
The first batch in the city!

author:Small Fish News

Recently, the Suzhou Municipal Health Commission announced

List of the first child-friendly hospitals

Gusu District Maternal and Child Health Care Center was selected

Became the first child-friendly hospital in the region

The first batch in the city!

Let's find out


Furnished with "childlike fun"

Children's visits are more warm

"In the library corner of the waiting hall on the first floor, there are many colorful and cute picture books. Every time the child goes, he likes to flip through the books, and he doesn't reluctantly put down the book until the doctor calls. Ms. Wang, who brought her children to the district maternity clinic for physical examination, said that picture books not only make children happy when waiting for treatment, but also start their reading journey in these ten minutes, so that children can also feel the joy of reading when they are in the clinic.

The first batch in the city!
The first batch in the city!
The first batch in the city!
The first batch in the city!

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Integrating the concept of child-friendliness into the allocation of resources is an important part of building child-friendly hospitals. Starting from the "one-meter world", the district women's insurance center uses colorful soft materials for child-friendly decoration, and the overall environmental layout is based on vibrant green, which is in line with the innocent and lively nature of children. The waiting area is equipped with oval soft seats of appropriate height, which is beautiful, comfortable and safe, and the wall is integrated with cartoon animal billboards and embedded science signs suitable for children's height. Each clinic is equipped with children's favorite animal cartoon patterns and tables, chairs and benches in the shape of small animals to create a warm and comfortable medical environment. There are also mini sinks and urinals for children, so that "childlike fun" can be integrated into every corner.

The first batch in the city!
The first batch in the city!
The first batch in the city!

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Create integrated services

Keeping children "growing up"

The healthy growth of children is related to the happiness of every family. "Thanks to the screening, we were able to have follow-up appointments and treatment in a timely manner. Ms. Zhang, a new mother, was full of gratitude. It turned out that Ms. Zhang's baby was found to have a heart murmur during a 42-day health check-up at the district maternity clinic. The medical examiner quickly referred the child to the Children's Hospital of Soochow University through the green channel for cardiac color ultrasound and confirmed the diagnosis of atrial septal defect. With regular follow-up and monitoring by a doctor, the baby recovered.

The first batch in the city!

Gusu District focuses on children's health care, disease diagnosis and treatment, and parenting, and strives to build an integrated children's health service system. Among them, focusing on children's health care, the maternal and infant sunshine project and the children's oral health and happiness project have been included in the practical projects of the district government for many years, and the city has taken the lead in carrying out children's autism screening, neonatal congenital heart disease screening, adolescent myopia prevention and control, mental health intervention and other projects, escorting the healthy growth of children in the whole cycle; Focusing on child care, a comprehensive childcare service center has been established, a practice base for a comprehensive childcare service center has been built, a number of provincial and municipal inclusive childcare institutions and demonstration childcare institutions have been established, and scientific parenting activities such as the "Mengbao Growth Season" have been carried out to help children grow up strongly.

The first batch in the city!

The successful establishment of the child-friendly hospital is a vivid embodiment of the promotion of child-friendly city construction in Gusu District. In the next step, Gusu District will continue to anchor the beautiful goal of "building a blessed city", advocate "seeing the city from a height of one meter", continue to promote the child-friendly construction of schools, hospitals, parks and other schools, optimize the child-friendly environment, and enhance the connotation of serving children.

Source: Suzhou Gusu release