
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

author:Kilimanjaro's little snowman

Last night, the 86-year-old famous master of Chinese culture and calligraphy and painting Fan Zeng announced his remarriage on social media in a high-profile manner, and the bride was Xu Meng, a beauty in her 50s from Xiao Fan Zeng.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Fan Zeng was sincere about his third wife

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

I am very sad about the death of my beloved wife

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Affectionate and righteous


The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Xu Mo

In the picture, the newlywed wife Xu Meng is draped in jet-black hair, wearing a delicate Van Cleef & Arpels necklace, tied with a silk scarf, with beautiful facial features, proud figure, sweet and pure, fair skin, and looks like a college student.

I saw her like a little fan girl, a little bird standing quietly on one side and concentrating on Master Fan Zeng's painting, forming an obvious visual impact with the white-haired Fan Zeng. As soon as this grandfather and grandson relationship was announced, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

As soon as Fan Zeng's official announcement news came out, his newlywed wife Xu Meng quickly became a hot search, and netizens mostly praised Xu Meng's appearance, praising her for her youth, beauty, temperament and figure.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Some netizens expressed their envy for Master Fan Zeng and believed that they had met true love.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Some netizens also expressed envy for this marriage, thinking that Fan Zeng can marry a beautiful woman who is 50 years younger at the age of 86, and he is really charming.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

However, some netizens said that in order to pursue art and stimulate inspiration, artists are not optimistic about the marriage of grandchildren and grandchildren, and are worried about affecting young people's values and views on marriage and love.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

However, some netizens generously accepted this, they believe that both parties are single, and the relationship is a personal private matter, and there is no need to make a fuss about what you love and I want.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times
The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

86岁‬的‬范曾‬可以‬梅开‬四度‬与‬他‬个人‬的非凡‬魅力分不开‬,范曾‬表示‬为了‬他的艺术‬长青‬,他‬需要‬活力‬激发‬创作‬灵感‬。 书画‬大师‬范曾‬作画‬一笔‬不改‬,一气呵成‬。

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

His works not only have profound traditional cultural heritage, but also have distinctive characteristics of the times, and are known as "representatives of neoclassicism." His calligraphy and painting attainments have reached their peak, although they have an enviable amount of wealth.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Romantic and amorous by nature, the versatile Fan has had four loves.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Fan was painting

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Master Fan Zeng is painting

第一任妻子叫林岫, 显现‬为‬中国‬书法家‬协会‬副主席‬,有人‬说‬她的‬书法‬造诣‬可能‬在‬范曾‬之上‬。 名气‬却‬远‬不如‬范曾‬。

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

First wife

Lin Xiu was his first love, and the two fell in love at first sight, Fan Zeng attached great importance to this relationship, but due to the incompatibility of their personalities, they finally parted ways after five years of love. The unfortunate ending of Fan Zeng and Lin Xiu's marriage left deep pain on both parties.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

The first wife, Lin Xiu, was calligraphy

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Lin Xiu's calligraphy and painting



The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

The second wife, Bian Baohua, painted works

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Bian Baohua calligraphy

两人‬是‬患难‬夫妻‬,边保华陪伴范曾度过了艰难困苦的岁月,在20世纪80年代,范曾以边保华为素材创作了不少作品。 Bian Baohua also gave birth to a daughter for Fan Zeng, and Fan Zeng's only child, the only daughter Fan Xiaohui.

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Fan Zeng has a family of three

The third wife, Nan Li, was formerly known as Zhang Guiyun. 两人‬当时‬都有‬家庭‬,风流浪漫‬的‬范曾‬,在一眼见到张桂云时,也是小鹿乱撞,怦然心动。

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

The third wife, Nanli

范曾描述到‬:我第一次见到楠莉,那清澈如潭的双眸,便是我全部生命的归宿。 范曾‬宁可‬身败名裂‬也要‬娶‬楠‬莉‬。

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

尽管‬遭到‬了很多‬人‬的‬质疑‬,很多‬人‬的诋毁‬,范曾‬对‬楠‬莉‬始终‬爱护‬有加‬。 范曾在‬声明‬中写‬道‬:“我既爱江山,也爱美人,我愿与相爱二十年的楠莉,共赴天涯。 "Until the days of my gray hair, I will announce to the world that Nanli, my eternal, true love. ”

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times


The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Nan Li died, and Fan was in great pain for a while

还好‬得到了‬徐萌女士‬的‬悉心照顾料‬,身体‬得‬以‬全面‬康复。 如今,范曾决定‬与‬徐萌女士‬喜结连理,一起‬携手‬前行‬共度晚年。 两人‬不惧‬外界对这段婚姻的看法‬和眼光‬,坚持‬活在‬当下,勇敢‬追求‬自己的幸福‬。 祝福‬他们新婚‬快乐,永‬结‬同心!

The four wives are all excellent, and the 86-year-old calligraphy and painting master Fan Zeng has married a 36-year-old beauty four times

Fan Zeng and his beloved daughter Fan Xiaohui

What do you think of the marriage of grandchildren?

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The above story is purely fictional and any similarities are purely coincidental.

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