
The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

author:Weapon battle position

Since Marcos took office as president of the Philippines, the Philippines' China policy has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it did not take long for it to fall into the arms of the United States.

Since then, perhaps in order to cooperate with the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy or to seek more illegal interests in the South China Sea, the Marx government has continuously dispatched ships at sea to invade China's islands and reefs in the South China Sea and repeatedly provoke China's sovereignty in the South China Sea.

However, the strength of China and the Philippines is there, and the Philippines' provocations in the South China Sea have all ended in failure, and they have been baptized by the water cannons of Chinese coast guard ships more than once.

The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

Since it can't be fought alone, the Philippines will definitely start looking for foreign aid. On April 7, the Philippines joined forces with the United States, Japan, Australia and other countries to hold a four-nation joint maritime exercise in relevant waters of the South China Sea.

The exercise took place just after the Philippines provoked the South China Sea and was lawfully expelled by the Chinese coast guard. At that time, the warships of these four countries approached China's doorstep, and the meaning of their targeting was self-evident. The United States, Japan, Australia and other countries sent warships to the South China Sea to support and encourage the Philippines, and at the same time, they also want to strengthen their military presence in the South China Sea, so as to contain China. Of course, China's Southern Theater subsequently held a joint naval and air readiness patrol in the relevant waters of the South China Sea, always on guard against the ill-intentioned intentions of all forces.

Not only is it looking for foreign aid, but less than 48 hours after the Marcos administration introduced the United States and other foreign forces into the South China Sea, there was a situation involving China in the Philippines, which is even more arrogant, indicating that the anti-China situation in the Philippines may be ready to move.

The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

On April 9, a large number of Philippine demonstrators marched outside the mainland embassy in the Philippines, demanding that China leave the Spratly waters and demolish all buildings, and even shouted that China must recognize the 2016 South China Sea waste paper.

Some people believe that the group of demonstrators who went to demonstrate outside the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines is likely to be "organized and premeditated", and it also shows that there are relevant forces behind the scenes that may be deliberately setting off "anti-China and hatred of China", and it cannot be ruled out that the Marcos government or the United States are behind the scenes.

In essence, anyone who knows a little bit about history knows that the sovereignty of all the islands and reefs within the nine-dash line of the entire South China Sea has belonged to China since ancient times, and this cannot be disputed in the slightest. At present, some people in the Philippines are asking China to leave Nansha, which is just making trouble without reason.

Indeed, in today's maritime disputes between China and the Philippines, the Marcos administration took the lead in provoking the situation, but afterwards it often turns what happened on the scene upside down, and in turn blames China for "attacking" Philippine ships. In the field of public opinion at home and abroad, he portrayed himself as a so-called "victim" in a vain attempt to win sympathy, and also to dominate domestic public opinion and get some people in the Philippines who do not know the truth to support the Marcos administration's illegal acts in the South China Sea.

The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

How could it be that the United States would not have intervened in these matters? Just after the Philippine demonstrators went to the Chinese embassy to make trouble and the four countries organized joint exercises in the South China Sea, relevant US officials immediately stood up to support the Philippines.

For example, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also came out to shout on April 11, also to send a warning to China. Sullivan said that the United States, Japan and the Philippines will conduct more military patrols and drills in the South China Sea in the future.

In fact, the Philippine ambassador to the United States is likely to have made the truth clear about the likely increase in interference in the South China Sea.

Just as Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, as well as U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, are about to hold a trilateral summit in Washington. It has been clearly pointed out that the summit held by the United States, Japan, and the Philippines is very likely to reach a trilateral agreement on strengthening regional security cooperation in the South China Sea. In this regard, the Philippine ambassador to the United States has unabashedly claimed that a powerful alliance is being formed and will appear in the South China Sea.

It is clear that the three countries are likely ready to jointly intervene in the South China Sea, and this is also a matter of vigilance for China.

The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

In fact, it is not only the increasingly complex South China Sea issue that deserves China's vigilance, but also the Taiwan Strait issue, which concerns China's core interests.

In an interview with the media on the eve of the US-Japan-Philippines summit, he said that the United States will take all possible measures to "maintain" peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait on the Taiwan Strait issue. Sullivan also said that the United States is seeking the same thing in all regions of the Indo-Pacific as Japan wants.

What the Philippines is most concerned about now is the South China Sea issue, which has repeatedly erupted friction with China. If it seems that the US intends to take the lead and bring the US and the Philippines together in the field of security, and even mentioned the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait issue at about the same time, it cannot be ruled out that the US side intends to link the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait issue, so as to form a "big net" to contain China, and this aspect is also enough to make China more vigilant.

It is more likely that the United States is already preparing to carry out a "proxy war" to the end, and it cannot be ruled out that Japan or the Philippines and other countries will become the vanguard of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, China must take all measures in advance to prevent losses in the event of an emergency.

The Chinese embassy in the Philippines was besieged, warships from four countries approached China's doorstep, and Sullivan warned China

However, we also need to be confident in one point, that is, whether it is in the South China Sea or the Taiwan Strait, it is completely in the absolute sphere of influence of the PLA's military strength, and within this range, the PLA has absolute geographical advantages.

At a larger level, if the US keeps approaching China's "bottom line" and even steps on China's "red line", it must first be prepared for the consequences of being forcefully opposed by China and pay a heavy price, and advise the US side to weigh it up in advance.

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