
The Municipal Market Bureau's warm-hearted action to protect consumer rights benefits people's livelihood

author:Qitaihe release

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The Municipal Market Bureau's warm-hearted action to protect consumer rights benefits people's livelihood
The Municipal Market Bureau's warm-hearted action to protect consumer rights benefits people's livelihood

Since the beginning of this year, the Municipal Administration for Market Regulation has insisted on integrating the protection of consumer rights and interests into the overall situation of high-quality development, actively organized and carried out the "warm-hearted" special action for consumer rights protection, effectively solved outstanding problems in the consumer field, and continuously improved the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Grasp public opinion propaganda and create an atmosphere for rights protection. Combined with daily work, the Consumer Rights Protection Center and "12315" carried out the "Five Advances" activity, carried out consumer observation activities in communities, shopping malls and markets, used the official account to release consumer warning information, established and improved a diversified mechanism for resolving consumer disputes, and quickly and efficiently resolved contradictions and disputes. Up to now, 8 publicity campaigns have been carried out, more than 800 leaflets have been distributed, and 6 consumer warning messages have been issued.

Pay attention to daily supervision and protect children's health. Carry out supervision and spot checks and rectification in shopping malls, supermarkets, and stores around schools where children's and student supplies are traded in a centralized manner, and focus on children's "Internet celebrity" toys, school uniforms, student stationery, and baby products. Up to now, a total of 49 children's toy stores, 54 children's products stores, and 3 school uniform manufacturers have been inspected, and 32 batches of children's toys and student supplies have been supervised and spot-checked.

Grasp the service of benefiting the people and be close to the needs of people's livelihood. Taking full advantage of the convenient and fast characteristics of the rapid inspection vehicle, we carried out the food safety "you point and I check" rapid inspection activity, and received a total of 50 batches of food for inspection. At the same time, guide major shopping malls and markets to set up fair scales, guide operators to establish and improve various creditworthiness measurement management systems, and gradually promote the establishment of creditworthiness measurement in key livelihood industries such as glasses dispensing stores, gas stations, shopping malls, and markets. Up to now, a total of 191 business units, 568 measuring instruments, and 81 integrity measurement units have been inspected.

Handle complaints and improve the efficiency of rights protection. Relying on the national 12315 platform, 12345 government hotline platform and ODR enterprises' functions of efficient convenience and dispute resolution, we conscientiously answer consumer consultations, accept and handle consumer complaints and reports in a timely manner and in accordance with the law, and the disposal rate, completion rate and response rate of 12315 and 12345 work orders have steadily improved, and the satisfaction rate of consumer rights protection has gradually increased, with a total of 1,800 consumer complaints and reports accepted in the first quarter, with a completion rate of 100% and a mediation success rate of 96.64% , the amount of consumer disputes was 1,723,655 yuan, and the economic loss of 51,031 yuan was recovered for consumers.

We should encourage and guide and optimize the consumption environment. Focusing on shopping malls, supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, pharmacies and other enterprises, we organized and carried out activities to create "assured consumption" and offline physical stores to return goods without reason, which promoted the further optimization of the city's consumption environment and further improved safety, integrity, convenience and rights protection. Up to now, 751 units have been developed to commit to assured consumption, and 684 units have been committed to returning goods without reason in offline stores.

Grasp comprehensive rectification and target the pain points. Focusing on the monitoring and supervision of key areas of people's livelihood such as health food, drugs, medical devices, investment and financial management, tourism, agricultural materials, education and training, etc., which are of concern to consumers, the investigation and rectification of false advertising has been carried out, and the source, system and comprehensive management of violations of consumer rights and interests have been realized, and the illegal acts of operators in various consumer fields have been "swords" in a timely manner to build a protective barrier for consumer safety.

Reporter: Zhang Tianhua Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

The Municipal Market Bureau's warm-hearted action to protect consumer rights benefits people's livelihood
The Municipal Market Bureau's warm-hearted action to protect consumer rights benefits people's livelihood

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