
National Security Education Day for All The overall national security concept is the 10th anniversary of innovation and leadership

author:AXA SPDB Asset Management

The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's overall national security concept, and April 15 will usher in the ninth National Security Education Day.

This article will bring you popular science related to national security, improve citizens' national security awareness and literacy, strengthen the awareness of confidentiality, lay a solid foundation for national security, and build a solid security barrier for high-quality development.

National Security Education Day for All The overall national security concept is the 10th anniversary of innovation and leadership

The origin of the National Security Education Day

On July 1, 2015, the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress passed the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into force on the date of promulgation. Article 14 of the National Security Law stipulates that April 15 of each year shall be the National Security Education Day.

What is national security?

According to Article 2 of the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China, national security refers to the state of state power, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, people's well-being, sustainable economic and social development and other major national interests in a state that is relatively free from danger and internal and external threats, as well as the ability to ensure a state of sustained security.

In order to reflect the requirements of the overall national security concept, the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China clarifies the national security tasks in the fields of political security, homeland security, military security, economic security, cultural security, social security, scientific and technological security, information security, ecological security, resource security, and nuclear security.

National Security Education Day for All The overall national security concept is the 10th anniversary of innovation and leadership

What is counter-espionage?

The struggle against espionage is an important front for safeguarding national security interests and social and political stability. The Counter-espionage Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 1, 2014. The so-called espionage acts refer to the following acts:

(1) Activities endangering the national security of the People's Republic of China carried out by espionage organizations and their agents, or instigated or financed by others, or carried out by domestic or foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals in collusion with them;

(2) Participating in espionage organizations or accepting missions from espionage organizations and their agents, or taking refuge in espionage organizations and their agents;

(3) Stealing, espionage, buying, or illegally providing state secrets, intelligence, or other documents, data, materials, or items related to national security and interests, or instigating, enticing, coercing, or buying state functionaries to defect, by foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals other than espionage organizations and their agents;

(4) Espionage organizations and their agents carry out, or instigate or fund others to carry out, or domestic or foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals collude with them to carry out network attacks, intrusions, interference, control, sabotage, and other activities against state organs, units involved with secrets, or critical information infrastructure;

(5) to indicate the target of attack for the enemy;

(6) Conduct other espionage activities.

The Counter-Espionage Law also applies to espionage organizations and their agents that engage in espionage activities against a third country within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or by taking advantage of citizens, organizations, or other conditions of the People's Republic of China, endangering the national security of the People's Republic of China.

What activities that endanger national security should be guarded against?

(1) Some suspicious persons go to the internal investigation without approval to collect information on science and technology, economy, enterprises, etc. If you find that this situation cannot be provided at will, report it to the local public security organ or state security organ;

(2) Be vigilant against incitement and rumor-mongering by foreign radio, television, Internet and other media;

(3) Some foreign organizations and personnel often appear in the vicinity of China's military and secret units, taking advantage of the opportunity to steal secret intelligence and information. If you encounter any suspicious person, report it immediately;

(4) Some organizations and individuals with foreign backgrounds take advantage of some popular discontent to incite confrontation with the government. These situations should be reported immediately.

What are the rights and obligations of citizens to safeguard national security?

(1) Citizens' and organizations' acts of supporting and assisting national security efforts are protected by law. Where the personal safety of themselves or their close relatives is endangered as a result of supporting or assisting national security efforts, they may request protection from the public security organs or state security organs. Public security organs and state security organs shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, employ protective measures in accordance with law;

(2) Where citizens and organizations cause property losses due to supporting or assisting national security efforts, they shall be compensated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State;

(3) Citizens and organizations have the right to make criticisms and suggestions to state organs on national security work, and have the right to lodge complaints, accusations, and reports on violations of law and dereliction of duty by state organs and their staff in national security work;

(4) Citizens have the obligation to safeguard the security, honor and interests of the state, and shall not engage in acts that endanger the security, honor and interests of the state. All state organs and armed forces, political parties, people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and other social organizations have the obligation to prevent and stop acts of espionage and to safeguard national security;

(5) Citizens shall promptly report leads on activities endangering national security. Any citizen or organization discovering acts of espionage shall promptly report it to the state security organs;

(6) Citizens shall truthfully provide evidence of activities endangering national security that they are aware of. When state security organs investigate and learn about the conduct of espionage and collect relevant evidence, the relevant individuals and organizations shall truthfully provide it and must not refuse;

(7) Citizens shall provide facilitation or other assistance for national security efforts, and provide necessary support and assistance to state security organs, public security organs, and relevant military organs;

(8) Citizens shall keep state secrets known to them;

(9) No individual or organization shall engage in any act that endangers national security, and shall not provide any funding or assistance to individuals or organizations that endanger national security.

"12339" is the telephone number of state security organs to accept reports from citizens and organizations.

How to maintain national security?

(1) Documents, materials and other items that are state secrets shall be promptly sent to the relevant organs, units or secrecy departments;

(2) Where it is discovered that someone is buying or selling documents, materials, or other items that are state secrets, it shall promptly report to the secrecy work department, state security organs, or public security organs for handling;

(3) If someone discovers that someone has stolen or snatched documents, materials and other items that are state secrets, they have the right to stop them and shall immediately report to them;

(4) Where clues are discovered that leak or may leak state secrets, they shall promptly report them to the state security organs.

In addition, it is necessary to do the "eight no's" in daily life:

(1) Do not take random photos. Do not take photos without permission in military bases, military ports and other places, let alone share photos of troop training, weapons and equipment, military uniforms and other photos in the circle of friends;

(2) The convoy is not arbitrarily plugged in. When driving out, when encountering a convoy of military vehicles, do not intersperse the convoy, let alone follow and shoot;

(3) Work is not done blindly. Do not engage in acts that may leak state secrets at work, such as providing internal information that has not yet been made public by secret-related units, or taking photos of the military for profit by taking photos of the military during work;

(4) The internal and external networks of the computer are not mixed. Do not use wireless network cards, wireless mice, wireless keyboards and other wireless devices and storage media of external units on the dedicated computer of the internal network, and remember to update the anti-virus software in time;

(5) The suitcase is not packed indiscriminately. Do not carry fruits and vegetables from abroad in your suitcase, do not bring back foreign soil, do not bring back animal specimens, etc. Because these may pose a threat to the ecological security of the country;

(6) We do not buy and sell things casually. Do not illegally buy or sell satellite data receiving cards, wireless camera pens, real-time video wireless monitors, GPS tracking locators, keychain cameras and other special espionage equipment;

(7) Information shall not be transmitted illegally. Do not participate in the publication and dissemination of illegal political publications, and do not use e-mail, electronic forums and other online communication channels to beautify Western society and slander the image of the mainland;

(8) Do not conceal suspicious clues when found. Any organization or individual discovering situations or leads endangering national security may call the "12339" reporting hotline of the state security organs to make a report.

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