
Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

author:Mu Feng said

In the context of the Sino-US game, Ma Ying-jeou once again started his trip to the mainland, and at the end of his 11-day trip to the mainland, he arrived at Taoyuan Airport on the morning of the 11th, and made a brief summary at the airport.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

On the premise of adhering to the "consensus of '92," the two sides of the strait can settle disputes by peaceful means. Moreover, the compatriots on both sides of the strait are Chinese, and there is no knot that cannot be resolved, no issue that cannot be discussed, and no force that can separate the two sides of the strait; the most important thing is that as long as there is a common political basis, the "consensus of '92," the two sides of the strait can continue dialogue.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

Just as Ma Ying-jeou said, the greatest gain from this trip to the mainland is to emphasize that both sides of the strait are descendants of Yan and Huang and belong to the Chinese nation. At the end of his visit to the mainland, when Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he looked in a very good mood and always had a smile on his face, which also proved that Ma Ying-jeou's overall performance during his visit to the mainland was very satisfactory.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland was a great success, which directly caused quite a stir on the island. Chiang Wan-an, mayor of Taipei of the Kuomintang, said that we are happy to see anything that is conducive to cross-strait relations and regional peace and stability, and at the same time stressed that the more tense cross-strait relations are, the more necessary it is to communicate and exchange, but Jiang Wan-an has previously stated that as long as cross-strait exchanges are carried out under the principles of "reciprocity, dignity, reciprocity, and goodwill, he will not oppose them."

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

Obviously, Jiang Wanan's mentality is a fantasy, and he wants cross-strait peace without recognizing the "consensus of '92" and without wanting cross-strait reunification. Earlier, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi had said that cross-strait exchanges should be carried out under the principles of reciprocity, dignity, reciprocity and goodwill, and mutual understanding can reduce conflicts. This kind of viewpoint does not mention the "consensus of '92" and only emphasizes "peace and reciprocity," and also fantasizes about peace between the two sides of the strait.

Regarding Ma Ying-jeou's return to Taiwan from his trip to the mainland, Guo Zhengliang revealed important news in the program, don't think that this is the end, the next former Legislative Yuan Wang Jinping and People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe will return to the mainland for a visit sooner or later, it is likely that Wang Jinping will be in front and Ke Wenzhe in the back. First of all, Wang Jinping agrees with the Chinese nation, and the mainland also wants to hear his views, and then it will be Ke Wenzhe's turn.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

Guo Zhengliang asserted that Ke Wenzhe would go sooner or later. When Guo Zhengliang revealed the important candidates for his next visit to the mainland, Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Kuomintang, directly stated that he would lead nearly 200 young people from Taiwan to visit Zhejiang in July, live one-on-one with young people on the mainland, and interact directly with them, so that young people on Taiwan Island can understand the mainland and the Chinese nation.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

At the same time, Hong Xiuzhu affirmed Ma Ying-jeou's presence on the mainland, on the basis of belonging to the Chinese nation and blood ties, and taking the rejuvenation of China as the common goal, highly praised Ma Ying-jeou, and more importantly, Hong Xiuzhu affirmed that Ma Ying-jeou led Taiwan youths to visit the mainland and deepen Taiwan's youth's sense of identity with the two sides of the strait. After all, the fundamental principle of the two sides of the strait is to regard Taiwan and the mainland as the territorial scope of one China. However, Hong Xiuzhu was "dissatisfied" with Ma Ying-jeou because he did not make his words clear during his trip to the mainland, clearly and frankly explained to the mainland side his views and stand on cross-strait reunification, and promoted the process of peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait.

Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Jiang Wanan exposed his true colors, Guo Zhengliang revealed the news, and Hong Xiuzhu decided to visit the mainland

With Taiwan's visit to the mainland to identify with the Chinese nation, led by Ma Ying-jeou and followed by Hong Xiuzhu, cross-strait exchanges will be deepened, and more Taiwan youths will be encouraged to understand Chinese mainland and the Chinese nation, truly fight for independence and promote reunification, and eventually realize cross-strait reunification.