
Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

author:Ai listens to the movie commentary

Title: World War is coming! What should we do as ordinary people?


Hey, comrades, have you ever thought about what ordinary people should do if the Third World War unfortunately affects our motherland, China? This is a big problem! Don't worry, I want to give you some advice to help you save yourself and protect yourself and your loved ones in such a disaster.

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

Step 1: Stay calm and get the information

When the flames of war start to burn, the most important thing is to stay calm. It is necessary to keep abreast of the situation of the war, the news released by the government, and the movements of the enemy. Listen to the radio, watch the news on TV, look up information on the Internet, and get the latest news through various channels. In this way, we can make the right decisions and ensure the safety of our lives.

Step 2: Develop a safe evacuation plan

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

Brothers and sisters, you must make a safe evacuation plan! Choose a place far away from the war zone, with few targets, and avoid the congested city traffic. In the event of an emergency, public transport may be paralyzed, so we need to think of a backup plan in advance. Figure out how to get to safety, including alternative escape routes and emergency shelters.

Step 3: Stick together and help each other

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

Brothers and sisters, we can only survive by uniting in times of adversity! Organize and stay in touch with neighbors, friends, and loved ones, share information and resources with each other, and support each other. By forming a small community mutual aid network, we will be able to resist any difficulties! The collective strength is invincible!

Step 4: Prepare enough dry food and necessities

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

In times of war, supplies can be cut off. So it's important to stock up on dry food and necessities in advance in case of a possible prolonged lockdown or power outage. Food, water, and medical supplies are the most basic needs, make sure you have enough stockpiles, and keep them updated regularly.

Step 5: Learn some self-defense skills

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?

When war rages, all sorts of dangerous situations arise. It's important to learn basic self-defense skills, such as fire fighting, first aid, self-defense, etc., to help us protect ourselves and others. Take some training courses to increase your emergency response skills, and you can also keep in touch with professionals and get guidance on emergency situations.

Documentary: If World War III breaks out and it spreads to China, what will ordinary people do?


Comrades, the threat of world war is real, but we have the ability to be prepared and survive this difficult period. No matter how difficult the moment, stay calm, brave and united. Remember, we're not alone, we're all in this together. By having intelligence, planning for a safe evacuation, coming together, stocking up on dry food and necessities, and learning self-defense skills, we can find hope and strength in the most difficult of times. Let's unite closely to get through this difficult time together and look forward to a better future!

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