
It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

author:The cloud cub who got rich
It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying


A school in Houma, Linfen, Shanxi Province launched the "Student Nutritional Milk Program".

It aims to encourage parents to order nutritious milk for their children to enhance students' physique.


Video source: @MangoCity

Narrative of events

Despite the school's statement that participation in this program is voluntary, on April 7,

A class teacher posted a video of students drinking milk between classes in the class group.

This behavior has caused dissatisfaction among some parents.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

Parents are dissatisfied mainly because of concerns about the possible psychological impact on their children.

One parent expressed concern that if other children had ordered nutritious milk and her own child had not,

Then your own child may feel embarrassed and ostracized when watching other children drink milk between classes.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

The school does not allow students to bring milk from home to school, further exacerbating parents' concerns.

How can schools promote healthy eating while taking into account the feelings of all students and the different circumstances of their families.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

Hot comments from netizens

Netizen 1: Have you ever heard of chocolate-flavored pineapple-flavored banana-flavored school milk? It's not a matter of money!

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

I drank it when I was a kid and it was really bad

Netizen 2: These flavors were drunk for free a few times when we were studying.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

It's better to buy milk at home

Netizen 3: Actually, you can order milk, but the school's milk should be good, you have to buy real pure milk, not whole drink milk

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Netizen 4: Can I cancel the milk order, I feel that it is completely unnecessary, and the order is also ordinary or even miscellaneous, but if you don't give it to the child, I am afraid that the child will be embarrassed or excluded

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

It is strongly recommended to cancel the fixed milk, and those who are willing to bring their own, the school that milk.

Netizen 5: Maybe you can put the milk in your schoolbag and take it to school, and it would be good to take it out and drink it together when the students drink the milk

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Netizen 6: Then let him go out and stand?

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

What might have been the original intention of the homeroom teacher in posting the video of students drinking milk between classes?

The class teacher may have had good intentions and wanted to show the positive impact of the nutritious milk programme through a video.

Encourage more parents to participate in order to improve students' nutritional intake.

However, this approach does not fully take into account the feelings of all students.

Especially those students who are not enrolled in the program.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

How can schools and teachers balance the promotion of healthy eating with the care of students' mental health?

Schools and teachers should adopt a more nuanced and inclusive approach while promoting healthy eating.

Avoid creating a sense of difference between students.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

For example, nutrition can be disseminated through group activities or classes,

And not by emphasizing the choices of individual students.

At the same time, students should be allowed more options, such as being allowed to bring nutritious drinks from home.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

How can parents and schools work together to promote the healthy development of students?

A: Parents and schools should strengthen communication to discuss and implement the most beneficial health promotion measures for students.

Parents can provide insights into their child's health and nutritional needs,

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

Schools can provide professional nutrition guidance and health education.

The two sides should work together to create a system that meets the nutritional needs of students,

It can also take care of the mental health of students.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources


This incident reminds us that when promoting healthy eating programs for students,

Schools and teachers need to take a more thoughtful and inclusive approach,

Avoid creating unnecessary psychological stress or a sense of difference among students.

It's a big fuss, and the parents questioned the head teacher for sending a video of the students drinking milk between classes, and the comment area is frying

Web sources

At the same time, parents' concerns and suggestions should also be fully considered and respected.

Through home-school cooperation, we work together to promote the healthy growth of students.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions on this? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

#评论区##网友##学生奶##学生奶, have you ordered it for your child#


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