
Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

author:Happy Nutrition Elf

The corridors of the hospital are crowded with people, as if you are in the middle of a bustling market. Registration, waiting, examination...... Every link is accompanied by a long wait, and people can't help but sigh: when did the hospital become so crowded and the number of patients was like a tide?

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

Perhaps, you came here for a few routine check-ups only to find yourself having to spend an entire day navigating the process.

Inevitably, the question arises: why does the number of patients seem to be increasing today, and is it really because people's health is generally deteriorating?

A recent report in the People's Daily revealed the worries of Professor Hua Baojin of Guang'anmen Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

As a well-known expert in the field of oncology treatment, Professor Hua is busy with traffic every day, and there is an endless stream of patients who come to seek medical treatment. However, in the face of such a "grand occasion", Professor Hua could not hide the uneasiness in his heart.

He admitted that he has been practicing medicine for decades and has always tried his best to treat patients, but seeing that the number of patients has increased instead of decreasing, this phenomenon of "more and more treatments" has made him deeply frustrated, and even began to doubt his own path to medicine.

Professor Hua is a perceptive healer who is keenly aware of the deeper problems hidden behind this superficial "prosperity".

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

For doctors, the increase in patients may be an affirmation of their medical skills and reputation, but from a broader perspective, this phenomenon exposes a possible misunderstanding in the development of medicine - focusing too much on treatment and ignoring prevention.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering


Today, with the continuous progress of medical technology, people may wonder why the number of patients is increasing instead of decreasing? Behind this phenomenon, there are both positive and negative factors.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

With the rise in health awareness, there is an increasing emphasis on prevention and early treatment. Advances in medicine have made it possible to diagnose diseases earlier and more accurately, for example through advanced testing techniques that can detect signs of disease before patients develop symptoms.

As a result, the seemingly increased number of patients receiving treatment in the healthcare system actually reflects a deeper concern for health and attitudes towards earlier intervention.

However, another reason for the increase in the number of patients may be related to the deterioration of modern lifestyles and the environment.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

Food contamination, environmental contamination and other problems are becoming more and more serious, exposing people to various potential health risks.

Poor lifestyle habits, such as unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, are also contributing factors to the disease.

These factors make people more susceptible to various chronic diseases and lifestyle-related diseases, thereby increasing the need for medical treatment.

As a result, the increase in the number of patients in the healthcare system reflects both advances in medical technology and increased health awareness, as well as the threat to health posed by modern lifestyles and the environment.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

To meet this challenge, in addition to continuing to promote the development of medical science and technology and strengthening health education, it is also necessary to take comprehensive measures to improve the quality of the environment, promote healthy lifestyles, fundamentally reduce the occurrence of diseases, and achieve the goal of universal health.


Over-treatment and over-examination have become a prominent problem in the healthcare system. Ineffective medical treatment not only wastes medical resources, but also can cause unnecessary harm to patients.

There are two main reasons for the existence of excessive medical treatment.

01 The limitations of medical development have led doctors to tend to take an overly cautious approach in the face of uncertain conditions, conducting redundant examinations and treatments to ensure that they are not missed or misdiagnosed.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

02 The profit-seeking behavior of the medical industry is also one of the important factors leading to excessive medical treatment, and some medical institutions or doctors may over-carry out examinations and treatments for financial interests in order to obtain more income.

Excessive medical treatment not only exists in the diagnosis and treatment process, but also includes the irrational use of drugs and consumables, frequent and repeated examinations, etc.

These actions not only increase the burden of medical costs, but can also have a negative impact on the patient's health, such as medication side effects, radiation damage during the examination, etc.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem of excessive medical treatment, a series of measures need to be taken.

01Medical institutions and doctors should strengthen the scientific and rational clinical decision-making and avoid unnecessary examinations and treatments.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

02 The medical industry should establish a sound incentive mechanism, advocate a patient-centered medical concept, and avoid excessive medical behavior caused by economic interests.

03Strengthen the education of doctors and patients, improve their awareness of excessive medical treatment and prevention awareness, jointly promote the rational use of medical resources, and ensure the health and safety of patients.


In the Healthy China Initiative, prevention is emphasized as the main strategy. The experts have summarized six concise and practical tips for disease prevention, providing effective health guidance for the public.

01 Stick to the eating habit of many years - "eat grass first".

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

We eat more fresh vegetables because they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which help promote digestive health and reduce the likelihood of diseases.

02 Many health problems are caused by not sleeping well.

Adequate sleep is an important factor in maintaining good health, and lack of sleep can increase the risk of disease, so good sleep habits should be emphasized.

03 should pay attention to weight!

Weight control should not wait until you gain weight, but should be prepared early. Proper weight is essential for overall health, so it's important to keep your diet in mind and avoid overeating foods that are high in calories, fat, and salt.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

04 I can't spare time to exercise, and I make time to get sick in the morning and evening.

Exercise is one of the effective ways to maintain good health, and exercise should be incorporated into your daily life, whether it is in the morning or evening, you should make time for moderate exercise.

05Drink water once every half an hour.

Adequate drinking water can help maintain the water balance in the body, thin the blood, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Especially for the elderly, it is important to pay attention to proper hydration and maintain a good water intake.

Why are more and more patients treated? The former vice minister of health summed up six golden tips for disease prevention, which are worth considering

06 Less indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

Overuse of antibiotics can lead to the development of drug resistance, affect the effectiveness of treatment, and may cause damage to the human microbiome.

Therefore, after getting sick, one should follow the doctor's instructions, do not use antibiotics blindly, and give the immune system enough time to recover on its own.

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