
It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

author:Gather in the big community

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It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

In 2006, a young man named Du Haitao participated in CCTV's talent show "Shiny New Anchor" and unexpectedly won the championship. With his talent and affinity, this sunny boy successfully joined Hunan Satellite TV's well-known variety show "Happy Camp" and became one of the hosts.

On the stage of "Happy Camp", Du Haitao showed extraordinary hosting strength and gradually won the love of the audience. His simple and cute performance style is deeply loved by everyone, and he has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

At the same time, Du Haitao also met Wu Xin, who was also the host, and the two quickly became close friends who talked about everything.

Development with Wu Xin

Du Haitao and Wu Xin, who had just settled in "Happy Camp", were still young and vigorous, supported each other in this unfamiliar environment, and soon established a deep friendship.

In one episode of the show, Du Haitao expressed his love to Wu Xin in public, hoping to sublimate the relationship between the two. However, Wu Xin just said lightly: "We are just good friends, and that's just the bridge that the show needs to create."

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

Although Du Haitao was lost in his heart, he still treated this friendship sincerely and did not give up.

The love affair with Shen Mengchen

In addition to his deep friendship with Wu Xin, Du Haitao's love life has also attracted much attention. Another host, Shen Mengchen, once fell in love with him at first sight and took the initiative to pursue Du Haitao.

At first, Du Haitao was a little hesitant and resistant, but finally bowed down to Shen Mengchen's sincere pursuit. The relationship between the two has been handled in a low-key manner, but it still makes many people envious.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

In his spare time, Shen Mengchen often urged Du Haitao to get married as soon as possible, but Du Haitao was always perfunctory, which made Shen Mengchen a little disappointed. It wasn't until February 2022 that the two finally announced the good news of their marriage on social media, fulfilling their dream of falling in love.

Looking back on this glorious moment of Du Haitao, it is not difficult to see that he has indeed achieved the pinnacle of his life with his talent and hard work. From "Shiny New Anchor" to "Happy Camp", to the story with his friend Wu Xin and his lover Shen Mengchen, he has witnessed his many achievements in his career and relationship.

However, the good times did not last long, and Du Haitao was about to face an unprecedented catastrophe.

Negative events emerge

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

As Du Haitao became more and more successful in his career, negative news began to follow. Once, on the way to the filming site, he met a middle school student who accidentally touched his glasses, and Du Haitao lost control for a moment and hit the student, causing the other party to be injured and hospitalized.

Although the matter was finally settled under the mediation of the parents of middle school students, it was no longer possible to hide the fact that Du Haitao was violent.

The incident has aroused widespread concern, and people have expressed unacceptability for the brutal behavior of a public figure like Du Haitao. As a host, he actually lost control of his actions because of a trivial matter, which is really out of his identity.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

Even if his family spent a lot of money to calm down the situation afterwards, it has completely damaged Du Haitao's image. This scandal has become another haze that he will face in the future.

Gaffe performance at Bao Bell's wedding

In addition to the violence against middle school students, Du's behavior at Bao Bell's wedding also drew widespread criticism. At this grand wedding, Du Haitao actually "made trouble with the bride and groom" with several other male stars, and even wanted to throw actress Liu Yan into the water.

This behavior was immediately strongly condemned by netizens, who condemned the shameless behavior of these artists. As one of the main responsible persons, Du Haitao not only did not feel guilty, but instead sent out an abusive Weibo in a short period of time, which further caused a storm of public opinion.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

These presumptuous and inappropriate behaviors are completely different from the positive image that Du Haitao once had in the minds of the audience.

However, the situation has not subsided, and now an even more serious scandal is about to sweep in, and Du Haitao's life may completely collapse in this battle.

Kneel to Korean stars

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

At a grand awards ceremony, when the Korean star Ge Zhilong appeared on the stage, Du Haitao chased each other frantically without scruples, as if he had forgotten his identity and occasion.

What's even more shocking is that he actually knelt down on one knee in front of everyone to pay tribute to his idol.

The other hosts present were extremely embarrassed by Du Haitao's behavior and stepped forward to dissuade him from staying calm. However, Du Haitao ignored it, and instead bowed deeply to Ge Zhilong even harder, as if the entire award ceremony had become his personal "show".

This scene is surprising, as a Chinese host, Du Haitao actually knelt down to Korean stars so humbly, which is undoubtedly a desecration of his national dignity.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

It is often said that "a man has gold under his knees, and he kneels to the sky and his parents", Du Haitao's actions completely deviated from the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Strong condemnation from online public opinion

As soon as this outrageous behavior was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. Angry netizens posted denouncing Du's shameless behavior and denouncing him for losing his dignity as a Chinese.

