
Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Diabetes, a metabolic disease, is like an invisible time bomb, threatening the health of patients at all times.

Its core feature is an increase in blood sugar, and this state of high blood sugar, like a silent killer, quietly erodes the patient's heart, blood vessels and nervous system, leading to a series of complications such as perceptual impairment.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease whose treatment process is long and complex, requiring patient patience to adjust lifestyle and dietary habits.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

In daily life, diabetic patients need to rely on medication and a reasonable diet to control the disease. However, the medical community has yet to find a complete cure for diabetes. Therefore, for diabetic patients, dietary control is particularly important.

For many people who have a drinking habit, getting diabetes is undoubtedly a challenge. When faced with the temptation of alcohol addiction, they are always worried about the possible adverse effects of drinking. So, can diabetics drink alcohol?

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Why do you get diabetes? The doctor said frankly that the real cause of diabetes is not high blood sugar

The real cause of diabetes, not the real cause of hyperglycemia diabetes, is not hyperglycemia, but insulin resistance and insufficient secretion within the body. It is a complex process that involves multiple factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, etc.

Genetic factors

People with a family history of diabetes have a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes. This is because diabetes is associated with variations in several genes that can affect the body's insulin secretion, action, and the body's use of glucose.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

environmental factors

Poor habits such as a high-sugar, high-fat diet in the modern lifestyle, as well as lack of exercise, can lead to metabolic disorders within the body, which can increase the risk of diabetes.

In addition, factors such as long-term mental stress, lack of sleep, etc., may also affect the body's endocrine system, leading to insulin resistance and insufficient secretion.

Inflammatory response within the body

When the body is stimulated by infection, trauma, etc., an inflammatory response is generated. If this inflammatory response persists, it can affect the body's sensitivity and secretion of insulin, leading to the development of diabetes.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

When asked whether people with "diabetes" can drink alcohol, the answer may be different from what you originally thought. Let's take a closer look at the effects of alcohol on the human body, especially for diabetics.

First of all, the main ingredient of liquor is ethanol, a substance that rapidly oxidizes and generates heat in the human body. These heats are dissipated quickly through the skin and are virtually barely utilized by the body and are more difficult to convert into glycogen or store in the form of fat.

For this reason, ethanol is sometimes referred to as a "short calorie". Crucially, ethanol does not contain other nutrients.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

However, the effects of ethanol on human metabolism are manifold, especially for diabetics. In patients with better nutritional status, drinking alcohol may cause blood sugar levels to rise, while in those with poor nutritional status, drinking alcohol may lower blood sugar levels.

This complex influencing mechanism is closely related to multiple factors such as the amount of alcohol consumed, the speed of drinking, the timing of drinking, and the amount of food eaten while drinking.

In addition, long-term alcohol consumption may also induce other health problems, such as hyperlipidemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. These complications can not only aggravate the condition of people with diabetes, but can also pose a serious threat to the overall health of the patient.

Therefore, for people with diabetes, drinking alcohol is not a simple matter of "can" or "can't". Patients need to carefully consider the pros and cons of drinking alcohol based on their specific condition and make decisions based on the advice of their doctors. After all, health is our most valuable asset.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Diabetes often drinks alcohol, which will be prone to 4 consequences

Affects blood sugar control

Alcohol inhibits the liver's release of glucose, causing blood sugar to drop, which may trigger the risk of hypoglycemia. At the same time, alcohol also reduces the body's sensitivity to insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar, which is very dangerous for diabetics and may increase the risk of complications.

Increases the burden on the liver

Diabetes itself affects the metabolic function of the liver, and alcohol also needs the liver to break down and metabolize. If diabetics drink alcohol regularly, it will increase the burden on the liver, which may lead to liver damage and even liver disease.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Affects cardiovascular health

Diabetes itself is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and alcohol also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Alcohol increases the heart rate and blood pressure, which increases the burden on the heart. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can also lead to heart muscle lesions, further increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Affects the health of the nervous system

Diabetes itself affects the functioning of the nervous system, and alcohol can also have a negative impact on the nervous system. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to neurological damage, leading to serious consequences such as peripheral neuropathy and brain damage.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

If you must drink alcohol, what should I pay attention to?

