
Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!


The art of getting back together

That decision in 2006 may seem ridiculous to many, as divorce usually marks the end of a relationship. However, for Venus and Hans, this is just a small episode in their love run. Imagine that the two decide to give up their legal relationship as husband and wife for the sake of a settlement problem, but in their hearts, they are still each other's indispensable partners.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

This is not only a flexible application of the law, but also a deep understanding of responsibility and love. Their lives have not changed much because of the divorce certificate, they are still close to each other, raising children together, and facing the ups and downs of life together.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

Witness to the long-distance run of love

Eighteen years later, when they walked into the Civil Affairs Bureau hand in hand again, it was not only a review of the past years, but also a promise for the future. In these eighteen years, they have witnessed each other's growth and taken on every responsibility that life has to offer.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

Renewing the promise of marriage on this special day is undoubtedly the best proof of their feelings. Some people say that marriage is the grave of love, but for Venus and Hans, marriage is a re-sublimation of their love, a reaffirmation of their commitment to each other.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

The double joy of birthday and remarriage

For them, Hans's birthday is more than just a celebration of age. On this day, they chose to get their relationship back on track, and this decision gave more meaning to this special day. On the one hand, it is a celebration of Hans personally, and on the other hand, a celebration of their feelings. In this way, they make each of Hans's birthdays extraordinary and an indelible part of their shared memories.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

Funny comments and support from netizens

When this news was announced on the Internet, it attracted the attention of countless netizens. Some netizens ridiculed: "Is the remarriage after eighteen years because you can't find a more suitable person?" and some netizens sighed: "This is true love, never give up, and witness the years." ”

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

But more than that, it is the support and respect for Venus regardless of her status as a man or woman, believing that she always faces every challenge in life with a positive attitude, and this courage and determination is worth learning from everyone. The comments of netizens were full of humor and warmth, sending the most sincere wishes to the couple.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

Summary: There is no template for love

If there's one thing this story has taught us, it's that there is no set template for love and marriage. Every couple's emotional journey is unique, and it's important to find a way to get along with each other.

Divorce is a household registration, and remarriage is a hot search - Venus's alternative love strategy!

The story of Venus and Hans teaches us that even in the face of social incomprehension and the difficulties of life, as long as both parties stick to their beliefs, any form of love can blossom and bear fruit. In this seemingly controversial ending, we see the deepest understanding and respect for love. Let's send our best wishes to Venus and Hans, and applaud all those who are brave enough to love.

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