
People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

When we talk about cancer, it can be fearful and helpless. However, the truth is that each of us has the ability to reduce our risk of cancer by making lifestyle changes.

What are the traits of people who are not susceptible to cancer? Is there any special secret or medicine? Actually, no, what they have are just four healthy lifestyle habits that each of us can do.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

1. The importance of insisting on moderate exercise

"Life is in motion", we are familiar with this sentence. Exercise not only keeps us healthy and improves our heart and lung fitness, but it also helps us fight off various diseases, including cancer. Exercise boosts our immunity and gives our bodies more strength to fight off cancer.

Exercise creates a cancer-inhibiting environment. This is because when we exercise, our bodies release a molecule that slows the growth of cancer cells.

It's as if we have a secret anti-cancer army inside our body, and as soon as we start exercising, this army is activated and starts fighting cancer.

Studies have shown that consistent moderate-intensity aerobic exercise several times a week causes the body to produce more cancer-fighting molecules, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6). These molecules help fight abnormal cells, promote DNA repair, and help slow the growth of cancer cells.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

2. The association between a healthy diet and cancer risk

Many people may not know that obesity is a major risk factor for cancer. According to a study in The Lancet, body mass index was significantly correlated with 17 types of cancer.

That is, if we weigh more than the healthy range, then our risk of cancer increases significantly. Specifically, for every 5kg/m2 increase in body mass index, the probability of developing uterine cancer, gallbladder cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, thyroid cancer and lymphoma will increase significantly.

Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of cancer, we must control our diet, try to avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods, eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and maintain a healthy weight.

In this way, we can not only stay in shape, but also reduce the risk of cancer, so why not?

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

3. The protective role of smoke-free life

The harmful substances in tobacco, especially nicotine and tar, have long been linked to the development of many types of cancer.

Smoking is undoubtedly opening the door to cancer and inviting it into our lives. And those who are not susceptible to cancer, they have one trait in common – stay away from tobacco.

Studies have shown that smokers have a much higher chance of developing lung cancer compared to non-smokers, especially those who smoke more than 5 cigarettes a day, and the risk is extremely high. Smoking not only causes damage to the lungs, but also affects blood flow throughout the body, making it easier for cancer cells to spread throughout the body.

And the benefits of a smoke-free life go far beyond that. Studies have also found that even among smokers, their cancer risk gradually decreases over time as long as they quit.

This is great news for those who want to change their lifestyle habits and reduce their risk of cancer. Therefore, a smoke-free life is not only responsible for your own health, but also responsible for the happiness of your family.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

Fourth, the need to limit alcohol consumption

When it comes to alcohol, many people may think of the light-heartedness it brings, but few realize that there is a strong link between alcohol intake and cancer.

Alcohol increases the risk of many types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, liver and breast. A 2021 study in The Lancet Oncology found that a significant proportion of new cancer cases worldwide are related to alcohol consumption, especially in East Asia, where this proportion is alarming.

In the body, ethanol in alcohol is metabolized to produce acetaldehyde, a carcinogen. Acetaldehyde can damage DNA and prevent cells from repairing DNA, increasing the risk of cancer. In addition, drinking alcohol can also increase the level of hormones such as estrogen in the body, which is linked to the occurrence of breast cancer.

Therefore, reducing alcohol intake not only protects the liver but also reduces the risk of several types of cancer. For those who are not susceptible to cancer, they tend to choose to drink in moderation, or not at all.

By limiting alcohol consumption, we can put a line of defense for our bodies against cancer.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

5. Good psychological state

When discussing lifestyle ways to reduce cancer risk, we often overlook the importance of mental health. However, long-term stress and poor psychological state have been shown to be associated with the development of cancer. A peaceful heart is just as important as it is to prevent cancer.

Studies have shown that long-term psychological stress causes the body to secrete more stress hormones, such as cortisol. These hormones affect the body's immune system, leading to a decrease in immunity, which increases the risk of cancer.

Studies have shown that people with a positive mindset have a relatively low incidence of cancer. Therefore, maintaining a good mental state can not only make our lives happier, but also an effective way to prevent cancer.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them

6. The importance of regular physical examinations

Finally, an important habit that cannot be overlooked is to have regular medical check-ups. Early detection and early treatment are one of the most effective strategies in the fight against cancer. With regular medical check-ups, abnormal changes in the body can be detected in time, allowing intervention to be carried out before the cancer progresses to a more serious stage.

According to the recommendations of the American Cancer Society, even healthy adults should be screened for cancer based on age and gender.

For example, women should be screened regularly for breast and cervical cancer, while men should be screened for prostate cancer. These screenings can greatly improve the early detection rate of cancer, thereby increasing the success rate of treatment.

People who are not prone to cancer generally have 4 "traits", and you account for a few of them


The formation of these habits does not happen overnight, but requires long-term persistence and lifestyle adjustments. It's important to note that these habits not only reduce cancer risk, but also improve overall quality of life, making our lives healthier and happier.

In these challenging times, let's start today and gradually cultivate and practice these healthy habits to build a strong health defense line for ourselves and our families to avoid the threat of cancer.