Du Haitao later issued an apology, but it still could not quell the anger. The major social platforms were full of scolding him, and every sentence was like a sharp knife cutting his heart.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

Some netizens angrily denounced: "As a public figure, you are kneeling to foreign stars so humbly, this is humiliating our great Chinese nation!" Others have called for Du Haitao to be expelled from the entertainment industry forever.

This storm of public opinion continued to ferment, and in the end, even CCTV could not bear it, and stood up and severely criticized Du Haitao's behavior, accusing him of completely losing his due temperament and quality, and tarnishing the image of the Chinese people.

Severely criticized by CCTV

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

In this storm of public opinion that swept the Internet, CCTV finally stood up and severely criticized Du Haitao's behavior with a thunderous momentum. CCTV pointed out that Du Haitao's actions completely lost his due temperament and quality, and humiliated the Chinese people.

Such accusations are undoubtedly a blow to Du Haitao. As a host, it is really outrageous that he would make such a rude act in public.

CCTV's harsh condemnation hit Du Haitao's self-esteem and destroyed his positive image in the hearts of the audience.

Removed from Happy Camp

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

Under CCTV's strong condemnation, Du Haitao's career also plummeted. Originally, he was the host of "Happy Camp", which was loved by the audience, but now Hunan Satellite TV has resolutely removed him from the hosting team.

In the past, he was the resident host of the show, and won the love of a wide audience with his talent and affinity. However, now he has completely disappeared from the eyes of the media and the public, and Du Haitao's career has fallen into an unprecedented trough.

has not only lost his stable hosting work, but also been criticized by public opinion, Du Haitao can be said to have made matters worse. From glory to such a fall, he probably never imagined that his life would change so drastically.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

The cycle of fate

From Du Haitao's triumphant progress all the way from the past to the unprecedented blow now, this is the fulfillment of the old saying "It's not that you don't report, the time has not come". His past triumph is now a thing of the past, replaced by a tormented sinking.

This kind of ups and downs of life makes people sigh, the cycle of fate is subtle and unpredictable, and the slightest carelessness may completely become a disappointed person in life. Du Haitao's experience is the best footnote to this truth.

Once upon a time, he was unrivaled in his beauty and was noticed and sought after by everyone. However, with just one thought, he easily lost everything. This dramatic change is enough to make people feel a lot of emotion.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

The deep reason for Du Haitao's sinking

The root cause of Du Haitao's final fall here lies in his lack of deep self-reflection and respect for others. His pride and complacency in his career and emotions prevented him from being careful about his words and actions, and from being considerate of the feelings of others.

This conceited mentality led him to make mistakes constantly, which eventually led to the situation he is today.

If a person is arrogant, he will not escape the retribution of fate. Du Haitao is exactly like this, he is so conceited that he gets carried away, thinking that he can do anything, but in the end he ends up infamous.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

This is undoubtedly the best interpretation of his life motto: "It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come".

From Du Haitao's experience, it is not difficult for us to see that as a public figure, only by being humble and cautious at all times and paying attention to others can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. If even the most basic personality etiquette cannot be maintained, then no amount of talent and opportunity will be lost.

This is undoubtedly a lesson that Du Haitao has to deeply learn.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

Contrast with Dong Qing's kneeling behavior

Du Haitao's kneeling to the Korean star at the awards ceremony was in stark contrast to the approach of CCTV host Dong Qing.

In "The First Lesson of School", Mr. Yuan Chong, an old translator who was sick and sitting in a wheelchair, Dong Qing took the initiative to kneel down on one knee and talk cordially with him. This respectful behavior won warm applause from the audience, and Dong Qing was also called "the most beautiful Chinese".

In contrast, Du Haitao's kneeling is completely for the purpose of chasing traffic, without any noble intentions, but it is despicable. His behavior undoubtedly desecrated the dignity of the Chinese nation, and there is an essential difference between him and Dong Qing's sincere respect.

It's not that I don't report it, it's just that the time hasn't come yet, and star Du Haitao's "retribution" is coming!

A code of conduct that should be adhered to

This incident also makes us think deeply that as public figures, we should always be careful about our words and deeds. Our every move can be a role model for our children, so we must always look at ourselves and stick to the right values and codes of conduct.

In the process of worshipping celebrities, we must keep a calm and rational mind, and never do anything that hurts others or loses national dignity. Only by doing this, can we always maintain our due demeanor and temperament on the road of pursuing our dreams.

Du Haitao's case is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us, reminding us to always be humble and cautious, and to be kind to others, so as to win the respect and recognition of society. Only by establishing correct values can we go wider and wider on the road of life.

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