
Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

author:Dr. Chan Health said
Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!


Uncle Liu is a retired middle school teacher who has devoted his life to teaching and educating people and has cultivated many outstanding students.

After retirement, he lived a simple life, his hobbies were playing chess, writing calligraphy, and often walking with his wife.

A few days ago, Uncle Liu suddenly had a sharp pain in his chest and his face was pale, and his wife was frightened and hurriedly called 120 to send him to the hospital.

Doctors in the emergency department immediately rushed to the rescue, but fortunately the condition was stabilized in time.

The doctor told his wife that Uncle Liu had an acute myocardial infarction and needed to be hospitalized immediately.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

During the hospitalization, the doctor arranged a series of examinations for Uncle Liu.

When the chest CT scan came out, the attending doctor frowned.

He found Uncle Liu and his wife, and said euphemistically: "Grandpa Liu, I'm sorry to tell you bad news."

Judging from the film, there is a lump in your lung, which is preliminarily judged to be lung cancer, and further examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis. "

Uncle Liu's expression was solemn after hearing this, and his wife couldn't cry anymore.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

The attending doctor comforted: "Uncle, now that medicine is very developed, lung cancer is not an incurable disease, the key is to diagnose and treat it in time and actively cooperate." "

"I smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, and I've been smoking them for decades, and I have to have tens of thousands of cigarettes a year.

I didn't listen to my children's advice to quit smoking, and now I'm scared. Uncle Liu said regretfully.

The doctor sighed and continued, "Smoking is indeed the number one risk factor for lung cancer.

But don't blame yourself too much, it's important to stay optimistic.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

We will do our best to treat you, and you will try to cooperate. "

After further examination, Uncle Liu was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma, but fortunately, it was not too late to be discovered, and there was still a chance for surgical treatment.

After the surgery, he underwent chemotherapy and his condition is currently under control.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer, also known as primary bronchial cancer or primary broncholung cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the epithelial cells of the respiratory system, including the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.

This disease is the most common type of malignancy in the lungs. Depending on the morphology and growth rate of the cancer cells, lung cancer is divided into two main categories: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

In terms of the age at which lung cancer occurs, the risk usually increases gradually after the age of 40.

According to the 2015 China Cancer Statistics, men over the age of 75 and women over the age of 60 are at high risk of lung cancer, and the number of male patients is higher than that of women.

According to the World Health Organization, there are about 350 million smokers in China, accounting for 25% of the total population. This means that one out of every four people is a smoker.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

In addition, about 750 million people, more than half of China's population, are exposed to secondhand smoke frequently. These factors significantly increase the incidence of lung cancer.

In recent years, the incidence of lung cancer in China has continued to rise. The latest data suggest that about 40 people per 100,000 people have lung cancer, with between 600,000 and 700,000 new cases of lung cancer each year.

Pre-symptoms of lung cancer

1. Persistent dry cough and coughing up blood

Normally, healthy lungs don't cough for no reason.

When lung cancer occurs quietly, the lungs and bronchial tubes may secrete abnormal mucus, which can trigger a persistent dry cough.

The cough may be accompanied by bloodshot sputum.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

This is because cancer cells may have invaded blood vessels, causing bleeding.

Coughing in early lung cancer may be infrequent and easy to overlook, but that's where it can be dangerous.

2. Low-grade fever persists

When lung cancer develops, patients may develop a low-grade fever, which is sometimes mistaken for a common cold or fatigue.

This fever can be caused by obstructive pneumonia, where cancer cells clog blood vessels, causing local inflammation.

Toxins released by tumor necrosis may also cause an increase in body temperature.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

This type of fever is usually ineffective with conventional antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs and requires further medical diagnosis.

3. Numbness of limbs and clubbing

The growth of lung cancer not only affects the lungs, but can also affect distant nerves, causing numbness in the hands and feet.

Unlike the temporary numbness caused by holding one position for a long time, this numbness does not ease on its own.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

Patients with lung cancer may also develop clubbing, which is a form of swelling and deformity of the fingertips, which is common in chronic lung disease.

4. Chest tightness and difficulty breathing

Once the lungs are attacked by cancer, their function will inevitably be impaired.

Patients may feel a constant feeling of pressure in the chest,

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

At the same time, the voice may become hoarse because the tumor affects the function of the respiratory tract and vocal cords.

How to effectively prevent lung cancer?

1. Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer because tobacco contains a variety of carcinogens.

Not only are direct smokers at risk for their lung health, but people around them who inhale secondhand smoke are also at risk of lung cancer.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

Quitting smoking, or at least reducing it, is not only about self-protection, but also about taking responsibility for the health of others.

2. Optimize ventilation and purify the living environment

Good ventilation is essential both at home and at work.

A confined and poorly ventilated environment can increase the concentration of harmful substances in the air, and long-term exposure can cause damage to the lungs.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

Make sure to open windows regularly for ventilation, and remember to wear a mask if working in a dusty environment to reduce the amount of harmful substances you inhale.

3. Eat a balanced diet with a preference for healthy foods

Diet and cancer are inextricably linked.

Fried, smoked and pickled foods, which often contain carcinogens, should be avoided as much as possible.

It is advisable to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and trace elements that can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Thousands of times a year, the man was finally diagnosed with cancer! Wife: I persuaded him to quit for a long time, but he just didn't quit!

Eating animal liver in moderation can also supplement the necessary nutrients.

Proper lifestyle habits and healthy eating patterns are essential to prevent lung cancer.

In addition, maintaining a good mood and engaging in regular physical activity can also be effective in reducing the risk of lung cancer.


Many diseases are not incurable, the key is to detect and treat them early, and to develop a healthy lifestyle.

But if you are unfortunate enough to fall ill, do not be discouraged, actively cooperate with the treatment, and believe that modern medicine will definitely bring you hope.

Just like Uncle Liu, although he suffered from lung cancer, he actively received treatment, and now his condition is improving.

As long as he can completely quit smoking in the future and continue to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, I believe that he will be able to overcome the disease and enjoy the joy of family again.

Health is a choice and a practice. May everyone get rid of cigarettes as soon as possible, embrace health, and live a wonderful life!

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