
Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Love Chocolate

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Buying a house, for us ordinary people, is like a cabbage in the market or a gold bar in the mall, we want to find out. Housing prices are now dazzling, like a roller coaster ride.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

Should I buy a house in the past few years?

A data from January to February, when I looked at the number a little confused, the national average house price actually reached 9293 yuan / square meter. For us ordinary people, this price is like a star in the sky that can be looked at, and it is really a bit difficult to touch.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

Having said that, I have to tell you about the past and present life of this house price slowly. Let's start from the past, step by step to see how this house has changed from a haven of our lives to a prohibitive mountain of gold and silver.

In our land, the house has long been not only a place to live, it is a testimony of love, a harbor for marriage, and it is also linked to the education of children and the pension of the elderly. Brick by brick, carrying an infinite vision of a better life.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

At that time in 2023, the renter army has risen to 240 million people, some of whom really can't afford it, and some of whom are still waiting for better options. For them, the house is both a dream and a pressure.

Looking at the house-price-to-income ratio, this indicator can simply tell you how many years of salary it takes to buy a house. Internationally, "5" is a reasonable number, and the proportion in China is generally around 9.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

This means saving up for nine years without eating or drinking before you can buy a house. Among the first-tier cities, such as Shenzhen, this number is simply scary, and it takes 48.1 years to save up. It's sad to think about.

Just when everyone is shy away from housing prices, the wind in the market seems to have changed somewhat. The monster that used to only rise and not fall in housing prices has begun to loosen. Real estate companies began to discount promotions, like a sudden spring breeze in winter, so that those who feel that there is no hope of buying a house can see a glimmer of hope.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

But this hope is not the same for everyone. You have to know that those who just need to buy a house, their feelings are more complicated than anyone else. For them, buying a home can mean depleting all their savings and saddling them with a long mortgage.

Once house prices fall, the value of the home they worked so hard to buy will shrink. So the rise and fall of housing prices is not only a game of numbers for them, but also a kind of bet on the future.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

I remember that real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin once said, "Houses are for living, not for speculation." This is what he said at a forum to remind everyone that the ultimate value of a house depends on the properties of the residence.

Economist Ma Guangyuan also mentioned that the real estate market will eventually return to rationality, and the future trend of housing prices will be more affected by factors such as demographic structure, urbanization process and residents' income growth. Their words undoubtedly give a glimmer of hope to those who are expecting house prices to fall.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

There are also many people who worry that if house prices do fall sharply, will the assets of those who have already bought a house shrink?

In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, people's income level has also increased year by year, which is also an important reason why housing prices can continue to rise. But economic growth is limited, and not everyone's income growth can keep pace with house prices.

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

In this case, many people began to look forward to the intervention of the policy, hoping to achieve a reasonable decline in housing prices through regulation. In fact, the government is also actively taking measures, such as purchase restrictions, loan restrictions, price limits, etc., in an attempt to cool down the market. But it will take time to verify how effective these policies are.

The question now is what should people do about buying houses? Should they continue to wait for prices to fall further? Or should they seize the current opportunity to take advantage of the real estate promotion?

Ten years later, will the house be "cabbage price" or "gold price"? Wang Jianlin and Ma Guangyuan have the same opinion

It may be that in the future, with the continuous deepening of the country's regulation of the real estate market, the old difficulty of housing prices may show a downward trend in the future. Perhaps now is not a good time to buy a house, and you should be patient and wait for the "cabbage price".

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