Diabetics can indeed drink alcohol in moderation under certain conditions, but the science behind this requires in-depth analysis. When diabetic patients consume alcohol in moderation, the metabolic processes of their liver will be affected to a certain extent.

Under the influence of alcohol, the liver metabolizes less ethanol and releases more glucose. This process causes the concentration of blood sugar in the blood to decrease, which brings some relief to diabetic patients.

However, the key here is the word "in moderation". Excessive alcohol intake blocks the liver's process of releasing glucose, resulting in low blood sugar concentrations.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Especially when patients do not supplement staple foods in time during alcohol consumption, this hypoglycemic state can trigger a series of complications and pose a threat to physical health.

Therefore, for diabetic patients, alcohol consumption must be strictly controlled in moderation. In general, the daily intake of liquor should not exceed 30 ml, red wine or rice wine should be limited to one glass, and beer should not exceed one bottle.

This amount of alcohol consumption ensures that the metabolic effects of alcohol on the liver are under control and effectively prevents complications caused by hypoglycemia.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

The "big blood sugar raiser" was found out and warned: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, try to eat less than 3 kinds of food

High-sugar drinks

Many sugar-sweetened beverages on the market, such as carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, etc., contain a lot of added sugar. When these sugars enter the body, they quickly raise blood sugar levels.

Long-term consumption of these high-sugar beverages can not only lead to obesity, but also increase the risk of diabetes. Therefore, in order to protect blood sugar stability, we should try to avoid drinking high-sugar beverages and choose healthy drinks such as plain water and sugar-free tea.


White rice is one of the staple foods in our daily lives, but it is also a food with a high glycemic index. Because white rice is finely processed, there is a large loss of dietary fiber and trace elements in it, resulting in large fluctuations in blood sugar.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Therefore, it is recommended to appropriately reduce the intake of white rice in the daily diet and increase foods rich in dietary fiber such as whole grains and grains to help reduce blood sugar fluctuations.


Desserts, cakes and other foods contain a lot of sugar and fat, and are one of the major glycemic consumers. Long-term consumption of large amounts of desserts not only tends to lead to obesity, but also may trigger insulin resistance and increase the risk of diabetes.

In order to maintain blood sugar stability, we should minimize the intake of desserts and choose healthy snacks that are low in sugar and fat.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

Before looking for a doctor, rule out these 5 things!

1. Check whether your diet is healthy

High-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie foods can cause blood sugar to rise, so we should try to choose low-sugar, low-fat, and high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole-grain bread, etc.

2. Pay attention to your own exercise

Lack of exercise can cause the body's metabolic rate to decrease, which can affect blood sugar control. Moderate exercise can help the body burn off excess sugar and keep blood sugar stable.

Can you drink alcohol with diabetes? The answer may be different from what you think, so it is recommended to find out

3. Check your sleep quality

Lack of sleep affects the body's metabolism and hormone secretion, which affects blood sugar control. Therefore, we should maintain adequate sleep time and try to keep the sleeping environment quiet and comfortable.

4. Eliminate stressors

Long-term mental stress and mood swings can lead to endocrine disorders in the body, which can affect blood sugar control. Therefore, we should learn to regulate our emotions and keep our mood happy.

5. Check whether you have other diseases

Some diseases affect the body's metabolism and hormone production, which can affect blood sugar control. For example, diseases such as hyperthyroidism and adrenal gland function can cause blood sugar to rise.

After ruling out the above 5 possible causes, if our blood sugar is still "high", then we should consider seeking help from a doctor. Doctors diagnose and treat our specific situation to help us control our blood sugar levels and maintain good health.