic orientation.

At the same time, we should also actively promote and promote local culture in our daily life, so that more people can understand and accept the unique temperament and charm of Oriental people. Only in this way can we truly get rid of the control of white aesthetic standards and establish a new pattern of aesthetics that is more rational and inclusive.

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