
EigenLayer and EigenDA Mainnet: New Features and Opportunities


Original author: @eigenlayer


Compilation: Vernacular blockchain

Today, with the help of the entire EigenLayer community – including Restakers, Operators, AVSs, and Rollups – we are proud to announce that EigenLayer and @eigen_da have gone live on mainnet.

New features include:

• Restakers can delegate their entire stake to an operator of their choice

• Operators can register with EigenLayer and choose to run AVSs

• AVSs can register protocols, starting with EigenDA (currently in beta)

Importantly, this mainnet launch does not include:

(1) Payments within the agreement from AVSs to the operator;

(2) Punishment mechanism. We allow the EigenLayer market to grow and stabilize before the introduction of in-protocol payment and penalty mechanisms later this year.


Until now, restaking meant depositing LST or setting up validator withdrawal credentials to EigenPod. Now, since the operator and an AVS (@eigen_da) are live, being an active re-staker means delegating to one of the top 200 operators to run the AVSs according to the delegated share of the stake.

Over the next few weeks, we expect a big shift in the operators in the top 200 active collections as new operators and AVSs start to come online. Please make an informed decision when delegating, although you can always re-delegate.

If re-staking is done via LRT, the LRT DAO will manage your delegation. Each LRT is in a different preparation phase to manage the delegation. Since none of them were created by @eigen_labs, please contact each specific LRT for information on the re-staker delegation program.


You can run AVSs in two steps:

1) Register as an operator:


Currently, the top 200 operators in terms of delegated staking shares can run AVSs. As the protocol stabilizes, we will gradually increase this number.


In addition to EigenDA, there will be more AVSs launched on mainnet (more than 10 are currently actively tested on Holesky). This screenshot is a preview of what's coming soon.

EigenLayer and EigenDA Mainnet: New Features and Opportunities


The @eigen_da often referred to as the first AVS is much more than that. We are working to build a future in which EigenDA will be the best-performing, most scalable, and lowest-cost solution to solve data availability, throughput, and storage bottlenecks in the crypto space.

@eigen_da is designed to be the ultimate goal of DAs and the key to removing Ethereum's block space limitations.

The benefits of rollups include:

  • Future scalability (1000x)
  • Flexible pricing and payment methods
  • Easy to integrate
  • (未来)本地rollupToken质押
EigenLayer and EigenDA Mainnet: New Features and Opportunities

We believe that the potential of rollups is as broad as the potential of internet applications. By introducing an era of cost-effective scalability for rollups, we hope @eigen_da play a role in a new universe that enables new services and applications that were previously impossible.

EigenLayer and EigenDA Mainnet: New Features and Opportunities

@eigen_da is also crucial to the long-term vision of EigenLayer: in order to be able to penalize bad behavior, the protocol must have access to the data related to the transactions in question.

Rollups interested in using @eigen_da on mainnet will be able to start using them in a matter of weeks. For now, please continue testing on Holesky.

Start on the testnet:

Infinite draw game

The term "infinite tie game", which is mainly used in the field of game theory, refers to a situation in which the benefits of the parties in a game can be infinitely stacked. EigenLayer's mission is to build a coordination engine that maximizes open innovation capabilities. This mission has a beginning, but it does not end. We believe that all of us are players in games with infinite and, infinite time frames, empowered by Ethereum.

EigenLayer and EigenDA Mainnet: New Features and Opportunities

This launch is an important step forward for all of us in the EigenLayer universe, but there is still a long way to go. We are thrilled to continue this journey with your support and look forward to building a bright future together for many years to come.