
Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

author:Kaigen Sentiment Company
Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

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Jin Xing interviewed Guo Degang and was quite curious about the unique lifestyle of the leader of Deyun Club.

Guo Degang explained proudly: "Insisting on the habit of not eating geese is the first of my four no-eats, because geese are always inseparable, and if one of them dies, the other will spend the rest of his life alone.

Jin Xing couldn't understand the deep meaning of these words for a while, so he could only widen his eyes and look at the famous master of Deyun Society in front of him with a face full of surprise. However, she still vaguely heard some different cultural heritage and philosophical wisdom from Guo Degang's words.

The unique response of the leader of Deyun Club made Jin Xing think more deeply about his attitude towards life and values. It turns out that Guo Degang is not only prosperous in his career, but also has his own unique persistence and pursuit in lifestyle.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

This practice of placing animal emotions in life beliefs undoubtedly reflects his unique personality charm and profound cultural connotation.

In short, this interview gave Jin Xing a new understanding and cognition of this master of Deyun Society. She found that Guo Degang is not only an excellent cross talk actor, but also an artist full of philosophical wisdom and noble sentiments.

The leader of Deyun Club is indeed a rare representative of art.

At a certain performance site, Guo Degang couldn't keep out the cold because of the hot environment, and his whole body was sweating and his mouth was dry. Out of concern, his apprentices suggested going backstage to buy a cooling drink to quench his master's thirst.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

But when the apprentices came back with their drinks, they found that the famous master of Deyun Club couldn't even pinch out a dollar. In desperation, they could only urgently go backstage and ask Guo Degang's wife for help, asking her to help raise enough money to buy drinks.

This little episode suddenly made Guo Degang's apprentices laugh, and they joked and ridiculed him: "It turns out that our excellent cross talk performance artist can't even take out a single yuan when he needs to spend urgently."

Although this incident sounds quite witty, it profoundly explains the economic dilemma of this master of Deyun Society. It is really amazing that an artist whose career is in full swing is overstretched in terms of necessary consumption.

It turned out that Mr. Guo Degang was extremely frugal in his daily life, rarely retained his wealth, and most of it was transferred to his wife. But even so, in the face of some small expenses, he still needs to rely on the help of his apprentice and wife.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

This kind of scene of "celebrities are also poor" undoubtedly surprised Guo Degang's followers. They never imagined that this notorious star in the art world would not even be able to come up with a little pocket money.

This can't help but arouse everyone's curiosity and ridicule.

But even in the face of such episodes, Mr. Guo Degang also showed his unique philosophy of life. He prefers to be frugal rather than live a life of luxury, and this restraint of material desires undoubtedly reflects his noble character as an artist.

As an irreplaceable core member of Deyun Club, Guo Degang has some special taboos that are different in life. He has four foods that he will never touch, the first of which is beef.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

Secondly, Guo Degang also hates eating mullet. He said that when the mullet goes through the pain of reproduction, it will gradually lose its eyesight, unable to hunt and eat, and will be on the verge of being crushed by hunger and thirst.

However, their children seem to have great courage and determination, and in order to save their mother's body, they resolutely send themselves into their mother's mouth as nourishment.

This selfless spirit of gratitude really moved Guo Degang, so that he couldn't eat these cute and touching little fish. He believes that this undoubtedly contains a profound philosophy of life, which is worthy of his apprentices.

Guo Degang's third taboo food is wild geese. He said that the geese have a deep relationship with each other, and if one of them dies, the other will spend the rest of his life alone.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

This poignant and tactful fate made him feel pity, and he couldn't really taste the meat of the wild goose.

It can be said that behind these forbidden foods of Mr. Guo Degang, there is his unique cultural cognition and philosophical wisdom. He not only pays attention to the feelings of animals, but also tries to learn life lessons from them and convey them to his disciples.

This undoubtedly reflects his noble character as an artist.

Mr. Guo Degang used these stories of forbidden foods to convey some profound meanings and life philosophies to his disciples.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

For example, his taboo on mullet has an important life warning behind it. He hoped that his disciples could draw nourishment from the story of the mullet, understand that they must know how to repay kindness, and remember not to betray their master like the traitor Cao Yunjin, otherwise what awaits them in the end may only be a tragic fate like a mullet devoured by hunger and thirst.

And the reason why he resolutely did not eat beef and dog meat was to express his love to his disciples. He hoped that they would be like loyal puppies, and they would do their best to Deyun Club and live up to their teacher's kindness.

At the same time, he also hopes that his disciples can cherish everything they are now, work hard like an old cow who has worked silently all their lives, and live up to the value of life.

It can be said that these unique taboos of Mr. Guo Degang undoubtedly contain his deep concern and expectations for his disciples. He not only wants to teach them exquisite cross talk skills, but also wants to guide them to establish correct life values and become a model for Deyun Club and even the whole society.

Guo Degang has four things not to eat: he doesn't eat beef, because he is good, and the old cow has worked on the plough all his life

This master of Deyun Society hopes to convey the correct philosophy of life to his disciples through these vivid and interesting animal stories. He wanted to tell them that even if they faced great temptations, they should maintain high moral character and be loyal to their cause and their teachers. At the same time, we must know how to cherish the present, pay diligently, and live up to the meaning of life.

It can be said that Mr. Guo Degang's taboos on these four foods undoubtedly contain his deep feelings for his artistic career and his disciples. He is not only an excellent cross talk actor, but also a wise and caring life coach.

He hopes that through his words and deeds, he will infect and teach his disciples, so that they can grow into role models for Deyun Club and even the whole society.

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