
A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Oh, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what else can I do when I wake up in the morning?"

In the emergency room of the hospital, Dr. David Chen shook his head and sighed at anxious family members while reviewing the medical records in front of him. In the early morning, a 66-year-old uncle was rushed to the hospital due to cerebral hemorrhage, but unfortunately he was announced to have passed away. The family was anxious to get some advice from their doctor to avoid a recurrence of the tragedy.

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

Dr. David Tan has been working in this hospital for decades and has a wealth of experience. He is well aware that many illnesses do not occur overnight, but are the result of long-term accumulation of lifestyle habits. Today, he wants to share with the patient's family some vital health knowledge that they may never have thought of.

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

"First, let's talk about the first mistake of waking up in the morning – getting up straight from bed. Dr. Chan began to explain, "When people wake up, their blood pressure will naturally rise, and if they get up immediately, especially in older people, it can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ”

"Middle-aged and elderly people who can lie flat in bed for five minutes, then sit up slowly, and stand up for another five minutes can effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events. ”

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

"Secondly, many people are used to getting up in the morning to do intense exercise, such as running and doing high-intensity gymnastics. "But in fact, according to the International Society of Sports Medicine, the morning is the most vulnerable time for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. They recommend gentle stretching in the morning to wake up the body slowly, rather than doing high-intensity exercise right away. ”

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

"Finally, there is another habit that seems to have nothing to do with health, but it actually has a lot to do with it – breakfast. The doctor paused, making sure everyone was listening.

"A lot of people wake up first thing in the morning with a glass of ice water or a cold drink, especially in the summer. However, the intake of cold drinks in the morning will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and cause vasoconstriction, which is a shock to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning to help blood vessels stretch and promote metabolism. ”

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

With that said, Dr. Chan looked around to make sure everyone understood what he meant. He knows that these suggestions may be a little different from what everyone has heard before, but he hopes that through these scientific lifestyle adjustments, more people can avoid tragedy.

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

After listening to Dr. Chan's advice, the family members were a little surprised, but also deeply inspired. They didn't expect that some ordinary habits in daily life would have such a significant impact on their health.

At this moment, a family member couldn't help but ask a question: "Doctor, we all know to avoid strenuous exercise, but I want to know, for the elderly who already have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, are there any special recommendations for morning activities?"

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

Dr. Chen Dawei nodded, he picked up a medical record from the table, and gently unfolded it: "For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, I especially recommend doing some gentle Tai Chi or yoga. These activities not only strengthen muscles and bones, but also improve blood circulation and reduce the burden on the heart. Remember, move slowly, try to be calm, and never overexert yourself. ”

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

When the family members heard this, they smiled with gratitude. They understand that although the past cannot be changed, there is still an opportunity to prevent and reduce future risks through a scientific way of life. Dr. Chan's advice is not only a help to a family, but also a sense of responsibility to society. In this hectic and stressful world, such doctors are their guardians.

A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can

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A 66-year-old man died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was sad: after waking up in the morning, don't do these three things if you can