
When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

With the passage of time, it is often said that when women reach middle age, their physiological needs will become particularly strong, and some sayings even describe it as "thirty like a wolf, forty like a tiger". But is there any scientific basis for such a claim?

In this era of science, we can't just make conclusions based on rumors, let's take a look at it, are women's physiological needs really stronger than men's after middle age?

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

1. The truth about the physiological needs of middle-aged women

From a physiological point of view, women's sexual needs do not increase with age, but rather decline. However, why is there still such a view in society?

Here we have to mention the influence of psychological and social factors. After experiencing the shyness of adolescence and the accumulation of maturity, middle-aged women tend to be more psychologically mature and have a more comprehensive understanding of sexuality when they reach the middle-aged stage.

They may have become more confident and open as a result of a deeper understanding of their bodies and desires. This psychological shift makes them more direct and frank in expressing their sexual needs, and they may be more active and active than when they were younger, giving the illusion of increased needs.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

2. Health signals of changes in libido

However, changes in libido can sometimes be a sign of a physical health condition. For example, hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disorder that can cause patients to experience symptoms of hypersexuality.

According to statistics, about 10-20% of patients with hyperthyroidism will experience this condition. This is because the abnormal secretion of thyroid hormones affects the hormone levels in the body, which affects libido.

Neurological disorders, such as strokes, traumatic brain injuries, etc., can also lead to changes in libido.

These disorders may cause disorders in brain function, which in turn affect the inhibitory function of the central nervous system, and patients may experience unexplained feelings of excitement and hypersexuality. The change in libido in this case is obviously not related to normal physical and psychological needs, but is a manifestation of health problems.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

3. Strategies for maintaining a harmonious relationship between husband and wife

During middle age, couples may become estranged by ignoring each other's sexual needs and changes. In this regard, experts suggest that it is crucial to understand and respect each other's physical changes and emotional needs.

For example, middle-aged women may experience physical and psychological changes associated with menopause that may affect their libido and sex life.

Men may also experience similar problems, such as prostate health issues. Therefore, both sides need to work together to adapt to these changes through communication and understanding and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

In addition, sex education experts point out that sex is a part of the couple's relationship, but it is not the only part. Emotional communication and daily interaction between couples are just as important.

In middle age, couples should pay more attention to cultivating common interests and hobbies, strengthening emotional communication, and enhancing each other's emotional connections. This not only enhances the relationship between the couple, but also creates a better atmosphere psychologically for satisfying sexual needs.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

4. Misconceptions and truths about sexual health

Sexual health is a broad concept that includes not only the sexuality itself, but also aspects of sexual mental health, sexual physical health, and interpersonal interactions in sexual relationships.

There are many misconceptions and stereotypes about the sexual health of middle-aged women. For example, the phrase "thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger" oversimplifies and labels the sexual needs of middle-aged women. This perception ignores individual differences and the complexity of the influence of physical, psychological, and social factors on sexual desire.

In reality, changes in sexual needs are not proportional to age. In fact, the strength of sexual needs is more affected by factors such as personal health, the quality of emotional relationships, and life stress.

Studies have shown that good emotional relationships and psychological states have a positive effect on maintaining and improving the libido of middle-aged women. In addition, a healthy lifestyle, such as moderate exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep, can also be beneficial for sexual health.

When it comes to sexual health, we should abandon claims that have no scientific basis and instead base our understanding and treatment on real medical data and research.

For example, for menopausal women's sexual health problems, medical experts suggest that medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be used to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

At the same time, psychological counseling and psychosexuality education can also help middle-aged women better understand their bodies and needs, so that they can make more informed choices in terms of sexual health.

On the road of sexual health, we should establish a correct concept of sexuality, break the taboos and misunderstandings of sexuality, and maintain and improve the quality of our sexual life through scientific methods. It's not just respect for middle-aged women, it's respect for all human rights.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

5. Maintenance and improvement of sexual health of middle-aged women

For middle-aged women, the maintenance and improvement of sexual health is a topic that cannot be ignored. At this stage, a woman's body experiences physiological changes such as decreased ovarian function, which can lead to problems such as vaginal dryness, loss of libido, and more.

However, this does not mean that the quality of sex is necessarily decreasing. In fact, with proper lifestyle modifications and medical interventions, middle-aged women can fully enjoy a high-quality sex life.

Medical experts suggest that middle-aged women should have regular gynecological examinations to detect and treat diseases that may affect their sexual health, such as vaginitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

In addition, menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness can be improved by using lubricants, vaginal estrogen therapy, etc. In daily life, maintain moderate physical activity, such as yoga, swimming, brisk walking, etc., which can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and thus indirectly improve sexual function.

In addition, diet also has an important impact on sexual health. A balanced diet can help maintain normal hormone levels, while antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, pomegranates, nuts, etc., can improve blood circulation and enhance sexual sensitivity.

At this time, middle-aged women are advised to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, as these bad habits can negatively affect the health of blood vessels, which in turn can affect sexual function.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more

6. Actively respond to the challenges of menopause

Menopause is a natural process that middle-aged women have to face, and it is accompanied by a series of physical and emotional changes. During menopause, estrogen levels in a woman's body gradually decline, which may cause a range of symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc. These symptoms can be severe for some women, affecting daily life and the quality of their sexual life.

To actively cope with the challenges of menopause, non-hormonal therapy is an option in addition to hormone replacement therapy. For example, in the treatment of hot flashes, studies have shown that taking certain antidepressants such as paroxetine or willpone can reduce symptoms. Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy has also shown good results for mood swings.

Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is essential for menopausal women in their daily lives. Psychologists have found that a positive attitude towards life can significantly reduce the impact of menopausal symptoms and improve quality of life.

In addition, enhancing social activities with family and friends, and participating in community services can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

When women reach middle age, their biological needs will be stronger than men's? Don't be shy, it will be beneficial to know more


The role of doctors and sexual health specialists is indispensable. They can provide personalized medical advice to help middle-aged women develop a reasonable treatment plan to ensure that they can maintain a good quality of life and sexual health during menopause.