
The class reunion paid 500, and I was so angry that I knew the truth, and I left the venue angrily before I finished eating

author:Comfort Petrel

The class reunion paid 500, and I was so angry that I knew the truth, and I left the scene angrily before I finished eating

In the journey of life, we will always encounter all kinds of people and things. Sometimes, seemingly ordinary experiences can make waves in our hearts. Today, I'm going to tell you a story about a class reunion. The protagonist of the story, Li Ming, left the scene angrily after learning the truth behind the party. This story makes us think: how do we choose between money and friendship?

My name is Li Ming, I am 35 years old, and I am a department manager in a medium-sized company. Life is quite passable, the family is harmonious, and the work is smooth. A few days ago, I received a WeChat message from my friend Xiao Zhang from college, inviting me to attend next week's class reunion. When I saw this news, I couldn't help but feel emotional, thinking of those youthful years.

The meeting was held at a high-end restaurant in the city, and it is said that Xiao Zhang specially arranged it. I thought to myself, I haven't seen each other for so many years, and it's not easy for everyone, so we must get together. So, I prepared in advance and even deliberately chose a decent suit.

On the appointed day, I came to the restaurant early. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a few familiar faces, and everyone was a little changed, but their eyes still revealed the youth and enthusiasm of the past. We hugged and greeted each other as if we had gone back to our college days.

The class reunion paid 500, and I was so angry that I knew the truth, and I left the venue angrily before I finished eating

During the dinner, everyone talked about their recent situation, some people have become entrepreneurs, some people have become government officials, and some people like me have mixed well in the company. Just when the atmosphere was getting better, Xiao Zhang stood up, cleared his throat and said, "It's really not easy to invite everyone today, and I specially contacted many people for this party." However, there is one thing I want to tell you. ”

We all looked at Xiao Zhang curiously, not knowing what he was going to say. I saw him take out a ledger, turn to a certain page, and then say: "The expenses of this party are relatively large, including restaurants, drinks, venues and other expenses, and a total of 5,000 yuan was spent." I did the math, and the people who came would share 500 yuan each. Please give me the money. ”

As soon as his words fell, the audience fell silent. I felt embarrassed and thought to myself: Isn't this an obvious request for money? And it was so disappointing to bring it up in such a pleasant atmosphere. I looked at the others, and their expressions were a little unnatural.

The class reunion paid 500, and I was so angry that I knew the truth, and I left the venue angrily before I finished eating

At this time, a classmate stood up and said, "Xiao Zhang, everyone is a classmate, it's hard to get together once, isn't it inappropriate for you to mention this money?" and other students also agreed, feeling that it was really not right to do so.

Xiao Zhang seemed a little embarrassed, he explained: "Actually, I don't want to do this, but the cost of this party is really large, and I can't do it." And, too, for the sake of fairness, after all, everyone enjoyed the party. ”

As I listened to his words, I felt more and more uncomfortable. I don't think it's a question of money, it's a matter of principles and attitudes. I think Xiao Zhang's doing this not only ruined the atmosphere of the party, but also made the relationship between our old classmates become angry.

So, I stood up and said, "Xiao Zhang, I understand your difficulties, but I can't pay this money." I feel like our friendship isn't measured in money. And, if you feel like the party is too expensive, you can choose a more affordable place. I think it's a responsibility to my old classmates. ”

The class reunion paid 500, and I was so angry that I knew the truth, and I left the venue angrily before I finished eating

After saying these words, I felt a sense of relief. I feel like I made the right choice, and although it may offend some people, I think it's worth it. I looked at the others and saw that several of my classmates were nodding their heads in agreement.

At this moment, a classmate stood up and said, "Li Ming is right, our friendship is not measured by money. I won't pay this money either. Then, a few more students stood up in support. In the end, only Xiao Zhang and a few hesitant classmates remained.

Xiao Zhang looked at us, sighed and said, "Okay, since everyone thinks so, then forget about the money." However, I hope that this incident will not affect our relationship. ”

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, we won't blame you for this." I just hope that when organizing activities in the future, I can consider everyone's feelings more. ”

And just like that, the party ended in an awkward atmosphere. I didn't wait for the meal to finish and left the venue, I felt that this place had lost the warmth and joy it had been. When I walked out of the restaurant, I felt a little sad, but at the same time I felt a sense of relief. I feel like I made the right choice, at least I didn't go against my principles and conscience.

On the way home, I kept thinking about it. I feel that money is indeed a sensitive subject, especially when dealing with relationships. However, I feel that we can't forget about the more important things like friendship, affection, and responsibility because of money. I hope that in the days to come, we will be able to cherish each other's feelings more and not ruin our friendship because of some small things!

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