
Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Oh, my craft, it's so delicious. ”

Grandma Li was busy in the kitchen, talking to herself, she cooks for her grandson Xiao Ming every day, and watching him eat with relish is her greatest happiness. But a recent physical examination has cast a shadow over this happiness - Xiao Ming was diagnosed with cancer. This sudden bad news plunged the whole family into deep worry.

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

When the child's parents hurriedly took Xiao Ming to the hospital for consultation, Grandma Li followed along, full of guilt and self-blame. The doctor patiently explained Xiao Ming's condition and mentioned a detail that is often overlooked - the dangers of lymphatic meat.

"You see, lymphatic meat is actually a kind of meat that contains a lot of lymphoid tissue, such as the neck and tail of chicken, which are delicious but easy to accumulate various toxins and hormones, which is not good for health. "Long-term consumption of this type of meat, especially if it is not cooked thoroughly, may increase the risk of certain types of cancer." ”

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

In Xiao Ming's family, Grandma Li's cooking actually occupies an important place. As a retired bank clerk, she spends most of her time taking care of her grandchildren and family, and cooking has become a big hobby of hers. But this incident made her realize that even daily cooking requires more health knowledge.

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

The doctor went on to explain the relationship between food and cancer: "Dietary habits have a non-negligible link with the development of many types of cancer. For example, the association between red and processed meat and bowel cancer has been widely accepted, while lymphatic meat may be associated with diseases of the lymphatic system. ”

For Grandma Li, this is not only a warning about the choice of ingredients, but also a challenge to her cooking style. She decided to learn more about healthy eating for the sake of her family's health.

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

In this process, the doctor pointed out an important point: "Did you know that there are similar problems in ordinary fruits and vegetables, such as pesticide residues? Many people think that eating fruits and vegetables is absolutely healthy, but if not handled properly, it can also pose health risks. ”

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

This inspired Xiao Ming's parents, and they began to reconsider their family's eating habits, especially when it came to their children's dietary safety. The family is starting to eat organic food and reduce processed food, and Grandma Li is also learning how to cook deliciously and healthily.

Xiao Ming is recovering well, and the family is full of hope for the future. But Xiao Ming was still a little worried, and he asked, "Doctor, are the vegetables and fruits I eat every day completely safe?"

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question, Xiao Ming." In fact, no food can be 100% safe, but the key is to minimize the risk through proper selection and handling. Remember, eating more fresh, natural foods and less processed foods can greatly reduce the risk of many health problems. ”

With the doctor's words, Xiao Ming and his family have a better understanding of the importance of healthy eating. Although they cannot change what has already happened, they can prevent possible health problems in the future through a more scientific lifestyle.

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?

What do you think about the causes of cancer in the diet?

Grandma cooks for her grandson every day, but her grandson has cancer?