
If it fails to urge a second child, Ren Zeping proposed a "new method"! Is the country going to "move in earnest"?

author:Scientific Journal

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has adhered to the traditional concept of "having more children and more blessings", and children are not only the future hope of every family, but also the potential force for national development. However, with the passage of time, especially under the long-term implementation of the family planning policy, the fertility situation on the mainland has quietly changed. At present, the desire of young people to have children is declining, which has led to a decline in the birth rate year by year, which undoubtedly casts a shadow on the country's development.

If it fails to urge a second child, Ren Zeping proposed a "new method"! Is the country going to "move in earnest"?

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of births in mainland China in 2021 will only be 9.02 million, which not only hit a new low since the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also shows the severity of the fertility situation. At the same time, the birth rate also fell to 6.39 per thousand, the lowest on record. More worryingly, China's total fertility rate has fallen below 1.05, a figure that means that our country's fertility level has slipped to the lowest level in the world. If this goes on for a long time, it may be difficult to reverse the downward trend in the number of births, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the long-term development of the country.

In the face of this situation, the national level has recognized the seriousness of the problem and has begun to "move in earnest" and introduce a series of policies to encourage childbearing. However, the implementation of these measures does not seem to have achieved the desired effect, and the downward trend in fertility has not been effectively curbed. In this context, Ren Zeping, a well-known economist, proposed a new set of "new methods" to encourage childbirth, which aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life.

If it fails to urge a second child, Ren Zeping proposed a "new method"! Is the country going to "move in earnest"?

The new strategy proposed by Ren Zeping has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the current predicament of the birth policy. First of all, he stressed that childbirth should be fully liberalized and reproductive rights should be returned to the family. He believes that every family should have the right to choose how many children they want to have, which can not only avoid the negative effects of the compulsory birth policy, but also allow the family to grow up in a harmonious and happy environment.

In addition to liberalizing childbirth, Ren Zeping also proposed that the government should increase subsidies for intergenerational care. He suggested that the government should increase investment in childcare services and increase the enrolment rate of children aged 0-3, with the goal of increasing the proportion from the current 4% to 40%. At the same time, he advocated subsidies for families with intergenerational care to reduce the financial pressure on families, so that the elderly can enjoy the care and support of the government while taking care of their children.

If it fails to urge a second child, Ren Zeping proposed a "new method"! Is the country going to "move in earnest"?

In addition, Ren Zeping also put forward a proposal to vigorously distribute birth subsidies. He believes that the government should introduce a birth subsidy policy, according to the number of children in the family to give corresponding subsidies, the monthly subsidy amount should be between 1,000-6,000 yuan. Such a subsidy policy can directly reduce the cost of raising children for families, increase people's willingness to have children, and effectively reverse the trend of declining birth rate.

As soon as Ren Zeping's suggestions were put forward, they received a warm response and recognition from the majority of parents. Many families say they will have more confidence and motivation to have more children if the government can adopt and implement these measures. At the same time, the implementation of these measures can further expand domestic demand, promote stable economic growth, and lay a solid foundation for the country's long-term development.

If it fails to urge a second child, Ren Zeping proposed a "new method"! Is the country going to "move in earnest"?

To sum up, population is the cornerstone of national development, and childbirth is the source of family happiness. In the face of the current grim situation of declining fertility, we must take practical and effective measures to reverse this trend. Ren Zeping's new measures such as comprehensively liberalizing childbirth, increasing subsidies for intergenerational care, and issuing birth subsidies have undoubtedly pointed out the way forward for us. Only through the implementation of these measures can we truly increase people's willingness to have children and inject new vitality into the future development of the country and the nation. Therefore, we hope that the state will adopt these recommendations and take a solid step forward in the reform and improvement of the birth policy.

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