
As soon as you hear a cough, you have to stop coughing, this is "harming" your child! How many parents use this method?

author:Ye Donglan

As soon as you hear your child cough, you have to stop coughing?

Children's bronchial mucosa is delicate, and the ability to resist external bacterial infections is poor, and it is easy to develop respiratory tract inflammation and cough.

As soon as you hear a cough, you have to stop coughing, this is "harming" your child! How many parents use this method?

In medicine, cough is a common symptom of the respiratory tract in children, but it is not the source of the disease.


Do it correctly at the beginning of coughing

Coughing is a protective reflex of the human body, and bacteria and sputum in the respiratory tract can be excreted from the body through coughing, which plays a role in cleaning and keeping the respiratory tract open.

If you see a cough and use medication to suppress it, it is actually inappropriate. If the cough is suppressed but not expectorant, although the cough is suspended, the sputum does not decrease, but it provides a respite for the pathogen, or it may cause new infection, or even evolve into pneumonia. In addition, frequent drug use may cause drug resistance in children, and not all cough medicines are suitable for young children.

Therefore, usually, when the child's cough symptoms are mild, drink more hot water, clean the nasal cavity, drink honey water and other ways to dissolve phlegm and relieve cough.

As soon as you hear a cough, you have to stop coughing, this is "harming" your child! How many parents use this method?


Be careful with these coughs

If it is a cough caused by influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc., and it is accompanied by repeated high fever, barking cough, wheezing, chest pain, blood in sputum, dyspnea, rapid respiratory rate, abnormal increase in heart rate, pale or bruised lips, frequent cough affecting rest, poor mental appetite, vomiting or significant decrease in urine output, etc., it is necessary to pay special attention and seek medical attention in time.

Compared with Western medicine, which may lead to recurrent cough attacks, Chinese medicine focuses on treating the symptoms and the root cause to avoid the development of drug resistance in the human body.

Director Ye believes that the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine follows the ancient adage that "the spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lungs are the storage of phlegm", and the spleen and lungs are regulated.

As soon as you hear a cough, you have to stop coughing, this is "harming" your child! How many parents use this method?

If the cough in children is accompanied by red throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose, it is a sign of wind and heat attacking the lungs; the pharynx is slightly red, the nasal congestion is heavy, and the mucus is like water, it is a sign of wind and cold binding the lungs; the pharynx is red and red, and the laryngeal nucleus is swollen or there are pus spots, indicating that the lungs and stomach are hot, and the hot meridians are inflamed; the pharynx is dark red, and the laryngeal nucleus is swollen and nodules are seen, indicating that the heat has been in the lungs for a long time; the pharynx is red, and the runny nose or yellow secretions are seen on the back wall of the pharynx, which is the condition that the lungs rush to the brain through damp heat, bile and heat, or the fire of the veins.

Therefore, the treatment of cough should be based on different symptoms, and different prescriptions should be used. Children have different constitutions, and even if the symptoms are the same, the prescription must be different from person to person in order to provide targeted treatment and cure the patient.